Courses of Instruction
School of Music (MUSC)
MUSC 110 Freshman Forum (1, FaSp) Introduction to issues and skills relevant to the professional musical world of today. Open only to music majors. Graded CR/NC.
MUSC 255 Songwriting I (2, FaSp) Development of musical and lyrical skills, composing, listening, analysis, and critiques of popular original music.
MUSC 310 Computer Recording for the Performing Musician (2, FaSp) Fundamentals of computer music production for music students. Recording and editing multitrack digital audio using computer software. Open to music majors only, with the exception of majors in music industry.
MUSC 311 MIDI Techniques for the Performing Musician (2, Sp) Techniques of sequencing and recording musical compositions via MIDI on personal computers. Includes study of hardware, software, processes, functions, editing and orchestration techniques. Not open to music industry majors.
MUSC 355 Songwriting II (2, FaSp) Continuation of Songwriting I; particular emphasis on the analysis of the techniques of important popular songwriters and the application of these techniques to original songs. (Duplicates credit in former MUCO 252.) Prerequisite: MUSC 255.
MUSC 400m The Broadway Musical: Reflection of American Diversity, Issues, and Experiences (4, FaSpSm) Selected Broadway musicals serve as a catalyst for inquiry into human diversity, cross-culturalism, and significant social and political issues.
MUSC 420m Hip-Hop Music and Culture (4) A history of hip-hop music from its inception to the present: its musical processes and styles, as well as attendant social, political, and cultural issues.
MUSC 422 The Beatles: Their Music and Their Times (4) Music, lyrics, recordings, production techniques, career strategy, social ramifications, and especially the technological impact of the musical group known as The Beatles.
MUSC 423 Classic Rock: Popular Music of the Sixties and Seventies (2) Critical examination of the lyrics, structure, associated mythology, technology, and evolving styles of popular music reflecting the turbulent societal changes during the Sixties and Seventies.
MUSC 430m Music and the Holocaust (4, FaSp) Study of the creation and performance of Holocaust-related music from 1933 to the present, including interaction with other arts.
MUSC 444 American Roots Music: History and Culture (4, Irregular) The history, genre, styles, songs, lyrics, and influences of American vernacular music in the 20th century, including the background that spawned these musical genres.
MUSC 450m The Music of Black Americans (4, FaSp) The musical contribution of Africans and African Americans to American society. Musical genres and the relationship between music and society will be topics for examination.
MUSC 455 Songwriting III: The Performing Songwriter (2) Continuation of Songwriting I and II with emphasis on the development of performance skills of original popular music in preparation for songwriting showcases. (Duplicates credit in former MUCO 254.) Prerequisite: MUSC 355.
MUSC 460 Film Music: History and Function from 1930 to the Present (4, Fa) A survey of the art and craft of film music as practiced by outstanding composers in motion pictures.
MUSC 465 Music, Television and American Culture (4, Sp) An exploration of the social and cultural impact of music written for, popularized by, or exploited by American television from the 1950s through today.
MUSC 470 Contemporary Popular Music: A Global Perspective (2, Sm) Contemporary popular music in global culture; includes performance and collaboration opportunities with local musicians.
MUSC 496 Careers in Music (2, Sp) A study of the practical aspects of the music business, including the history, procedures, standard practices, economics and technologies employed by the music industry. Open to juniors and seniors only.
MUSC 498x Internship in Music (1-4, max 8, FaSpSm) Practical work experience in the student’s field of study, at an off-campus location. Students are individually supervised by faculty. Open only to Bachelor of Music and Bachelor of Arts, Music majors only. Not available for graduate credit. Graded CR/NC.
MUSC 499 Special Topics (2, 3, 4, max 8, FaSpSm) Selected topics of current interest.
MUSC 598 Internship in Music (1-4, max 4, FaSpSm) Practical work experience in the student’s field of study, at an off-campus location. Students are individually supervised by faculty. Open only to music majors. Graded CR/NC.
MUSC 798 Internship in Music (1-4, max 4, FaSpSm) Practical work experience in the student’s field of study, at an off-campus location. Students are individually supervised by faculty. Open only to doctoral students in music. Graded CR/NC.
MUSC 800 Studies for the Qualifying Examination in Music (0, FaSpSm) Studies for the qualifying examination. Duplicates credit in GRSC 800. Graded Credit/No Credit. Open only to Doctor of Musical Arts students.