Courses of Instruction
Performance (Guitar) (MPGU)
MPGU 101x Non-Major Beginning Individual Instruction (1-2, max 2, FaSpSm) Individual instruction at the beginning level designed for non-music majors with no previous experience. Not available for credit to music majors.
MPGU 120abcd Beginning Pop/Rock Guitar (2‑2‑2‑2, FaSpSm) Introduction to the performance technique of pop/rock guitar as well as music theory fundamentals, exploring repertoire by artists such as The Beatles and Dave Matthews.
MPGU 121 Intensive Beginning Pop/Rock Guitar (4, FaSp) Introduction to the performance technique of pop/rock guitar as well as music theory fundamentals, exploring repertoire by artists such as The Beatles and Dave Matthews.
MPGU 125 Beginning Fingerstyle/Chord Guitar (2, FaSp) Basic fingerstyle guitar, learned through the study of such pieces as “Greensleeves,” “Malaguena,” and “Minuet” (Bach); song accompaniment patterns and music notation for the beginner.
MPGU 126 Easy Fingerstyle Beatles (2, FaSp) Techniques of classical guitar applied to the study of five to eight Beatles songs, from “Hey Jude” to “Blackbird.” No guitar or background music required.
MPGU 153 Individual Instruction (1 or 2, max 8, FaSpSm) (Duplicates credit in former MUPF 153.)
MPGU 158 Guitarists in the U.S. (2) Study of the lives and music of influential guitarists; analysis of musical and technical details. Open to all university students. (Duplicates credit in former MUPF 158.)
MPGU 159 Functional Skills for Studio Guitarists I (2) Study of technique, theory and aural skills as applied to guitar; fingerboard organization of melodic and chordal topics; sight reading. (Duplicates credit in former MUPF 159.)
MPGU 253 Individual Instruction (1 or 2, max 8, FaSpSm) (Duplicates credit in former MUPF 253.)
MPGU 257 Classical Guitar Performance Class (2, max 8, FaSp) Technical problems; solo and ensemble literature; interpretation; professional preparation. Required of first and second year Classical Guitar majors each semester in residence. (Duplicates credit in former MUPF 257.)
MPGU 258 Functional Skills for Studio Guitarists I (2, max 4, FaSp) Melodic and chordal topics applied to the total fingerboard; successful completion required for junior standing. (Duplicates credit in former MUPF 258.) Prerequisite: MPGU 159.
MPGU 259 Functional Skills for Classical Guitarists I (2, Fa) Fundamentals of music theory experienced through the medium of the classical guitar. Topics include analysis of important guitar works, basso continuo realization, arranging, and improvisation. Recommended preparation: MUCO 232a.
MPGU 300x Non-Major Individual Instruction (1-2, max 16, FaSpSm) Intermediate and advanced instruction designed for non-music majors. Not available for credit to music majors. (Duplicates credit in former MPGU 201 and MPGU 401.) Recommended preparation: MPGU 101x.
MPGU 301 Individual Instruction (1-2, max 16, FaSpSm) Intermediate and advanced instruction on secondary instrument for music majors, on principal instrument for music minors and B.A. music majors. Open only to music majors and minors. (Duplicates credit in former MPGU 201 and MPGU 401.)
MPGU 335 Jazz Guitar Master Class (1, FaSp) Explore the music of Joe Diorio, Wes Montgomery and John Coltrane in a master class setting.
MPGU 353 Individual Instruction (1 or 2, max 8, FaSpSm) (Duplicates credit in former MUPF 353.)
MPGU 357 Advanced Classical Guitar Techniques (2, Sp) An in-depth exploration of the most advanced facets of classical guitar technique. Recommended preparation: MPGU 257.
MPGU 358 Performance Practices for Studio Guitarists (2, max 4) Rehearsal procedures; stage deportment; interpretation of solo and ensemble literature; preparation for recitals and professional performance. (Duplicates credit in former MUPF 358.) Prerequisite: MPGU 258.
MPGU 390 Special Problems (1-4, Irregular) Supervised, individual studies. No more than one registration permitted. Enrollment by petition only. (Duplicates credit in former MUPF 390.)
MPGU 415 Studio Guitar Pedagogy (2) Teaching techniques and literature; function of the hands; acoustical properties of instruments. (Duplicates credit in former MUPF 415.)
MPGU 416 Evolution of the Guitar in the United States (3) Historical survey of styles, literature and performance practice; emphasis on playing technique and interpretation. A time-line study relating guitar to popular music and historical events. (Duplicates credit in former MUHL 416.)
MPGU 417 Classical Guitar Pedagogy (2) Teaching techniques and literature; function of the hands; acoustical properties of instruments. (Duplicates credit in former MUPF 417.)
MPGU 426 Classical Guitar History and Literature (3, Fa) A survey of music for the guitar, lute and vihuela from 1500 to the present. (Duplicates credit in former MPGU 426a and former MUHL 426a.) Recommended preparation: MUHL 332.
MPGU 427 Advanced Topics in Classical Guitar History and Literature (3, Sp) An in-depth study of major works for lute, vihuela and classical guitar, with emphasis on early music and the music of the 20th century. (Duplicates credit in former MPGU 426b and former MUHL 426b.) Recommended preparation: MPGU 426.
MPGU 428ab Improvisation and Arranging for Guitarists (3-3) Principles of improvisation and impromptu arranging; comparison and application of techniques and musical styles of the various kinds of guitars and related fretted instruments. (Duplicates credit in former MUPF 328ab.)
MPGU 453 Individual Instruction (1 or 2, max 8, FaSpSm) (Duplicates credit in former MUPF 453.)
MPGU 457 Classical Guitar Performance Class (2, max 8, FaSp) Technical problems; solo and ensemble literature. Required of all third and fourth year classical guitar majors each semester in residence. (Duplicates credit in former MUPF 457.)
MPGU 458 Current Electric Guitar Styles (2) Analysis and performance of music and techniques currently in use in the recording, TV and motion picture studios; includes study of recordings, videos and guitar equipment. (Duplicates credit in former MUPF 458.)
MPGU 459 Functional Skills for Classical Guitarists II (2, Sp) Advanced theory and composition on the guitar. Weekly analysis exercises, arranging projects and studies in improvisation and ornamentation are directed toward creating an original solo or chamber work for guitar. Recommended preparation: MUCO 232b, MUCO 233b.
MPGU 490x Directed Research (2-8, max 8, FaSpSm) Individual research and readings. Not available for graduate credit. (Duplicates credit in former MUPF 490x.)
MPGU 499 Special Topics (2-4, max 8) Selected topics of current interest. (Duplicates credit in former MUPF 253.)
MPGU 501 Individual Instruction (1 or 2, max 8, FaSpSm) Secondary instruction for graduate music majors or instruction for graduate non-music majors.
MPGU 553 Individual Instruction (1 or 2, max 8, FaSpSm) (Duplicates credit in former MUPF 553.)
MPGU 554 Graduate Certificate Performance (4, max 16, FaSpSm) Individual instruction and related lab participation for Graduate Certificate students.
MPGU 557 Advanced Classical Guitar Performance Class (1, max 4) Study of advanced classical guitar solo and ensemble literature; interpretation; professional preparation and other topics appropriate for group study. (Duplicates credit in former MUPF 557.) Prerequisite: bachelor’s degree with music major; principal instrument, classical guitar.
MPGU 558 Advanced Studio Guitar Performance Class (1, max 4) Study of advanced studio guitar and ensemble literature; interpretation; professional preparation and other topics appropriate for group study. (Duplicates credit in former MUPF 558.) Prerequisite: bachelor’s degree with music major; principal instrument, studio guitar.
MPGU 590 Directed Research (1-12, FaSpSm) Research leading to the master’s degree. Maximum units which may be applied to the degree to be determined by the department. Graded CR/NC. (Duplicates credit in former MUPF 590.)
MPGU 653 Performance (1 or 2, max 12, FaSpSm) Individual or master class instruction for D.M.A. Performance majors. (Duplicates credit in former MUPF 653.)
MPGU 754 Artist Diploma Performance (4, max 16, FaSpSm) Individual instruction and related lab participation for Artist Diploma students.
MPGU 790 Research (1-12) Research leading to the doctorate. Maximum units which may be applied to the degree to be determined by the department. Graded CR/NC.