Courses of Instruction
Composition (MUCO)
MUCO 101x Fundamentals of Music Theory (2, FaSp) An introductory course in music theory required for those majors in need of remedial training, and available to the general student who wishes to develop music writing skills. Not available for credit to B.M. and B.A. music majors. Recommended preparation: ability to read music.
MUCO 130abx Basics of Music Theory (a: 3, Fa; b: 3, Sp) Introduction to music theory; scales, intervals, principles of common practice and popular music harmony; melodic, harmonic, and structural analysis; 20th century developments. Not available for degree credit for Bachelor of Music students except Performance (Popular Music) majors.
MUCO 131ab Harmony in Popular Music (2, Fa; 2, Sp) Study of harmony used in the popular music idiom, as well as diminished chord patterns, modulation techniques, basic modal theory, and principles of melodic construction. Prerequisite: MUCO 130b.
MUCO 132ab Aural Skills I (a: 2, Fa; b: 2, Sp) Sight‑singing, dictation, related keyboard application.
MUCO 133ab Theory I (a: 3, Fa; b: 3, Sp) a: Notation, scales, intervals; introduction to counterpoint; harmonic principles of the common practice period; analysis, written work. b: Continuation of MUCO 133a; elements of form; application of analysis to performance. Concurrent registration in Aural Skills required.
MUCO 135 Counterpoint I (2, Sp) The study of the techniques of modal counterpoint; exercises in two-, three- and four-part writing in 16th century style. Prerequisite: MUCO 137a.
MUCO 137ab Introduction to Composition (2-2, FaSp) Beginning exercises in composition, study and class discussion of assigned scores and recordings.
MUCO 221abx Composition for Non-Majors (2-2, FaSp) Introduction to the composition of concert music. Includes set exercises, free composition, study of selected compositions. Intended for interested, qualified students not majoring in composition. Not available for degree credit to composition majors. Prerequisite: MUCO 221a; recommended preparation: MUCO 130bx, MUCO 133b.
MUCO 232ab Aural Skills II (a: 2, Fa; b: 2, Sp) Continuation of MUCO 132ab.
MUCO 233ab Theory II (a: 3, Fa; b: 3, Sp) a: Analysis of representative pieces from the classic and romantic periods; exercises in composition. b: Survey of 20th century developments; composition utilizing 20th century techniques. Prerequisite: MUCO 133b.
MUCO 235 Counterpoint II (2, Sp) Studies in tonal counterpoint; two-, three- and four-part counterpoint in 18th century style; polyphonic variations; inventions. Prerequisite: MUCO 137b.
MUCO 236 Orchestration I (2, Fa) Introduction to the principles of instrumentation; ranges techniques, timbres; transpositions of orchestral instruments; beginning exercises in orchestration. Prerequisite: MUCO 137b.
MUCO 237ab Composition I (4-4, FaSp) Composition in shorter forms, continuation of score analysis and listening assignments. Prerequisite: MUCO 137b.
MUCO 300 Theory Review (1, FaSpSm) Review of materials covered in Theory I and II. For students whose entrance examination in music theory indicates the need for further study.
MUCO 321x Composition for Non-Majors II (1-2, max 8, FaSpSm) Individual instruction in composition for non-composition majors. Continuation of MUCO 221abx. Not open to B.M. in composition majors. (Duplicates credit in former MUCO 421abx). Prerequisite: MUCO 221bx.
MUCO 333 Aural Skills Review (1, FaSp) Review of the materials covered in Aural Skills I, II, and III. For students whose entrance examination in aural skills indicates the need for further study.
MUCO 336ab Orchestration II (a: 2, Fa; b: 2, Sp) Intermediate exercises in orchestration, including scoring for chamber ensembles and orchestra; study of the history of orchestration. Prerequisite: MUCO 236.
MUCO 337ab Composition II (4, Fa; 4, Sp) Continuation of MUCO 237; composition in larger forms. Prerequisite: MUCO 237b.
MUCO 338x Elementary Orchestration (2, Fa) Range, techniques, timbre, transposition of orchestral instruments; exercises in orchestration. Not available for credit to Composition majors. Recommended preparation: MUCO 233b.
MUCO 339 Orchestration Review (1, FaSm) Review of materials covered in elementary orchestration; for students whose entrance examination in orchestration indicates a need for further study.
MUCO 341 Counterpoint Review (1, SpSm) Review of materials covered in tonal counterpoint. For students whose entrance examination in counterpoint indicates the need for further study. For graduate students only.
MUCO 360 Music Notation and Copying (1) Development of skills in music calligraphy.
MUCO 370ab Arranging for the Recording Media (2-2) Arranging and composing for studio recording ensembles.
MUCO 390 Special Problems (1-4) Supervised, individual studies. No more than one registration permitted. Enrollment by petition only.
MUCO 406ab Contemporary Notation (2-2) Notating new music; study and comparison of representative scores.
MUCO 425 Instrumental Music of Debussy and Ravel (2) Critical examination of the piano, chamber, and orchestral scores; comparison of styles, techniques and aesthetics of these “Impressionist” composers. Prerequisite: MUCO 336a or MUCO 338x; MUHL 331; MUHL 332.
MUCO 432ab Advanced Theory (1 or 2; 1 or 2) Special problems in music theory.
MUCO 434 Analytical Techniques (2) Selected analytical topics. Prerequisite: MUCO 232b, MUCO 233b.
MUCO 435 Counterpoint III (2, Fa) Canon and fugue; 19th and 20th century developments. Prerequisite: MUCO 235.
MUCO 436 Orchestration III (2, Sp) Continuation of Orchestration II. Prerequisite: MUCO 336ab.
MUCO 437ab Composition III (2-2, FaSp) Individual instruction in composition; preparation for senior recital. Not intended for SMPTV students. Prerequisite: MUCO 337b.
MUCO 438 Arranging for Marching Band (2) Fundamental concepts; instrumental capabilities; notation; color and scoring; modulation; percussion writing. Prerequisite: MUCO 336b or MUCO 338x.
MUCO 439 Band Arranging (2, max 4) Characteristics and use of individual instruments; writing for separate choirs; chamber and solo writing; scoring piano, organ, and orchestral music for band. Prerequisite: MUCO 237b, MUCO 336b or MUCO 338x.
MUCO 440ab Composition for Films and Television (2-2) Planning, timing, composing, and orchestrating music for dramatic and documentary films and television programs. Prerequisite: MUCO 336b or MUCO 338x, MUCO 337b.
MUCO 441 Choral Arranging (1 or 2, max 4) Practice in arranging and composing for chorus. Prerequisite: MUCO 237b.
MUCO 442ab History of Film Music Scoring (a: 2, Fa; b: 2, Sp) A comprehensive survey of the craft of composing music for motion pictures and television, combining film music history and score analysis, geared specifically to composers. Open only to students in the Advanced Studies Certificate Program in Scoring for Motion Pictures and Television and the B.M. in Composition (Film Scoring).
MUCO 443ab Film Score Analysis and Preparation (2-2, FaSp) Applied techniques in film music analysis and preparation for scoring.
MUCO 470 Electroacoustic Composition (2) Electronic music for the composer: history of means and styles, aesthetic issues and practical problems, computer usages, bibliography and repertoire. Recommended preparation: MUEA 474a.
MUCO 490x Directed Research (2-8, max 8) Individual research and readings. Not available for graduate credit.
MUCO 499 Special Topics (2-4, max 8) Selected topics of current interest.
MUCO 501 Introduction to the Analysis of Tonal Music (2, FaSp) Survey of common practice period (1650-1900) approaches to phrase design, tonal organization and type-forms (binary, ternary, rondo, sonata).
MUCO 502 Introduction to the Analysis of Post-Tonal Music (2, FaSp) Introductory survey of 20th/21st century approaches to the organization of pitch (serial, modal, extended tonal, etc.), rhythm, texture and form.
MUCO 520 Composition Forum (1, max 2, FaSp) Graded CR/NC.
MUCO 521x Composition for Non-Majors III (1-2, max 8, FaSpSm) Individual instruction in composition. Not open to graduate students in composition. Prerequisite: submission of portfolio of musical compositions.
MUCO 522ab Sketching and Scoring for Film and TV (2-2, FaSp) Applying techniques of music composition, orchestration and conducting towards creating original dramatic scores for film and TV.
MUCO 523ab Advanced Application of Film Music Technology (2-2, FaSp) Applying advanced state of the art technologies to the art of film music, including synthesizers, samplers, digital audio workstations and hard disk recording.
MUCO 533ab Analytical Approaches to Tonal Music (2-2, FaSp) a: Introducing to essential structural and prolongational aspects of Schenkerian theory. b: Application of the Schenkerian methods to individual movements and short pieces. Prerequisite: MUCO 501.
MUCO 536 Advanced Orchestration I (1 or 2, max 4, FaSp) Continuation of Orchestration III with emphasis on contemporary techniques. Prerequisite: MUCO 436b.
MUCO 537 Advanced Composition I (1 or 2, max 8) For graduates with evidence of preparation for advanced work. Prerequisite: MUCO 437b.
MUCO 538ab Analytical Approaches to Post-Tonal Music from 1908-1950 (2-2, FaSp) a: The breakdown of tonality, rise of atonal/pantonal pitch organization, new and extended approaches to tonality, modality. b: Continuation of 538a; twelve-tone methods, just tuning systems, new approaches to rhythm, texture, timbre. Prerequisite: MUCO 502.
MUCO 539ab Theoretical and Aesthetic Issues in Music from 1950 to the Present (2-2, FaSp) a: Anti-rationality and indeterminancy, ultra-rationality and integral serialism, new performance procedures, electronic music and new technologies, minimalism. b: Post-modernism of reaction, post-modernism of resistance, mannerist minimalism, anti-modernism. Prerequisite: MUCO 502.
MUCO 540ab Composing Music for Games (a: 2, Fa; b: 2, Sp) Applied techniques of music composition to video games. Includes conceptual and technical details which differentiate scoring for games.
MUCO 545 Individual Instruction in Advanced Film Music Composition (2, max 4, FaSp) Private instruction in composition and conducting for film and television.
MUCO 548 Writer and Composer (3, Sp) Structured collaboration among composers and poets. Activities include fundamentals of poetry, comparative analysis, creative projects. Open to Literature and Creative Writing and Composition majors only; students with other majors require departmental approval.
MUCO 550 Teaching Music Theory (2) Comparative study of curricula, text materials, and teaching strategies in music theory.
MUCO 560ab Music Editing for Film (2-2, FaSp) Develop and implement state of the art techniques in joining music and film.
MUCO 571 Comparative Analytical Studies: Traditional Forms (2, Irregular) Analytical survey of the development of a specific form or genre. Specific emphasis to be determined by the department. Prerequisite: MUCO 501.
MUCO 572 Comparative Analytical Studies: 20th/21st Century and Non-Traditional Forms (2, Irregular) In-depth analysis of characteristic forms and genres of 20th century music or of other forms and genres that do not figure largely in the “common practice” tradition. Specific emphasis to be determined by the department. Prerequisite: MUCO 501.
MUCO 573 Special Studies in Contrapuntal Music (2, Irregular) In-depth analytical and historical study of contrapuntal techniques and styles. Emphasis to be determined by the department. Prerequisite: MUCO 501.
MUCO 574 Special Studies in Tonal Analysis (2, Irregular) Analytical study of major composers and/or problems in tonal music. Emphasis to be determined by the department. Prerequisite: MUCO 501.
MUCO 575 Special Studies in Post-Tonal Analysis (2, Irregular) Analytical study of major composers and/or problems in post-tonal music. Emphasis to be determined by the department. Prerequisite: MUCO 502.
MUCO 576 Special Studies in Musical Aesthetics (2, Irregular) An investigation of aesthetics in general and the application of aesthetic theories to music; readings will be selected from pre-modern, modern, and post-modern texts. Prerequisite: MUCO 501, MUCO 502.
MUCO 590 Directed Research (1-12) Research leading to the master’s degree. Maximum units which may be applied to the degree to be determined by the department. Graded CR/NC.
MUCO 592 Selected Topics in Graduate Composition (2, max 8, Irregular) Seminar for graduate students in composition that addresses aesthetic, technical and analytical issues from a composer’s perspective. Open only to Composition majors.
MUCO 594abz Master’s Thesis (2-2-0) Credit on acceptance of thesis. Graded IP/CR/NC.
MUCO 599 Special Topics (2-4, max 8) Seminars in selected areas of study.
MUCO 633ab Advanced Analysis of Tonal Music (2‑2) a: Application of Schenkerian techniques to large works. b: Criticisms and extensions of Schenker, semiotic approaches, theories of rhythmic structure. Prerequisite: MUCO 533b.
MUCO 636 Advanced Orchestration II (1 or 2, max 4, FaSp) Continuation of Advanced Orchestration I with emphasis on historical survey of orchestral compositions and advanced orchestration projects. Prerequisite: MUCO 536.
MUCO 637 Advanced Composition II (1 or 2, max 4) Continuation of MUCO 537. For students holding the M.M. degree in composition. Prerequisite: MUCO 537.
MUCO 737 Advanced Composition III (1 or 2, max 8) Continuation of MUCO 637. Prerequisite: MUCO 536, MUCO 637.
MUCO 790 Research (1-12) Research leading to the doctorate. Maximum units which may be applied to the degree to be determined by the department. Graded CR/NC.
MUCO 794abcdz Doctoral Dissertation (2-2-2-2-0) Credit on acceptance of dissertation. Graded IP/CR/NC.