Courses of Instruction
Music Education (MUED)
MUED 330x Fundamentals of Music (4, FaSp) Introduction to the content of music through an investigation of its melodic, rhythmic, and harmonic structure. Not available for credit to music majors.
MUED 390 Special Problems (1-4, FaSp) Supervised, individual studies. No more than one registration permitted. Enrollment by petition only.
MUED 402 Teaching Choral Music (2, Sp) Problems of school choral organizations; the changing and adolescent voice; appropriate repertoire and materials. Corequisite: MUCD 340 or MUCD 343.
MUED 403 Teaching Instrumental Music (2, Sp) Problems of school instrumental organizations; teaching wind, string, and percussion instruments; appropriate repertoire and materials.
MUED 420 Teaching Beginning Improvisation (2, Irregular) Strategies for teaching beginning improvisation in K-12 music classes; includes playing/singing and teaching in many styles. No improvisation experience necessary.
MUED 440ab Music and Movement: The Orff Approach (2-2) Orff Schulwerk techniques in rhythmic and melodic training through speech, singing, body percussion, playing Orff instruments, improvisation, and elemental movement. Certification available.
MUED 443 Teaching Vocal Jazz (2) Strategies for teaching the principles of vocal jazz; historical perspective, repertoire, recordings, improvisation, scat, accompaniment, amplification, rehearsing, teaching sequences. No prior jazz experience necessary. (Duplicates credit in former MUED 530.)
MUED 449 Teaching Marching Band (2, Fa) Modern school marching band techniques; precision drill; administration; rehearsal techniques.
MUED 452 Introduction to Technology in Music Education (2, Fa) Applications of computers and electronic music to music education; survey of current approaches and materials.
MUED 479x Music for the Elementary Classroom Teacher (2, FaSp) The nature and structure of music, its processes, and its notational symbols. Not available for credit to music majors. Recommended preparation: MUED 330.
MUED 490x Directed Research (2-8, max 8, FaSpSm) Individual research and readings. Not available for graduate credit.
MUED 499 Special Topics (2-4, max 8, Irregular) Selected topics of current interest reflective of changing trends in music education.
MUED 500 Research Foundations in Music Education (3, Fa) Introductory exploration of types of research linked to research literature in music education; interpreting and organizing research proposals and reports.
MUED 501 Historical Foundations of Music Education (3) A contextual exploration of the historical development of American music education.
MUED 502 Sociological Foundations of Music (3) Study of interdependent relationship between society, music and music education.
MUED 503 Philosophical Foundations of Music Education (3) Exploration of philosophical thinking in the field of music with emphasis on philosophical foundations for teaching and learning.
MUED 504 Psychological Foundations of Music (3) Exploration of theories, research and practice in psychological foundations of music teaching and learning.
MUED 505 Teaching and Learning Music (2, Irregular) Studies of the latest resources concerning the teaching and learning of music so that musicians can function more effectively as both teachers and performers.
MUED 510 Leading a Music Program in a Public School Setting (2, Sm) The philosophy and purposes of music programs combined with early field experiences, varied teaching strategies, and music learning assessment.
MUED 515 Using Technology in the Classroom (2, Sm) Study of the tools and knowledge necessary to the music educator to facilitate the application of computers and electronic music in music education.
MUED 520 Early Childhood Music (2, Irregular) An overview of significant developmental issues, current research, and appropriate practices for children from birth to age eight. Professor-guided practicum teaching.
MUED 522ab Teaching Public School Instrumental Music (a: 3, Fa; b: 2, Sp) Methods and materials appropriate for teaching and modeling instrumental lessons and instruction in the public and private schools.
MUED 524 Teaching and Conducting Public School Instrumental Ensembles (4, Sp) Study of the methods and materials needed to rehearse an instrumental ensemble in K-12 settings. Includes conducting and rehearsal techniques, literature selection, score analysis.
MUED 526 Teaching General/Choral Music for Instrumentalists (2, Sp) Study of psychomotor and cognitive learning in K-12 classes. Vocal/choral music in classroom settings; techniques and repertoire for use in K-12 choirs.
MUED 532 Teaching General Music K-8 (4, Fa) Methods and materials for cognitive learning and development of music skills in K-8 music classes, featuring Orff, Kodaly, and Dalcroze approaches.
MUED 534 Teaching and Conducting Public School Choral Ensembles (4, Sp) Comprehensive consideration of the choral music program in grades K‑12. Topics include: development and care of the voice, audition and rehearsal techniques, conducting, lesson planning.
MUED 536 Teaching Instrumental Music for Vocalists (2, Sp) An introduction to the pedagogical and acoustic aspects for woodwind, brass, string and percussion instruments. Includes hands-on performance, class discussion and practical application.
MUED 540 Motivation and Discipline in the Music Classroom (2, Sp) An examination of the current research into learning theories and motivation with emphasis on the application of these theories to the music classroom.
MUED 542 Orchestra Development (2, Irregular) Repertoire and rehearsal techniques appropriate for school and community orchestras useful in solving specific problems of technical and tonal growth. Prerequisite: MUCD 343.
MUED 545 String Class Pedagogy (2, Irregular) Approaches to beginning through intermediate string class instruction in school and other group setting derived from principles of Suzuki, Bornoff, Rolland, and other leading teachers. Prerequisite: MUED 345abL.
MUED 546 Wind Band Pedagogy (2, 2 years, Fa) Methods and materials relevant to current trends in wind band pedagogy; development of comprehensive pedagogical and performance practices; appropriate wind band music survey. Prerequisite: MUCD 343.
MUED 547 Vocal Pedagogy in the Public School Classroom (2, Sp) Development of technical knowledge, tone production, and performance skills for voice appropriate for public school music teaching.
MUED 548 Orchestral Bowing (2, Irregular) Introduction to bowing function and style with application to typical repertoire; practical experience for teachers and conductors in educational and community settings.
MUED 549ab Directed Teaching: Public School Music (2-2) Observation and teaching under the guidance of a university supervisor and a directing teacher. Open only to MAT, Single Subject (Music Education) majors.
MUED 550 Teaching Music Fundamentals and Appreciation Courses (2, 2 years, Fa or Sp) Purpose and objectives of music in general education. Survey of current approaches and materials.
MUED 552 Music Education Courseware Development (2, Sp) Development of music education courseware using current technology. Two lecture hours per week. Prerequisite: MUED 452.
MUED 555 Entering the Music Professoriate (3, Fa) Preparation for academic careers in music. Methodologies and approaches to teaching, learning, and assessment; statements of teaching philosophies; creation of academic portfolio. Open only to doctoral students (D.M.A. and Ph.D.) in the Thornton School of Music.
MUED 590 Directed Research (1-12, FaSpSm) Research leading to the master’s degree. Maximum units which may be applied to the degree to be determined by the department. Graded CR/NC.
MUED 592 Final Project (2, max 2) Required for the Master of Music Education degree. Credit upon acceptance. Graded CR/NC. Prerequisite: MUED 500.
MUED 594abz Master’s Thesis (2-2-0, FaSpSm) Credit on acceptance of thesis. Graded IP/CR/NC.
MUED 599 Special Topics (2-4, max 8, Irregular) Selected topics of current interest reflective of changing trends in music education.
MUED 601 Field Seminar in Elementary School Music Education (2, 2 years, Fa or Sp) Observation in schools. Identification and analysis of problems; strategies for improvement; alternative approaches including those of Orff and Kodaly. Readings, examination of teaching materials.
MUED 602 Field Seminar in Choral Music Education (2, 2 years, Fa or Sp) Observation in schools. Current practice; identification and analysis of problems; strategies for improvement; readings, examination of music and teaching materials.
MUED 603 Field Seminar in Instrumental Music Education (2, 2 years, Fa or Sp) Observation in schools. Identification and analysis of problems; strategies for improvement. Readings, examination of music and teaching materials.
MUED 604 Preparing School Music Teachers (2, 2 years, Fa or Sp) Analysis of best practices in teacher training; faculty, curriculum, schedule, materials, methods, and supervision of directed teaching. Prerequisite: three years of teaching music in public schools or two years of college teaching.
MUED 605 College Teaching in Music Education (3) Exploration of music education faculty duties at the collegiate level, including teacher training, working with local school systems, leading professional organizations, and conducting research.
MUED 606 Internship in Collegiate Music Education (3) Students intern with USC professors in training music teachers in traditional and alternative music education practices.
MUED 607 Alternative Models in Music Education (3) Examination of diverse, evolving settings for music teaching and learning in contemporary society. Emphasis on programming and administrative structures of community-based music providers.
MUED 610 Pedagogy for Collegiate Teaching (2, FaSpSm) A preparation for teaching in the modern university environment, examining the role of the professor, and focusing on the development of innovative collegiate teaching skills.
MUED 790 Research (1-12, FaSpSm) Research leading to the doctorate. Maximum units which may be applied to the degree to be determined by the department. Graded CR/NC.
MUED 791 Pedagogical Writing and Media in Music Education (3) Development of skills in pedagogical writing for professional journals, text books, and multimedia publications, and knowledge of publishing procedures for compositions and arrangements.
MUED 792 Quantitative Research in Music Education (3) Survey of theories, concepts and procedures for designing and evaluating quantitative research studies. Prerequisite: MUED 500.
MUED 793 Qualitative Research in Music Education (3) Survey of theories, concepts and procedures for designing and evaluating qualitative research studies. Prerequisite: MUED 500.
MUED 794abcdz Doctoral Dissertation (2-2-2-2-0, FaSpSm) Credit on acceptance of dissertation. Graded IP/CR/NC.