Courses of Instruction
Removable Prosthodontics (RPRO)
RPRO 501 Preclinical Removable Complete Prosthodontics (1) Fundamental theory for the fabrication of removable complete dentures.
RPRO 502 Removable Complete Prosthodontics (1) Complete denture treatment: phases, clinical procedures, philosophy, concept, rationale, and need.
RPRO 503ab Preclinical Removable Prosthodontics and Implants (2-1) Introduction to disciplines of removable complete and partial dentures and implants, including classification and progress of edentulism, support sources and principles, design, fabrication and evaluation.
RPRO 510 Implant Dentistry (1) Principles and use of implants in dentistry: includes history, biological basis, types, diagnosis and treatment planning, surgical and restorative procedures, and limitations.
RPRO 511 Preclinical Removable Partial Prosthodontics I (1) Partial denture diagnosis and treatment planning; basic principles of partial denture design, fabrication, and function.
RPRO 512 Preclinical Removable Partial Prosthodontics II (1) Partial denture design, fabrication, and function; repair; patient education.
RPRO 513 Removable Partial Prosthodontics (1) Clinical removable partial prosthodontic treatment including diagnosis, treatment planning and clinical techniques.
RPRO 521 Preclinical Removable Complete Prosthodontics Laboratory (1) Fundamental theory for the fabrication of removable complete dentures.
RPRO 523ab Preclinical Removable Prosthodontics and Implants Laboratory (1-1) Laboratory experience in the fabrication of removable complete and partial dentures and implants.
RPRO 532 Preclinical Removable Partial Prosthodontics Laboratory II (1) Laboratory experience in fabrication of removable partial dentures.
RPRO 550 Removable Complete Prosthodontics Clinic I (1) Clinical demonstration with supervised clinic experience in construction, repair, and evaluation of the removable complete denture.
RPRO 561abcd Clinic: Removable Complete Prosthodontics I (0-0-0-2) Diagnosis, treatment planning, and care of edentulous patients. Complex cases involving temporo-mandibular joint dysfunction, surgical and congenital defects; seminars on clinical treatment.
RPRO 562ab Clinic: Removable Complete Prosthodontics II (0-3) Diagnosis, treatment planning, and care of edentulous patients. Complex cases involving temporomandibular joint dysfunction, surgical and congenital defects; seminars on clinical treatment.
RPRO 571abcdef Clinic: Removable Partial Prosthodontics (0-0-0-0-0-2) Clinical experience in diagnosis, treatment planning, and laboratory procedures necessary for the treatment of the partially edentulous patient. Includes seminars related to clinical treatment.
RPRO 602 Advanced Removable Prosthodontics (4) Critical review and evaluation of the removable prosthodontic literature; guided experience in the laboratory and clinical phases of removable prosthodontic therapy. (Duplicates credit in 604abc.)
RPRO 603 The Edentulous Patient — Conventional or Implant Prosthesis (1) Effective management of the edentulous patient who is unable to adapt to a prosthesis; includes a review of implant dentistry with a hands-on session.
RPRO 604abc Advanced Removable Prosthodontics (0-0-4) Critical review and evaluation of the removable prosthodontic literature; guided experience in the laboratory and clinical phases of removable prosthodontic therapy. (Duplicates credit in 602.)
RPRO 605 Prosthodontic Seminar: Removable Partial Prosthodontics (1) Provides fourth year dental students with an advanced didactic foundation for treating the partially edentulous patient with a removable partial.
RPRO 655abc Dental Implants (0-0-4) Overview of surgical and prosthodontic implant treatment concepts and modalities; laboratory and clinic experience in fabrication and placement of implant retained prostheses.