Courses of Instruction
Community Dentistry (CMDT)
CMDT 501 Introduction to Community Dentistry Programs (1) Lectures and practical field experiences introducing the role of the dentist in a variety of organized public health programs.
CMDT 502ab Contemporary Dental Practice (2-2) Economic, legal, and professional aspects of dental practice; alternative careers in dentistry.
CMDT 507abc Ethical Issues in the Practice of Dentistry (0-0-1) Examination of the major ethical issues in the current practice of dentistry; study of effective and proper methods of addressing the issues.
CMDT 601 Mobile Clinic (1) Clinic experience in provision of dental care for children of low income agricultural workers through use of mobile dental clinic on location.
CMDT 603 Multiphasic Experiences in Extramural Dentistry (1) Community responsibilities of dentists in a dynamic society. Practical experiences include consultations and visitations to private offices, group practices, hospitals, and neighborhood health clinics.
CMDT 606 Business Principles in Dentistry (2) Overview of basic business administration principles, including economics, accounting, marketing, finance, entrepreneurship, and strategic planning as relevant to the practice of dentistry.
CMDT 607abc Sports Dentistry (0-0-2) The role of the dentist in prevention, diagnosis, and treatment of sports related dental trauma; recognition and correct referral of sports injuries and medical problems; clinical treatment of athletes including exposure to cerebral concussion, hypothermia, heat stroke and Sudden Death Syndrome.
CMDT 608abc Community Service (0-0-1) Two one-hour seminars plus four separate days of field experience. Participate in health fairs, classroom screening, health education, career counseling, and other community projects.