Courses of Instruction
Periodontics (PERI)
PERI 310ab Introduction to Periodontal Diseases (1-1, FaSp) Introduction to periodontal disease; emphasis on identification of normal periodontium, distinguishing of gingival and periodontal diseases; includes data collection and classification of gingival and periodontal diseases.
PERI 415 Basic Periodontal Therapy (1) Basic therapeutic modalities of periodontal treatment; general principles and methods of surgical periodontal treatment.
PERI 502 Periodontal Diseases and Elements of Therapeutic Judgment (2) Periodontal pathologic processes; pathogenesis, classification and clinical features of gingivitis; periodontitis; other related diseases of periodontium including diagnosis and initial phases of treatment.
PERI 504 Advanced Periodontics (1) Periodontics as related to endodontics, orthodontics, and restorative dentistry; bone induction, osseous grafting, splinting, management of furcation lesions; maintenance, recall, and referral.
PERI 521 Periodontal Surgery (2) General principles and methods of surgical periodontal treatment; includes laboratory exercises.
PERI 550ab Clinic: Introductory Periodontal Therapy (1-1) Laboratory and clinical development of periodontal therapy procedures; basic instrumentation principles.
PERI 561abcd Clinic: Periodontal Therapy I (0-0-0-1) Supervised treatment of periodontal disease at all levels of complexity.
PERI 562ab Clinic: Periodontal Therapy II (0-2) Supervised treatment of periodontal disease at all levels of complexity.
PERI 602 Current Controversies in Periodontology (2) Examination of the major controversies in the field of periodontology; emphasis on the efficacy of current treatment modalities and future trends.
PERI 603abc Advanced Periodontal Surgery (0-0-2) Surgical management of more complex osseous and muco-gingival defects.
PERI 701ab Seminar: Review of Current Periodontal Literature (2-3) Review and critical evaluation of the current periodontal literature.
PERI 702ab Seminar: Periodontal Treatment Procedures (2-2) Presentation of various techniques in current periodontal treatment.
PERI 703ab Seminar: Periodontal Case Presentation (1-2) Formalized presentation and discussion of clinical cases treated by advanced students.
PERI 704abcdefhij Seminar: Periodontal Therapy (2 each) Presentation and discussion of treatment of clinical cases involving soft tissue and osseous management; rationale for the therapy; surgical wound healing; dental implant surgery.
PERI 708 Seminar: Clinical Basis of Periodontics (4) Evaluation of the literature dealing with various types of therapy including the objectives of treatment.
PERI 710 Clinical Periodontal Photography (1) Demonstration of techniques used in intraoral photography for periodontal purposes, emphasis on proper clinical case documentation in seminar presentation and Specialty Board Certification.
PERI 711 Occlusal Therapy in Periodontics (2) Anatomy of the TMJ mandibular movements; occlusal anatomy and their interrelationships; methods of occlusal correction using anatomy and mandibular movements as a guide.
PERI 713abcdefhij Treatment Planning in Periodontics (2 each) Presentation of clinical findings, diagnoses, and plan of treatment of clinical cases by advanced students.
PERI 715 Treatment of Special Care Patients (3) Periodontal care and treatment of older population groups, handicapped patients, and other types of special patients, settings, and situations.
PERI 716ab Seminar: Special Topics in Periodontal Disease (3-3) Discussion of topics of immediate importance and controversy. Experts in the field are invited to participate as guest speakers.
PERI 750 Advanced Periodontal Instrumentation (3) Advanced root preparation techniques including design and manufacturing characteristics of various instruments, sharpening techniques, and root morphology as it relates to advanced instrumentation principles.
PERI 752 Interdisciplinary Treatment: An Orthodontic Perspective (2) Effective recognition, evaluation and understanding of the orthodontic treatment phase required in interdisciplinary treatment plans; includes laboratory and clinical experience; applicable to orthodontics, periodontology, prosthodontics.
PERI 761abcdefhij Clinic: Advanced Periodontics (1-10 each) Clinical experience in the treatment of patients with all types and degrees of involvement of periodontal disease. Includes placement of dental implants. Graded CR/NC.
PERI 771ab Periodontal Therapy in the Hospital (1-1) Role of the periodontist in hospital therapy. Treatment of complex cases in the hospital environment.
PERI 790ab Directed Research: Periodontics (1-6 each) Research in clinical and experimental periodontology. Graded CR/NC.