Marshall School of Business

Courses of Instruction

Business Communication (BUCO)

BUCO 221 Cross-Cultural Business Communication for Non-Native Speakers (2, FaSpSm) Written, spoken and cultural business communication skills for non-native speakers of English. Emphasis on individualized skills development according to need. Graded CR/NC.

BUCO 252 The Art of Case Analysis and Presentation (2, FaSp) Develop analytical problem-solving and persuasive presentation skills to successfully analyze strategic business situations and convincingly argue your position in a competitive environment. (Duplicates credit in former BUCO 452.) Graded CR/NC. Prerequisite: BUAD 304.

BUCO 260 Business Communication Across Cultures (2, Fa) Develop intercultural communication competencies, analyze international business situations, build on GLP and LINC experiences, and/or prepare for internships abroad and international exchange programs.

BUCO 333m Communication in the Working World — Managing Diversity and Conflict (4, FaSp) Communication strategies to manage workplace diversity and conflict. Historical, social, legal precedents. Institutional barriers to diversity. Race, gender, sexual orientation, age, physical disabilities, culture.

The corequisite for this course will change in fall 2012.

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BUCO 425 Ethics and Professional Communication (4, FaSp) Study the intersection between business and professional leadership, language, and ethics. Analyze and present results to public audiences through publications, professional conferences, ethics case competitions. Corequisite: WRIT 340.

BUCO 425 Ethics and Professional Communication (4, FaSp) Study the intersection between business and professional leadership, language, and ethics. Analyze and present results to public audiences through publications, professional conferences, ethics case competitions.

BUCO 445 Oral Communication in Business (4, Fa) Oral reporting; management briefings; listening; interviewing; conference and committee leadership; employee training in communication; laboratory cases and simulations. Prerequisite: BUAD 302.

BUCO 450 Communication for Organizations: Exploring Creativity (2, FaSp) Development of individual creative thinking and problem-solving skills; exploration of workplace creativity; advancement of managerial communication skills necessary to foster organizational innovation.

BUCO 458 Managing Communication and New Media (4, FaSp) Individual and team exploration of 21st century media tools and their impact on communication strategies in business. Course uses social media, collaborative software, virtual immersion, and video conferencing.

BUCO 460 International Business Communication (4, FaSp) Interpersonal, cultural and organizational communication skills needed for international or global business settings. Recommended preparation: BUAD 302.

BUCO 485 Business Communication Management for Nonprofits (4) Communication environment; communication activities for fundraising and visibility; research and evaluation methods; grant proposals; strategies for communicating social mission to media, government and for-profit partners.

BUCO 503 Advanced Managerial Communication (3, FaSp) Advanced skill development in the application of business communication theory to presentations and visual and verbal persuasion. Executive coaching model applied to interpersonal communication dynamics. (Open only to Accounting and Business graduate students, including dual degrees.) Recommended preparation: prior course work or experience in management or business communication.

BUCO 533 Managing Communication in Organizations (3, FaSp) Analyze, design, develop, and present theory-based communication solutions and strategies to sophisticated interpersonal, group, organizational, and environmental communication issues and problems. Recommended preparation: GSBA 502 or GSBA 523 or GSBA 542.

BUCO 590 Directed Research (1-12, FaSpSm) Research leading to the master’s degree. Maximum units which may be applied to the degree to be determined by the department. Graded CR/NC.

BUCO 592 Field Research in in Management Communication (.5-4, max 12, FaSpSm) Individual or team projects studying the communication practices of an industry, company, government agency, country, geographic region, etc. Proposal, data collection, analyses, and written report. Open only to master’s and doctoral students. Graded CR/NC. Recommended preparation: completion of required MBA course work.

BUCO 593 Independent Research in Management Communication (.5-4, max 12, FaSpSm) Independent research beyond normal course offerings. Proposal, research and written report/paper required. Open only to master’s students. Graded CR/NC.

BUCO 595 Internship in Management Communication (.5-2, max 9, FaSpSm) Supervised on-the-job business experience in the field of management communication. (Curricular Practical Training.) Open only to graduate business and accounting majors. Recommended preparation: completion of required MBA, M.Acc., or MBT course work.

BUCO 596 Research Practicum in Management Communication (.5-2, max 8, FaSpSm) Hands-on practical experience working with a Management Communication faculty member on an ongoing research project. Open only to master’s and doctoral students. Graded CR/NC.

BUCO 597 Consulting Project in Management Communication (.5-5, max 12, FaSpSm) Individual or team project solving real business problems for an existing business entity, domestic and/or international. Proposal, field research, analyses and oral and written presentations. Open only to master’s and doctoral students. Graded CR/NC.

BUCO 633 Communication for Doctoral Students: Foundations of Academic Writing (1, Sp) Academic writing for dissertations, conference papers, and journal articles. Graded CR/NC.

BUCO 634 Communication for Doctoral Students: Conference Papers and Presentation (1, Sm) Oral presentation skills for professional conferences and teaching. Graded CR/NC.

BUCO 635 Communication for Doctoral Students: Career Planning and Development (1, Sm) Preparation for the academic job market. Graded CR/NC.

BUCO 636 Communication for Doctoral Students: Tutorial (1, max 4) Individualized tutorial focusing on academic writing and presentation skills for dissertations, conference papers, and journal articles. Graded CR/NC. Open only to GSBA doctoral students. Prerequisite: BUCO 633 or BUCO 634 or BUCO 635.

BUCO 637 Communication for Doctoral Students: Succeeding as a Teacher (1, Sm) Theories of teaching and learning; strategies for developing course materials; practical advice for managing common challenges; lecturing, leading discussion, creating in-class activities. Graded CR/NC.