University of Southern California
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School of Journalism

Graduate Degrees

The School of Journalism offers two Master of Arts degree programs: Journalism and Strategic Public Relations. Students completing the M.A. in Journalism will choose one of three emphases: print, broadcast or online. The Print Journalism emphasis is for students interested in newspaper and magazine journalism. Students may develop their special areas of interest through the selection of elective courses. The Broadcast Journalism emphasis is for those students interested in television news, public affairs and documentary programming. The curriculum is similar to the Print Journalism emphasis with the focus shifted to the development of writing and production skills for the broadcast media. The Online Journalism emphasis is for students interested in online journalism and new media. The Strategic Public Relations degree is designed to train students for management-level public relations and communication positions in all types of public and private sector organizations.

Admission Requirements

An applicant must have a bachelor's degree from an accredited college or university.

Minimum criteria for consideration are a 3.0 GPA for undergraduate work and all graduate work, and a score of 500-verbal and 1000-cumulative (verbal and quantitative) on the GRE General Test. International applicants are required to take the Test of English as a Foreign Language (TOEFL) and should receive a score of at least 630 on the paper-based exam or a score of 267 on the computer-based exam.

In addition, applicants are judged on a statement of purpose explaining why they wish to pursue graduate studies in journalism or public relations, an essay and three letters of recommendation submitted on their behalf. Professional experience in journalism and/or communication is also considered. Applicants must submit a résumé and one sample of their writing for review.

Applicants should submit the following materials to the USC Office of Admission: USC formal application with an application fee, affidavit of support (international applicants only), official GRE scores, official TOEFL scores (international applicants only), and official transcripts from all colleges and universities attended. Students should consult the USC Application for Graduate Admission for the current fee. The Office of Admission is unable to process an application without this fee.

In addition, students must submit the following materials to Annenberg Student Services: Journalism Supplementary Application, statement of purpose, GRE test scores, TOEFL test scores (international applicants only), official transcripts from all colleges and universities attended, one writing sample, journalism essay, a résumé and three letters of recommendation.

The School of Journalism admits students on a rolling basis for the fall semester. The application deadline for admission and a teaching assistantship consideration is January 15 for the fall. Students applying during the school year usually receive notification of the Admission Committee's decision within six weeks of receipt of all application materials.

Degree Requirements

These degrees are under the jurisdiction of the Graduate School. Refer to the Requirements for Graduation section and the Graduate School section of this catalogue for general regulations. All course work applied toward a degree must be approved by the School of Journalism and the Graduate School.

Master of Arts

Studies toward the Master of Arts in Journalism and the Master of Arts in Strategic Public Relations require 40 units of prescribed courses and approved electives in the student's field of study. Students may take, with prior approval, two of their electives outside the school. No more than 10 units of 400-level work may be applied toward the master's degree. A GPA of 3.0 must be maintained for all work. Students who fall below a 3.0 grade point average will be placed on academic probation and must improve according to established terms if they are to remain in the school. In the case of courses offered on Credit/No Credit (CR/NC) basis, faculty review of competence will be substituted for grades.

The School of Journalism will accept only 4 units of approved transferred graduate credit. Normally, full-time students can complete the program in four semesters. These programs may be attended on a part-time basis.

Foreign Language/Research Tool Requirements
There is no foreign language or research tool requirement for the master's degree.

Course Requirements
A master's degree in journalism requires 40 units and a master's degree in strategic public relations requires 40 units. To graduate, students may elect the thesis or comprehensive examination option. Students electing the thesis option are required to enroll in JOUR 594ab (2-2 units).

Thesis/Comprehensive Examination
The thesis option will take one of two forms: (1) a professional project presenting the results of an extensive print, broadcast, public relations or new media project completed by the student; or (2) a research thesis presenting the results of primary research undertaken by the student. In either case, students must establish a guidance committee of three tenure-track members, chaired by a faculty member from the School of Journalism. At least two of these members must be on the faculty of the School of Journalism; one may be a faculty member from another school or department. Students must secure approval of the professional project or thesis prior to enrollment in JOUR 594a. Students who elect the thesis option are required to enroll in JOUR 594ab (2-2 units), normally during their second year of study. The 4 units will count toward the approved elective units.

The comprehensive examination option allows students to complete the degree by passing a comprehensive examination in their last semester of course work.

New Media Core Curriculum
Students enrolled in the Master of Arts in Journalism are required to take 9 units of New Media Core courses (JOUR 501, 502, 503) in their first year. These courses provide intensive preparation considered necessary for graduate studies in journalism at USC. At the end of each New Media Core course, students will be given a comprehensive skills test that must be passed.

In the 21st century it is imperative that all journalists understand the basic techniques of writing, reporting and production for all the new media in print, broadcast and online journalism. Upon graduation, students will be routinely expected to function in all new media, being able to report and write stories for a media corporation's newspaper, Web site, and radio and television broadcasts, and to do this while covering a single story. The 9-unit New Media Core ensures every student has a background in all media before completing the more advanced courses in the 40-unit Master of Arts in Journalism. The three courses are:

JOUR 501 (3 units) is designed to teach the student basic newswriting and ethical framework for print, broadcast and online. The print segment includes basic newswriting, news judgment, construction of print news stories. The broadcast segment includes an introduction to broadcast newswriting with the emphasis on the ear and eye, creation of audio statements and creation of video elements. The online segment includes an introduction to online writing with an emphasis on context and relationship of topics and subjects to the story.

JOUR 502 (3 units) is designed to teach the student basic production and ethical framework for print, broadcast and online. The print segment includes copyediting and newspaper production layout, headline and caption writing and design. The broadcast segment includes studio and field production for radio and television and use of tape recorders and camcorders to produce simple field pieces. The online segment includes database creation and management, online journalism production and Web production.

JOUR 503 (3 units) is designed to teach the student basic reporting and ethical framework for print, broadcast and online. The print segment includes basic reporting techniques, public records reporting and beginning pieces of investigative journalism. The broadcast segment includes field reporting, radio and audio media, TV and other visual media. The online segment includes computer assisted reporting and precision reporting including statistics.

Master of Arts, Broadcast Journalism Emphasis

Course requirements (40 Units)Units
JOUR 500Media and Society3
JOUR 501Newswriting: Print, Broadcast, Online3
JOUR 502Production: Print, Broadcast, Online3
JOUR 503Reporting: Print, Broadcast, Online3
JOUR 505American Media History Seminar3
JOUR 517Advanced Investigative Reporting3
JOUR 521Broadcast Documentary, or
JOUR 526Advanced Broadcast News Production3
JOUR 560Seminar in Mass Communication Law3
Plus 16 units of approved elective courses*

*Students electing the thesis option are required to enroll in JOUR 594ab (2-2 units) and must complete 12 units of approved elective courses. Students electing the comprehensive examination option must complete 16 units of elective courses.

Master of Arts, Print Journalism Emphasis

Course requirements (40 Units)Units
JOUR 500Media and Society3
JOUR 501Newswriting: Print, Broadcast, Online3
JOUR 502Production: Print, Broadcast, Online3
JOUR 503Reporting: Print, Broadcast, Online3
JOUR 505American Media History Seminar3
JOUR 517Advanced Investigative Reporting3
JOUR 560Seminar in Mass Communication Law3
Plus 19 units of approved elective courses*

*Students electing the thesis option are required to enroll in JOUR 594ab (2-2 units) and must complete 15 units of approved elective courses. Students electing the comprehensive examination option must complete 19 units of elective courses.

Master of Arts, Online Journalism Emphasis

course requirements (40 units)units
JOUR 500Media and Society3
JOUR 501Newswriting: Print, Broadcast, Online3
JOUR 502Production: Print, Broadcast, Online3
JOUR 503Reporting: Print, Broadcast, Online3
JOUR 505American Media History Seminar3
JOUR 551Intermediate Online Publishing3
JOUR 555Multimedia and Graphics in Online Publishing3
JOUR 556Online Journalism Seminar3
JOUR 560Seminar in Mass Communication Law3
Plus 13 units of approved elective courses*

*Students electing the thesis option are required to enroll in JOUR 594ab (2-2 units) and must complete 9 units of approved elective courses. Students electing the comprehensive examination option must complete 13 units of approved elective courses.

Master of Arts in Strategic Public Relations

Course requirements (40 Units)Units
JOUR 504Public Relations Research and Evaluation3
JOUR 508Introduction to Strategic Public Relations3
JOUR 530Strategic Public Relations Management3
JOUR 534Case Studies in Public Relations3
JOUR 535Specialized Writing for Public Relations3
JOUR 536Creating Media for Public Relations3
JOUR 560Seminar in Mass Communication Law3
JOUR 568Critical Thinking and Crisis Management3
Plus 16 units of approved elective courses*

*Students electing the thesis option are required to enroll in JOUR 594ab (2-2 units) and must complete 12 units of approved elective courses. Students electing the comprehensive examination option must complete 16 units of approved elective courses.

Annenberg International Programs

Graduate Journalism Internships -- United Kingdom, Hong Kong or South Africa
Journalism master's degree students may spend eight weeks at internships in London, Hong Kong or Cape Town during the summer after their first year of graduate study at USC. Students apply to Annenberg International Programs in the fall semester of their first year and accepted students enroll in JOUR 540 International Journalism Seminar I during the spring semester. From mid-May to mid-July, they then enroll in JOUR 542 Foreign Reporting and JOUR 543 Field Study while working full-time at internships with prominent media organizations.

For more information, contact Annenberg International Programs at (213) 821-1276 or

Graduate Strategic Public Relations Internships -- United Kingdom, Hong Kong or South Africa
Strategic Public Relations master's degree students may spend eight weeks at internships in London, Hong Kong or Cape Town, during the summer after their first year of graduate study at USC. Students apply in the fall semester of their first year and accepted students enroll in JOUR 540 International Journalism Seminar I during the spring semester. From mid-May to mid-July, they then enroll in JOUR 532 International Public Relations and JOUR 543 Field Study while working full-time at internships with prominent public relations organizations.

For more information, contact Annenberg International Programs at (213) 821-1276 or

Academic Integrity Policy

Since its founding, the USC School of Journalism has maintained a commitment to the highest standards of ethical conduct and academic excellence. Any student found guilty of plagiarism, fabrication, cheating on examinations or purchasing papers or other assignments will immediately receive a failing grade in the course and will be dismissed from the School of Journalism. There are no exceptions to the school's policy.