Thornton School of Music
Courses of Instruction
The terms indicated are expected but are not guaranteed. For the courses offered during any given term, consult the Schedule of Classes.
music technology (MTEC)
MTEC 105 Electronic Studio Techniques (2) Electronic Music procedures in a multi-track studio. Computer applications. (Duplicates credit in former MUEA 105.)
MTEC 174 Fundamentals of Music Technology (2) Introductory microphone technique, signal processing, and computer literacy for musical performers. (Duplicates credit in former MUEA 174.)
MTEC 205ab Music with Computers (4-4) Computers in music composition, realization and performance. Representative hardware, software and languages. (Duplicates credit in former MUEA 205ab.) Recommended preparation: MTEC 105.
MTEC 301 Individual Instruction (2-3, max 8, FaSp) Intermediate and advanced instruction in the applications of technology to the creation and performance of music. Recommended preparation: experience with audio recording and synthesizers.
MTEC 305ab Electroacoustic Media I (4-4) Composition, arranging, performance and/or fixed medium realization of electroacoustic music. Critical/analytic listening. History of the medium. (Duplicates credit in former MUEA 305ab.) Prerequisite: MTEC 205b.
MTEC 310 Computer Recording for the Performing Musician (2, FaSpSm) Fundamentals of computer music production for music students. Recording and editing multitrack digital audio using computer software. Open to music majors only, with the exception of majors in music industry. (Duplicates credit in former MUSC 310.)
MTEC 311 MIDI Music Production for the Performing Musician (2, FaSpSm) Techniques of sequencing and recording musical compositions via MIDI on personal computers. Includes study of hardware, software, processes, functions, editing and orchestration techniques. Not open to music industry majors. (Duplicates credit in former MUSC 311.)
MTEC 390 Special Problems (1-4, FaSpSm) Supervised, individual studies. No more than one registration permitted. Enrollment by petition only. (Duplicates credit in former MUEA 390.)
MTEC 405ab Electroacoustic Media II (4-4) Continuation of MTEC 305ab. (Duplicates credit in former MUEA 405ab.) Prerequisite: MTEC 305b.
MTEC 448 Computer Music Notation and Preparation (2) Techniques and principles of computer music notation including conventions of music notation, idiomatic practices, preparation of significant score types, and MIDI basics. (Duplicates credit in former MUIN 448.)
MTEC 474ab Electronic Synthesizer Techniques (2-4; 2-4, FaSpSm) a and b: Electronic music procedures in a multi-track studio. b: Computer applications. (Duplicates credit in former MUEA 474abx.)
MTEC 476ab Advanced Electronic Studio Techniques (2-4; 2-4) a: Digital devices and specialized audio processing modules applied to electronic music. (Duplicates credit in former MUEA 476a.) Prerequisite: MTEC 474b. b: Continuation of MTEC 476a. Emphasis on individual projects. (Duplicates credit in former MUEA 476b.)
MTEC 481 Programming the MIDI Interface (2, FaSpSm) Programming MIDI Interface Software using the C Programming Language. Developing original applications software for sequencing and real-time event processing. (Duplicates credit in former MUEA 481.) Recommended preparation: prior experience in electronic music or computers.
MTEC 490x Directed Research (1-8, max 12, FaSpSm) Individual research and readings. Not available for graduate credit. (Duplicates credit in former MUEA 490x.)
MTEC 499 Special Topics (2-4, max 8, FaSpSm) Selected topics of current interest. (Duplicates credit in former MUEA 499.)
MTEC 501 Individual Instruction (1-2, max 8, FaSp) Intermediate and advanced instruction in the applications of technology to the creation and performance of music. Recommended preparation: experience with audio recording and synthesizers.
MTEC 550 Technology and the Collegiate Music Curriculum (2) Prepares the college-level music instructor for assuming a technological leadership role within a music department. Examines traditional, experimental, and pedagogical aspects of technology. Recommended preparation: computer, Internet, and basic music software literacy.
MTEC 590 Directed Research (1-12, FaSpSm) Research leading to the master’s degree. Maximum units which may be applied to the degree to be determined by the department. Graded CR/NC. (Duplicates credit in former MUEA 590.)
MTEC 599 Special Topics (2-4, max 8) Selected topics of current interest.
MTEC 790 Research (1-12, FaSpSm) Research leading to the doctorate. Maximum units which may be applied to the degree to be determined by the department. Graded CR/NC. (Duplicates credit in former MUEA 790.)