Thornton School of Music
Courses of Instruction
The terms indicated are expected but are not guaranteed. For the courses offered during any given term, consult the Schedule of Classes.
performance (popular music) (mppm)
MPPM 100 Popular Music Forum (1, max 4, FaSp) A weekly lecture series addressing a wide range of special topics and issues confronting the popular musician. Graded CR/NC.
MPPM 120 Popular Music Performance I (2, FaSp) Study of musical elements appropriate to the performance of popular music in a collaborative, interactive environment.
MPPM 153 Individual Instruction (1, 2, max 8, FaSp) Weekly individual instruction.
MPPM 240 Drumming Proficiency for the Popular Musician (2, FaSp) Beginning and elementary instruction in drum set techniques.
MPPM 250 Keyboard Proficiency for the Popular Musician (2, FaSp) Development of practical keyboard skills, including reading and realizing chord symbols, basics of voice leading, study of various harmonic and rhythmic styles.
MPPM 253 Individual Instruction (1, 2, max 8, FaSp) Weekly individual instruction.
MPPM 301 Individual Instruction (1-2, max 16, FaSpSm) Intermediate and advanced instruction on secondary instrument for all majors and minors except MPPM. Not open to B.M. in Popular Music Performance students.
MPPM 320 Popular Music Performance II (2, max 8, FaSp) Development of ensemble and communication skills through the performance and interpretation of American popular music in concert and studio settings. Development of original compositions. Open only to juniors and seniors. Prerequisite: MPPM 120.
MPPM 325ab Arranging in Popular Music (2, Fa; 2, Sp) a: Principles and techniques of arranging for voice and rhythm section in the popular music idiom. Prerequisite: MTEC 310 and MTEC 311 or MUIN 446b; b: writing and arranging for small groups of brass, wind, and/or string instruments with rhythm section in the popular music idiom.
MPPM 340 Intermediate Drum Set Proficiency (2, FaSp) Intermediate level instruction in drum set performance including accompaniment techniques, fills, beat and brush patterns in jazz, Afro-Caribbean and Brazilian styles, interpreting drum charts. Recommended preparation: MPPM 240.
MPPM 450ab Final Project (1, Fa; 1, Sp) Major collaborative performance project in popular music. Graded CR/NC.
MPPM 490x Directed Research (1-12, max 12) Individual research and readings. Open only to juniors and seniors. Not available for graduate credit.
MPPM 499 Special Topics (2-4, max 8) Selected topics of current interest.
MPPM 590 Directed Research (1-12, max 12) Research leading to the Master’s Degree. Maximum units which may be applied to the degree to be determined by the department. Graded CR/NC.
MPPM 599 Special Topics (2-4, max 8) Selected topics of current interest
MPPM 790 Research (1-12) Research leading to the doctorate. Maximum units which may be applied to the degree to be determined by the department. Graded CR/NC.