Roski School of Art and Design
Courses of Instruction
The terms indicated are expected but are not guaranteed. For the courses offered during any given term, consult the Schedule of Classes.
Sculpture (FASC)
FASC 106 Sculpture I (4, FaSp) Practical and theoretical introduction to sculpture as dimensional manipulation. Primary exploration of form, mass, gravity, surface, structure and associative recognition in three-dimensional art. (Duplicates credit in former FA 106.)
FASC 136 Modeling and Mold Making (2, FaSp) Introduction to plaster mold making using clay and wax for both ceramics and sculpture. Exploration of various casting materials. (Duplicates credit in former FA 136.)
FASC 206 Sculpture II (4, FaSp) Continued examination of the concepts of three-dimensional art: interrelation of material and image, public, human and intimate scale. (Duplicates credit in former FA 206.) Prerequisite: FASC 106.
FASC 236 Metal (2, FaSp) Introduction to metal in fine art. Emphasis on technical proficiencies and effective solutions working in a variety of metals. (Duplicates credit in former FA 236.) Recommended preparation: FASC 106.
FASC 246 Construction Techniques (2) Exploration of art fabrication and the techniques and philosophies of working with a variety of materials. (Duplicates credit in former FA 246.) Recommended preparation: FASC 106.
FASC 306 Advanced Sculpture (4, FaSp) Directed examination of three-dimensional aesthetic concepts; development of an individual creative vision. (Duplicates credit in former FA 306.) Prerequisite: FASC 206.
FASC 334 Space/Motion/Site: Investigating Performance and Installation (2) Exploration of performance and installation art, including historical influences and integration of multimedia and new technologies. (Duplicates credit in former FA 334.)
FASC 335 New Genres: Experimental Practices in Contemporary Art (4) Ideas in New Genres, topic changes each semester. (Duplicates credit in former FA 335.)
FASC 366 Art and Site (4) Exploration focusing on site as a major component of artwork in both content and form, emphasizing multidimensional work in relation to context, material and intent. (Duplicates credit in former FA 366.) Prerequisite: FASC 106.
FASC 406 Topics in Advanced Sculpture (4, max 12, FaSp) Individual direction of the study of aesthetic issues in sculpture; investigation of an individual creative vision. (Duplicates credit in former FA 406.) Prerequisite: FASC 306.
FASC 436 Art and Technology (4, FaSp) An interdisciplinary course between art and engineering that addresses creative thinking in the manipulation of media and the communication of ideas. (Duplicates credit in former FA 436.)