Roski School of Art and Design
Courses of Instruction
The terms indicated are expected but are not guaranteed. For the courses offered during any given term, consult the Schedule of Classes.
Intermedia (FAIN)
FAIN 210 Introduction to Digital Photography (4, FaSp) An introductory course exploring the processes and practices of digital capture, imaging and printing, from web-based image posting to large-scale printing. (Duplicates credit in former FA 210.)
FAIN 220 Introduction to Video and Time-based Experimentation (4, FaSp) An introductory course exploring contemporary processes and practices of video experimentation including the camera, desktop production, and editing. Experimentation with multiple modes of execution, presentation, and distribution. (Duplicates credit in former FA 215 and former FA 220.)
FAIN 315 Internet Studio: Online Experimentation and Expression (4, FaSp) A technically and conceptually intensive studio exploring contemporary processes and practices of Internet art and online expression.
FAIN 320 Video Studio (4, FaSpSm) An intensive video studio in the understanding and method of time-based, narrative and non-narrative art. (Duplicates credit in former FA 320.) Prerequisite: FAIN 220.
FAIN 330 Ideas in Intermedia (4, max 8, FaSp) An examination of the impact of digital media on contemporary culture, with attention to a particular, changing topic each semester. (Duplicates credit in former FA 330.)