University of Southern California

Viterbi School of Engineering

Biomedical Engineering

Denny Research Building 140
(213) 740-7237
FAX: (323) 821-3897

Chair: Norberto M. Grzywacz, Ph.D.


Dwight C. and Hildagarde E. Baum Chair in Biomedical Engineering: Norberto M. Grzywacz, Ph.D.

Chonette Chair in Biomedical Technology: David Z. D’Argenio, Ph.D.

David Packard Chair in Engineering: Theodore W. Berger, Ph.D.

Cornelius J. Pings Chair in Biomedical Sciences: Mark Humayun, Ph.D. (Opthalmology)

Provost Professor of Biological Sciences, Biomedical Engineering, Physiology and Biophysics, Stem Cell Biology and Regenerative Medicine, Pediatrics, Radiology and Ophthalmology: Scott Fraser, Ph.D. (Biological Sciences)

Dean’s Professor in Biomedical Engineering: Kirk Shung, Ph.D.

Provost Associate Professor of Biomedical Engineering, Neurology, Biokinesiology, and Physical Therapy: Terence D. Sanger, M.D., Ph.D.

Professors: Michael O. Arbib, Ph.D. (Computer Science, Neurobiology); Theodore W. Berger, Ph.D. (Neurobiology); Roberta D. Brinton, Ph.D. (Molecular Pharmacology and Toxicology); Peter S. Conti, M.D., Ph.D. (Radiology); David Z. D’Argenio, Ph.D.*; Scott Fraser, Ph.D. (Biological Sciences); Norberto M. Grzywacz, Ph.D. (Electrical Engineering); Tzung K. Hsiai, M.D., Ph.D.; Mark S. Humayun, Ph.D. (Ophthalmology); Michael C.K. Khoo, Ph.D. (Pediatrics); Kwang Jin Kim, Ph.D. (Medicine and Physiology); Richard Leahy, Ph.D. (Electrical Engineering and Radiology); Jay Lieberman, Ph.D. (Orthopaedic Surgery); Gerald E. Loeb, M.D.; Anupam Madhukar, Ph.D. (Chemical Engineering and Materials Science, Physics); Vasilis Z. Marmarelis, Ph.D. (Electrical Engineering); Jill McNitt-Gray, Ph.D. (Exercise Science); Chrysostomos Nikias, Ph.D. (Electrical Engineering); Dennis P. O’Leary, Ph.D. (Otolaryngology, Physiology and Biophysics); K. Kirk Shung, Ph.D.; Prakash Shrivastava, Ph.D. (Radiation Oncology); Armand R. Tanguay Jr., Ph.D. (Electrical Engineering, Materials Science); Francisco Valero-Cuevas, Ph.D. (Biokinesiology); Stanley M. Yamashiro, Ph.D. (Electrical Engineering)

Associate Professors: Robert H.-P. Chou, M.D., Ph.D. (Physiology and Biophysics); Daniel P. Holschneider, M.D. (Psychiatry); Hossein Jadvar, M.D., Ph.D. (Radiology); Shuliang Jiao, Ph.D. (Ophthalmology); Zhong-Lin Lu, Ph.D. (Psychology); Jill McNitt-Gray, Ph.D. (Exercise Science); Bartlett W. Mel, Ph.D.; Ellis Meng, Ph.D. (Electrical Engineering); Krishna Nayak, Ph.D. (Electrical Engineering); Alapakkam P. Sampath, Ph.D. (Physiology and Biophysics); Terence D. Sanger, M.D., Ph.D. (Neurology, Biokinesiology); Stefan Schaal, Ph.D. (Computer Science); Nicolas Schweighofer, Ph.D. (Biokinesiology); Pin Wang, Ph.D., (Chemical Engineering and Materials Science); James D. Weiland, Ph.D. (Ophthalmology); Jesse T. Yen, Ph.D.

Assistant Professors: Andrea Armani, Ph.D. (Chemical Engineering and Materials Science); Greg D. Field, Ph.D. (Cell and Neurobiology); Radha Kalluri, Ph.D. (Otolaryngology); Jason Kutch, Ph.D. (Biokinesiology); Noah Malmstadt, Ph.D. (Chemical Engineering and Materials Science); J. Andrew MacKay, Ph.D. (Pharmacology and Pharmaceutical Sciences)

Associate Professor of Engineering Practice: Jean-Michel I. Maarek, Doc.Ing.

Research Professors: Daniel L. Farkas, Ph.D. (Cedars-Sinai Medical Center); Jonathan G. Lasch, Ph.D. (AMI-USC); Alfred E. Mann, M.S. (AMI-USC); Donald J. Marsh, M.D.; Robert V. Shannon, Ph.D. (House Ear Institute); Qifa Zhou, Ph.D.

Research Associate Professors: Qian-Jie Fu, Ph.D. (House Ear Institute); John J. Granacki, Ph.D. (Electrical Engineering-Systems/ISI); Dong Song, Ph.D.

Research Assistant Professors: Rahman Davoodi, Ph.D.; Alireza Dibazar, Ph.D.; Arkadivsz Gertych, Ph.D. (Cedars-Sinai Medical Center); Clara Lajonchere, Ph.D.; Rongsong Li, Ph.D.; Eun Jin Lee, Ph.D.

Associate Professors of Research: Stefan Bluml, Ph.D. (Radiology); Brent J. Liu, Ph.D. (Radiology); Tishya A.L. Wren, M.D., Ph.D. (Orthopaedics/Pediatrics Children’s Hospital and Radiology)

Assistant Professors of Research: Stephan G. Erberich, Ph.D. (Radiology); Tracy C. Grikscheit, M.D. (Surgery and Children’s Hospital); Bo Han, Ph.D. (Surgery); Natasha Leporé, Ph.D. (Radiology and Children’s Hospital); Paraq Mallick, Ph.D. (Medicine); Rex A. Moats, Ph.D. (Pathology, Radiology); Greg T. Mogel, M.D. (Radiology); John C. Wood, Ph.D. (Pediatric Cardiology, Children’s Hospital)

Adjunct Professor: Joseph H. Schulman, Ph.D. (Alfred E. Mann Foundation)

Adjunct Associate Professors: Samuel Landsberger, Sc.D. (Rancho Los Amigos); Shirin Towfigh, M.D. (Cedars Sinai)

Adjunct Assistant Professors: Leonid Litvak, Ph.D. (Advanced Bionics Corp.); Philip Requejo, Ph.D. (Rancho Los Amigos Medical Center and Kinesiology)

Emeritus Professors: George A. Bekey, Ph.D. (Electrical Engineering, Computer Science and Speech Science); Edward K. Blum, Ph.D. (Mathematics, Computer Science); H. K. Huang, D.Sc. (Radiology)

*Recipient of university-wide or school teaching award.