The courses listed in the following section have been designed for specific groups of students for various purposes as indicated in the course descriptions. Certain courses have restrictions related to their applicability for degree credit. Students should consult the academic advisor in the major department for further information.
Courses of Instruction
Engineering (ENGR)
ENGR 100abcd Engineering Honors Colloquium (1-1-1-1) Recent developments in a highly technological society with emphasis on selected topics. Enrollment limited to members of the Viterbi School of Engineering Honors Program. Graded CR/NC.
ENGR 101 Introduction to Engineering (3, Fa) Gateway to the majors and minors in engineering. Introduction to engineering disciplines. Historical and current trends in engineering; ethical and societal factors in engineering solutions. Hands-on design experiences; field trips; USC laboratory tours.
ENGR 102 Engineering Freshman Academy (2, Fa) Introduction to the profession of engineering. Ethical, political and societal consequences of engineering innovations and the impact of engineering on everyday life. Team project and guest lectures. Open to freshmen only. Graded CR/NC.
ENGR 150L Engineering Science and Systems: From Humans to Robots (3, Fa) Hands-on multidisciplinary engineering course that uses robotics as a theme to cover material from all areas of engineering. Laboratory; programming; team projects; end-of-semester exhibition. Open only to freshmen. Recommended preparation: Basic programming experience (e.g., C, C++, C#, Java, Python).
ENGR 301 Technical Entrepreneurship (3) (Enroll in BUAD 301)
ENGR 305 Engineering Biology Matters (3, Fa) Engineering students will learn biological phenomena in the context of engineering principles and explore biological mechanisms and processes as analogies for designing engineered systems. Recommended preparation: CHEM 105aL, MASC 110L.
ENGR 395abcdx Cooperative Education Work Experience (1 or 2, max 5) Supervised work experience in a professional environment related to a specific degree program, academic level, and career objective. Acceptance into Cooperative Education Program required. Graded IP/CR/NC. Degree credit by departmental approval.
ENGR 400 Engineering Honors Project (1-3, max 12, FaSpSm) Supervised interdisciplinary studies and projects. Enrollment limited to members of the Viterbi School of Engineering Honors Program. Graded CR/NC.
ENGR 493x Dean’s Seminar in Entrepreneurship (2, Sp) Overview of starting and developing a new business. Discussions with successful business leaders and entrepreneurs. Not available for students admitted to the Entrepreneur Program. Open only to seniors or graduate students in business or engineering. Graded CR/NC. (Duplicates credit in former BUAD 493x.)
ENGR 499 Special Topics (2-4, max 8) Current developments in the field of engineering.
ENGR 501x Engineering Writing and Communication for Master’s Students (3, FaSp) Academic and discipline-specific writing skills. Emphasis on structure of discourse and writing process. Presentation and oral communication skills also addressed. Graded CR/NC. Credit Restrictions: May be taken for degree credit only toward M.S. degrees in Industrial and Systems Engineering; Engineering Management; Manufacturing Engineering and Entrepreneurship; Operations Research Engineering; and the Master of Engineering in Environmental Quality Management.
ENGR 502x Writing Skills for Engineering Ph.D. Students (3, FaSp) Writing of engineering curriculum- and research-related projects for Ph.D. students. Focus is on conference papers, dissertations and proposals, journal articles, and other forms. Graded CR/NC. Not available for degree credit for the master’s degree.
ENGR 503x Oral Communication Skills for Engineering Ph.D. Students (3, FaSp) Academic and professional presentation skills for Ph.D. students. Preparation for qualifying exams, conference paper presentations, and other forms of oral communication. Use of visual aids and poster displays included. Graded CR/NC. Not available for degree credit for the master’s degree.
ENGR 504x Fellowship Proposal Writing for Engineering Ph.D. Students (2, FaSp) Preparation of essays and other materials for research fellowship applications. Graded CR/NC. Open only to Ph.D. engineering students. Not available for degree credit.
ENGR 596 Internship in Engineering (1, max 3, FaSpSm) Part-time or full-time, practical work experience in the student’s field of study. The internship must be located at an off-campus facility. Students are individually supervised by faculty. May not be taken until the student has completed at least one semester of enrollment in the graduate program. Graduate standing in engineering. Graded CR/NC.
ENGR 599 Special Topics (2-4, max 9) Current developments in the field of engineering; topics to be selected each semester.