Degrees and Requirements
The Viterbi School of Engineering offers the following undergraduate curricula leading to the Bachelor of Science in: Aerospace Engineering; Applied Mechanics; Astronautical Engineering; Biomedical Engineering; Chemical Engineering; Civil Engineering; Computer Engineering and Computer Science; Computer Science; Computer Science/Business Administration; Computer Science (Games); Electrical Engineering; Environmental Engineering; Industrial and Systems Engineering; Mechanical Engineering; and Physics/Computer Science.
Minor programs are offered in: Applied Computer Security; Astronautical Engineering; Computer Science; Construction Planning and Management; Craniofacial and Dental Technology; Engineering Management; Engineering Technology Commercialization; Environmental Engineering; Interactive Multimedia; Materials Science; Petroleum Engineering and Polymer Science; 3-D Animation; Video Game Design and Management; Video Game Programming; Web Technology and Applications.
Graduate curricula leading to the Master of Science in: Aerospace and Mechanical Engineering (Computational Fluid and Solid Mechanics); Aerospace and Mechanical Engineering (Dynamics and Control); Aerospace Engineering; Astronautical Engineering; Biomedical Engineering; Biomedical Engineering (Medical Imaging and Imaging Informatics); Chemical Engineering; Civil Engineering; Civil Engineering (Construction Engineering); Civil Engineering (Structural Engineering); Civil Engineering (Transportation Engineering); Computer Engineering; Computer Science; Computer Science (Computer Networks); Computer Science (Computer Security); Computer Science (Game Development); Computer Science (High Performance Computing and Simulations); Computer Science (Human Language Technology); Computer Science (Intelligent Robotics); Computer Science (Multimedia and Creative Technologies); Computer Science (Software Engineering); Electrical Engineering; Electrical Engineering (Computer Networks); Electrical Engineering (Electric Power); Electrical Engineering (Multimedia and Creative Technologies); Electrical Engineering (VLSI Design); Engineering Management; Environmental Engineering; Financial Engineering; Green Technologies; Health Systems Management Engineering; Industrial and Systems Engineering; Manufacturing Engineering; Materials Engineering; Materials Science; Mechanical Engineering; Medical Device and Diagnostic Engineering; Operations Research Engineering; Petroleum Engineering; Petroleum Engineering (Smart Oilfield Technologies); Product Development Engineering; and Systems Architecting and Engineering.
Graduate curricula leading to the Master of Construction Management.
Graduate curricula leading to the Engineer degree in: Aerospace Engineering; Astronautical Engineering; Chemical Engineering; Civil Engineering; Electrical Engineering; Industrial and Systems Engineering; Materials Science; Mechanical Engineering; and Petroleum Engineering.
Through the Graduate School, graduate curricula leading to the Doctor of Philosophy in: Aerospace Engineering; Astronautical Engineering; Biomedical Engineering; Chemical Engineering; Civil Engineering; Computer Engineering; Computer Science; Electrical Engineering; Engineering (Environmental Engineering); Industrial and Systems Engineering; Materials Science; Mechanical Engineering; and Petroleum Engineering.
Graduate certificates in: Astronautical Engineering; Engineering Technology Commercialization; Health Systems Operations; Network Centric Systems; Smart Oilfield Technologies; Software Engineering; Systems Architecting and Engineering; and Transportation Systems.