Courses of Instruction
Production (CTPR)
CTPR 205 Introduction to Filmic Design (4, Sp) The visual structure of film; basic components: space, line, color, contrast/affinity. Film and video projects. (Duplicates credit in former CTWR 205.) Prerequisite: CTWR 105.
CTPR 240x Practicum in Production (2 or 4, Sm) Basic production techniques: introduction to the cinematic elements, production techniques, and equipment; film and/or videotape production. Not available for major credit to CTPR majors.
CTPR 241 Fundamentals of Cinema Technique (2, FaSp) Introduction to cinema production techniques and equipment including producing, directing, camera, lighting and editing. Open to Cinema-Television majors only. Concurrent enrollment: CTPR 290.
CTPR 242 Fundamentals of Cinematic Sound (2, FaSp) Introduction to sound design, recording, editing, mixing and finishing. Lectures, demonstrations and exercises. Open to production majors only. Concurrent enrollment: CTPR 290.
CTPR 280 Structure of the Moving Image (2, FaSp) Basic theory and application of the concepts of time, space, composition, movement, light and color in motion picture production. Open to production majors only.
CTPR 288 Originating and Developing Ideas for Film (2, FaSp) Exercises in observation, imaginative association, visualization, etc., that deepen the creative process, leading to ideas, stories, characters and images for narrative, documentary and experimental films.
CTPR 290 Cinematic Communication (4-6, FaSp) Introduction to filmmaking as related to cinematic expression, aesthetics, criticism, and ethics. Individual film projects. Open to Cinema-Television majors only. Prerequisite: completion of GEs; concurrent enrollment: CTPR 241, CTPR 242 (CTPR 242 for production majors only), CTWR 413.
CTPR 301 Creating the Non-Fiction Film (4, Sp) Research and writing challenges of non-fiction film (documentary, educational, industrial, political, etc.), from treatment to finished script. (Duplicates credit in former CTWR 301.)
CTPR 310 Intermediate Film Production (4, FaSp) Basic principles of visual and audio communication; idea development using image, movement, pace, the spoken word and other sounds; action and sound relationships; individual projects. Prerequisite: CTPR 241, CTPR 242, CTPR 290, and CTWR 413; concurrent enrollment: CTPR 376.
CTPR 318 Acting Experience for Writers (2, Fa) Basic acting theory and techniques to acquaint the writer with the needs and techniques of the performer. (Duplicates credit in former CTWR 318.)
CTPR 319 Directing for Writers: Fundamentals (2, Sp) A workshop in which students will direct original scene material in a stage environment on class time. Director’s role and responsibilities, the process of translating the written word into image and action; basics of camera, working with actors and staging; working with and in various crew roles in a production team; editing dialogue scenes. Open to B.F.A. Writing for Screen and Television students only. (Duplicates credit in former CTWR 319.)
CTPR 327 Motion Picture Camera (3, FaSpSm) Use of motion picture camera equipment; principles of black-and-white and color cinematography. Individual projects.
CTPR 335 Motion Picture Editing (3, FaSp) Theory, techniques, and practices in picture editing; use of standard editing equipment; individual projects.
CTPR 340 Motion Picture Sound Editing (2, Fa) Techniques and aesthetic principles for recording and editing dialogue, music, and sound effects for film, television and other media.
CTPR 371 Directing for Television (4, FaSp) Preparation of director’s preproduction blockout; study of direction for live, tape, and film production, for both dramatic and informational television.
CTPR 375 Functions of a Director (4, Sp) Theoretical considerations of the director in relationship to the multiple facets of film production.
CTPR 376 Intermediate Cinematography (4, FaSp) Intermediate cinematography workshop; practical problems and assignments. Prerequisite: CTPR 241, CTPR 242, CTPR 290 and CTWR 413; concurrent enrollment: CTPR 310.
CTPR 380 Television Editing (4) Theory and practice of editing tape and film for television. Prerequisite: CTPR 310, CTPR 376.
CTPR 382 Advanced Multi-Camera Television Comedy Pilot (4, FaSp) A hands-on course which allows students to experience all aspects of multi-camera television production by creating a pilot episode of a situation comedy. Recommended preparation: experience working at Trojanvision.
CTPR 385 Colloquium: Motion Picture Production Techniques (4, FaSpSm) Basic procedures and techniques applicable to production of all types of films; demonstration by production of a short film from conception to completion.
CTPR 386 Art and Industry of the Theatrical Film (4, FaSp) Detailed analysis of one theatrical film from conception through critical reception to develop an understanding of motion pictures as art, craft, and industry.
CTPR 405 Filmic Expression (4, Irregular) Creative aspects of film production; analysis of audio and visual forces that make the film an expressive means of communication; individual projects. Lecture-demonstration. Prerequisite: CTPR 310, CTPR 376.
CTPR 409 Practicum in Television Production (2, 4, max 8, FaSp) Television production laboratory course covers operating cameras, creating graphics, technical operations, controlling audio and floor-managing live productions. Students plan and produce actual Trojan Vision programs.
CTPR 410 The Movie Business: From Story Concept to Exhibition (2, FaSp) Examination of the industry from story ideas through script development, production and exhibition; evaluation of roles played by writers, agents, studio executives, marketing and publicity.
CTPR 419 Directing for Writers: Intermediate (2, Fa) Advanced directing considerations and techniques applied through the directing of 2‑3 scenes each outside of class on-location. Emphasis on considerations of art direction, cinematography, and staging techniques; editing concerns are explored in greater depth. Open to B.F.A. Writing for Screen and Television students only. Prerequisite: CTPR 241, CTPR 290; recommended preparation: CTPR 318, CTPR 319.
CTPR 421 Intermediate Motion Picture Editing (3, FaSp) Intermediate motion picture editing workshop; practical problems and assignments encompassing film, video, and non-linear editing techniques. Intermediate editing class for undergraduates. Open to CNTV Production students only. Prerequisite: CTPR 310.
CTPR 422 Makeup for Motion Pictures (2, FaSp) Lecture-laboratory in makeup relating it to mood of the story and emulsion of the camera stock.
CTPR 423 Introduction to Special Effects in Cinema (2, FaSp) Introductory workshop in the aesthetics and practices of special effects, embracing both the classical and contemporary modes.
CTPR 424 Practicum in Cinematography (4, FaSp) Camera and lighting workshop in color. In‑class exercises working in professional film crew positions that rotate each week. Class starts with 35mm still photography and moves into motion picture in 16mm and digital formats. Prerequisite: CTPR 327 or CTPR 376.
CTPR 425 Production Planning (2, FaSp) Theory, discussion, and practical application of production planning during preproduction and production of a film.
CTPR 426 The Production Experience (2, FaSp) To provide students with basic working knowledge of both the skills of the motion picture set and production operations through classroom lectures and hands-on experience.
CTPR 428 Summer Production Workshop (2-4, max 8, Sm) To investigate disciplines of Cinema-TV with emphasis on one of the following areas: writing, directing, editing, camera, sound, editing, producing, interactive, computer animation or digital.
CTPR 436 Editing for Writers (2, FaSp) Principles, techniques, practices and theories of editorial construction of film and television to help develop storytelling skills. Lectures and laboratory. Open to B.F.A. Writing for Screen and Television students only. Prerequisite: CTPR 241, CTPR 290; recommended preparation: CTPR 318, CTPR 319.
CTPR 439 Seminar in Computer Editing (2, Sp) Examines the differences between linear and non-linear editing systems through practical exercises, lecture, and demonstrations.
CTPR 444 Still Photography: Color, Black and White, Film, and Digital (4, Sp) Camera and lighting techniques, with an emphasis on aesthetics and personal expression. Regular in-class studio and location shooting, culminating in long-term final project.
CTPR 451 Guerrilla Television (2, Fa) A history of TV made outside the mainstream, from the “guerrilla television” movement of the ’70s to the best Independent TV of the ’90s. This course is taught from the producer’s/creator’s point of view.
CTPR 452 Independent Video Production (2, FaSp) Documentary production course specifically designed to explore the non-traditional uses of digital video. Prerequisite: CTPR 451.
CTPR 453 Personal Voice: Documentary/Experimental Production (4) A production workshop that trains students to use personal experience as the basis for their story material and video products in the tradition of diaristic literature, solo theatrical performance and personal voice media. Recommended preparation: THTR 479.
CTPR 454 Acting for Film and Television (4, FaSp) Intensive examination of skills and techniques necessary for successful performances in film and television. Practical application through in-class exercises and assigned projects.
CTPR 455 Introduction to Production Design (2, FaSp) Structure of the filmic art department, fundamentals and application of design principles to film and television, including script breakdown, design concepts and storyboarding.
CTPR 456 Introduction to Art Direction (2, FaSp) Introduction to computer drafting, set design, rendering and model-making for students with diverse abilities. Guest lectures, group discussions and hands-on workshop.
CTPR 457 Creating Poetic Cinema (2, Fa) An investigation of poetic cinema from four different perspectives: found poetry; applied poetry; poetry as image; and poetry in narrative fiction. Production of short films.
CTPR 458 Organizing Creativity: Entertainment Industry Decision Making (2, FaSp) Analysis of the unique structures in the entertainment industry for organizing and managing creativity. Students research and chart pathways to leadership.
CTPR 460 Film Business Procedures and Distribution (2 or 4, max 8, FaSpSm) Financing, budgeting, management as applied to films; problems of distribution, including merchandising, cataloging, evaluation, and film library management.
CTPR 461 Managing Television Stations and Internet Media (2, FaSpSm) Managing electronic media, including radio and television stations, broadcast and cable networks, and the Internet.
CTPR 468 The Film Makers (4, FaSp) To define the roles and goals of production designers, cinematographers, editors, and directors by meeting and discussing with them their responsibilities in the filmmaking process. Prerequisite: CTPR 290.
CTPR 470 Practicum in On-screen Direction of Actors (4, FaSp) Concentration on the basic skills in working with actors from a director’s point of view.
CTPR 472 Non-Theatrical Aspects of Film and TV Producing (2, max 4, FaSpSm) Basic film and TV business procedures: financing, production design, planning, management, and marketing of non-theatrical film and television products.
CTPR 473 Directing the Composer (2, Sp) Acquaints aspiring filmmakers (who have no musical background) with the fundamental concepts of film music from theoretical, creative, and pragmatic standpoints. Open to Cinema-Television majors only.
CTPR 474 Documentary Production (4, FaSpSm) Pairs produce, direct, shoot, and edit a short documentary on a subject of their choice. Finished projects will be suitable for broadcast/festivals.
CTPR 475 Directing: Mise-en-Scene (4, FaSpSm) Through a semester-long collaboration, directors and actors learn how to work and communicate with each other while shooting two scenes on camera per director. Prerequisite: CTPR 310, CTPR 376.
CTPR 477 Special Problems in Directing (2 or 4, max 8, FaSp) Detailed investigation and analysis of problems in directing. Individual projects. Prerequisite: CTPR 310 and CTPR 376.
CTPR 479 Single Camera Television Dramatic Pilot (2, Fa) Collaborative writing, preproduction and shooting of a pilot act for an original episodic television drama, shot on stage sets built for the show.
CTPR 480 Production Workshop I (4, max 12, FaSp) Intermediate practical work in film production; creative use of camera, sound, editing, and production planning. Open to Cinema-Television majors only. Prerequisite: CTPR 310, CTPR 376.
CTPR 481abL Cinema Workshop (2-2, FaSpSm) Practical experience in motion picture production. (Duplicates credit in CMPP 541abL.)
CTPR 484 Advanced Multi-Camera Television Workshop (4, max 8, FaSp) Exercises and practical application for writing and producing a multi-camera television project. Special attention to the development of the sitcom. Recommended preparation: CTPR 371 required for students who wish to direct a sitcom.
CTPR 485 Production Workshop II (4, Irregular) Intermediate experience in group filmmaking affording expanded areas of responsibilities. Take directorial responsibility or two areas different from those taken in CTPR 480. Lecture and laboratory workshop in conjunction with CTPR 480. Prerequisite: CTPR 480.
CTPR 486 Single Camera Television Dramatic Series (4, Sp) Collaborative production and post-production of an original episodic drama, shot on original sets on stage and on location. Recommended preparation: CTPR 479.
CTPR 487 The Recording Studio in Film and Video Production (2) Exploration of the role of the recording studio in professional film and video productions. Emphasis on technical and hardware considerations.
CTPR 489 Television Docudrama Production (4) Research, planning, and production of the docudrama.
CTPR 493 Senior Television Seminar (2 or 4, max 4, FaSp) Detailed investigation and discussion of various aspects of television.
CTPR 495 Internship in Cinematic Arts (1, 2 or 4, max 4, FaSpSm) On-the-job film, television and interactive industry experience in the areas of interest of the individual student. Requires departmental approval.
CTPR 496 The Film Industry: Career Challenges and Choices for Women (2, FaSp) This class discusses women’s roles in the entertainment industry and career opportunities available for women in the business, corporate and creative sectors.
CTPR 497 Music Video Production (2, FaSp) Writing the concept, budgeting, shooting, editing and directing a music video. Also covered: getting the job, dealing with the band, working with the record company. Prerequisite: CTPR 241, CTPR 290, CTPR 310.
CTPR 499 Special Topics (2-4, max 8, FaSpSm) Detailed investigation of new or emerging aspects of cinema and/or television; special subjects offered by visiting faculty; experimental subjects.
CTPR 506 Visual Expression (2, FaSp) Definition, analysis, and structure of the visual components that make film an expressive medium; theory and practical application; individual projects and lecture/demonstration. Prerequisite: CTPR 507 or CTAN 547 or CTIN 534.
CTPR 507 Production I (4, FaSp) A practical exploration of the fundamental technical and aesthetic principles of motion picture production. Involves individual and group projects. Graded CR/NC.
CTPR 508 Production II (6, FaSpSm) Practicum in group production, emphasizing the collaborative process and the expressive use of sound and image. Open to graduate students only. Prerequisite: CTPR 507, CTPR 510, CTWR 505; concurrent enrollment: CTPR 509.
CTPR 509 Concepts of Cinematic Post Production – Editing and Sound (2, FaSp) Exploration of the practical, conceptual and aesthetic aspects of editing and sound for film and digital media. Concurrent enrollment: CTPR 508.
CTPR 510 Concepts of Cinematic Production (2, FaSp) Overview of the process of making media. Introduces fundamental thinking typical of each craft. Presents realities of careers and ethical issues in the media. Corequisite: CTPR 507.
CTPR 515 Global Exchange Workshop (2, Sm) An intense workshop in documentary filmmaking. Student teams from USC and a Chinese university make short documentaries on Los Angeles and Beijing as global cities.
CTPR 522 Reality Television Survey (2, FaSpSm) A comprehensive overview of the world of reality television; each student will develop and pitch an original reality-based program. Prerequisite: CTAN 547 or CTIN 534 or CTPR 507.
CTPR 523 Introduction to Multiple-Camera Production (2, FaSp) How to direct comedy or dramatic scenes, using multiple camera techniques. Students also serve as crew members, learning lighting, mixing, studio controls, and stage management. Prerequisite: CTPR 508.
CTPR 527 Special Effects in Cinema (2 or 4, max 4, Irregular) Lecture, discussion, and exercises in optical and/or mechanical special effects. Prerequisite: CTPR 241 and CTPR 290.
CTPR 530 Producing for Independent Films (2, FaSp) Producing film, television and multi-media productions. Focuses on business procedures, production design, planning, budgeting, management, marketing, financing, and the structures and practices of the industry.
CTPR 531 Planning the Production (2, max 6, FaSp) A preproduction workshop in which students complete the research and planning of an intermediate project to be executed in CTPR 547. Prerequisite: CTPR 508.
CTPR 532 Intermediate Directing (2, FaSp) Practical experience in staging dramatic narrative scenes, emphasizing directing actors, rehearsal techniques and camera blocking. Prerequisite: CTPR 508.
CTPR 533 Directing Techniques (2, FaSp) Practicum in more complex directing issues concentrating both on performance and exploration of shaping scenes visually through blocking of action and placement of camera. Prerequisite: CTPR 532.
CTPR 534 Intermediate Production Design (2, Irregular) Exercises in production design concentrating on practical and aesthetic approaches to designing for film, television and commercials. Prerequisite: CTPR 508.
CTPR 535 Intermediate Editing (2, FaSp) Editorial construction of film sequences to analyze the interrelationships of the various film elements, both visual and aural. Prerequisite: CTPR 508 or CTAN 547.
CTPR 536 Editing for Scriptwriters (2, FaSp) Principles, techniques, practices and theories of editorial construction of film and TV scenes and sequences. Lecture, 2 hours; laboratory, 1 hour. (Duplicates credit in former CTWR 536.) Open to M.F.A. Writing for Screen and Television students only.
CTPR 537 Intermediate Cinematography (2, FaSp) Close study through practical exercises of the technical and aesthetic principles of cinematography. Prerequisite: CTPR 508 or CTAN 547.
CTPR 538 Intermediate Producing (2, FaSp) Definition, examination and practical experience in the role of the line producer as it relates to preproduction, production and post production. Prerequisite: CTPR 508.
CTPR 539 Intermediate Graphics (2, Irregular) An investigation into the nature and meaning of graphic concepts relative to their use in film and video. Prerequisite: CTPR 508.
CTPR 540 Intermediate Sound (2, FaSp) Practical and aesthetic considerations relating to recording, editing and sound design. Prerequisite: CTPR 507 or CTAN 547.
CTPR 542 Intermediate Electronic Imaging (2, Irregular) Technical and creative aspects of electronic imaging such as high definition television, multi-media, and digital television. Emphasis on understanding potential and limitations of state-of-the-art technologies. Prerequisite: CTPR 508.
CTPR 543 Editing the Advanced Project (2, Irregular) Utilitarian seminar focused on editing advanced projects. Open to Cinema- Television production students only. Corequisite: CTPR 481a, CTPR 581a, CTPR 586a or CTPR 587a.
CTPR 545 Intermediate Multi-Camera Television Workshop (4, FaSp) Practicum in the creative usage of multi-camera and single camera electronic production techniques. Students will complete an 8-12 minute video piece using three camera production procedures. Open to production majors only. Prerequisite: CTPR 508.
CTPR 546L Production III, Fiction (6, max 12, FaSp) An intensive workshop experience in which students, crewing in their area of specialization, complete the shooting and postproduction of projects up to thirty minutes in length. Qualifying courses: for directors, CTPR 532, and for cinematographers, CTPR 537; prerequisite: CTPR 508.
CTPR 547L Production III, Documentary (6, max 12, FaSp) Intensive workshop; students shoot and finish documentary projects up to about 25 minutes. Qualifying courses: for directors, CTPR 531 and crewing on either CTPR 546L or CTPR 547L; prerequisite: CTPR 508.
CTPR 552 Advanced Directing (2, FaSp) An advanced production class in directing. Encounters with experienced directors; and individual student production of a short. Prerequisite: CTPR 533 or CTPR 546L.
CTPR 553 Developing the Advanced Project (1, FaSp) Script workshop for advanced projects. Covers key screenplay elements, including protagonist and objective, conflict, obstacles, premise and opening, main tension, emotional throughline, etc. (Duplicates credit in former CTPR 551). Prerequisite: CTPR 508.
CTPR 554 Advanced Sound (2, FaSp) Study of the technical and aesthetic elements of sound design at the professional level. Intended for those contemplating a career in the field of audio. Prerequisite: CTPR 540 or one of the following in equivalent crew position: CTPR 523, CTPR 546L, CTPR 547L.
CTPR 555 Advanced Production Design (2, Irregular) Execution of a complete production design including script breakdown, storyboards, production sketches, plans, elevations and a color model. Prerequisite: CTPR 534.
CTPR 556 Advanced Editing (2, FaSp) Advanced editorial theory and practice intended for those specializing in film and electronic editing. Prerequisite: CTPR 535 or one of the following in equivalent crew position: CTPR 523, CTPR 546L, CTPR 547L.
CTPR 557 Advanced Cinematography (2, FaSp) Advanced camera and lighting techniques for those considering a professional career in cinematography. Prerequisite: CTPR 537 or one of the following in equivalent crew position: CTPR 523, CTPR 546L, CTPR 547L.
CTPR 558 Advanced Producing (2, Irregular) Defines and examines the role of the Executive/ Feature Producer through the preproduction, production and post production phases. Prerequisite: CTPR 538 or CTPR 546L or CTPR 545.
CTPR 559 Advanced Graphics (2, Irregular) Advanced study in graphic film/video production including writing, graphic arts, camera, editing and sound. Prerequisite: CTPR 539.
CTPR 560 Seminar in Motion Picture Distribution, Budgeting, and Management (2 or 4, max 8, FaSp) Problems of location production, foreign release, and packaging.
CTPR 561 Publicity for Cinema and Television (4, Sp) Analysis and preparation of advertising and publicity campaigns for entertainment films and television.
CTPR 562 Seminar in Motion Picture Business (2 or 4, max 8, FaSp) Problems of studio operation, production, distribution, exhibition, or legal procedures relating to the motion picture.
CTPR 563 The Business of Representation (4, FaSp) Various roles an agent, manager, attorney or publicist play in representing talent, producers and writers. Taught by professionals who are at the forefront of the entertainment industry.
CTPR 566 Developing and Selling Your Film and TV Projects (2, FaSp) Developing, pitching, and selling your feature motion picture and TV projects. Open to undergraduate seniors and third-year graduate cinema majors only.
CTPR 568 Advanced Electronic Imaging (2, Irregular) Electronic imaging in high definition television, interactive multi-media, and computer animation. Emphasis on creative use of the technologies for new forms of expression and communication. Prerequisite: CTPR 542.
CTPR 570 Studies in the Functions of a Director (2, Fa) Analysis of the director’s relationship to the multiple facets of film production.
CTPR 572 The World of Television: From Concept to Air and Everything in Between (2, FaSp) Takes projects from conception to sale, including development, production, post-production, and marketing. Students will develop original projects. Prerequisite: CTPR 508.
CTPR 573 Producing the Advanced Project (1, FaSp) Basic skills of production planning as applied to students’ advanced project scripts. Covers all steps from breakdown to delivery. (Duplicates credit in former CTPR 551). Prerequisite: CTPR 508; recommended preparation: submission of script required.
CTPR 575ab Directing for Writers (a: 2, Fa; b: 4, Sp) a: Fundamentals of directing for film through emphasis on enhancing the writer’s understanding of the director’s process. Students shoot each other’s scenes on a soundstage, edit and re-edit scenes for in-class presentation. b: Concerns, domains and responsibilities of the film director. Students will complete a five- to twelve-minute film which they will write and direct incorporating class presentations of work in progress. Open to M.F.A. screenwriting majors only.
CTPR 581abcz Individual Production Workshop (4-2-2-0, FaSpSm) Individual experimental projects involving the creative use of visuals (live action or animated) and sound. Open to Production students only. Qualifying courses: CTPR 532 and CTPR 573 (for directors); CTPR 573 (for producers); CTPR 537 (for cinematographers), CTPR 535 (for editors) CTPR 546L or CTPR 547L as production sound person (for sound). Graded IP/Letter. Prerequisite: CTPR 546L or CTPR 547L.
CTPR 582abz Advanced Production Seminar (2-2-0, FaSpSm) Advanced individual film or video projects under the guidance of a faculty mentor, without benefit of university equipment or resources. Open to production majors only. Qualifying courses: CTPR 532 and CTPR 573 (for directors); CTPR 573 (for producers); CTPR 537 (for cinematographers); CTPR 535 (for editors); and CTPR 546L or CTPR 547L as production sound person (for sound). Graded IP/Letter. Prerequisite: CTPR 546L or CTPR 547L.
CTPR 583 Graduate Television Production (6, FaSp) Advanced television group production workshop for students who want to produce an advanced multi-camera project. Open to production majors only. Prerequisite: directing and producing positions: CTPR 532, CTPR 553, CTPR 573; for all positions: CTPR 523 or CTPR 546L or CTPR 547L in equivalent crew position.
CTPR 585abz Advanced Producing Project (2-2-0, FaSpSm) Supervised, individual study leading to the creation of a producer’s package. The package will include script, schedule, budget, finance and marketing plan. Open only to production majors. Graded IP/L. Prerequisite: CTPR 486 or CTPR 546 or CTPR 547 (as producer).
CTPR 586abz Production IV (6-0-0, FaSpSm) Advanced group production workshop for students who have successfully completed Production III. Graded IP/L. Prerequisite: CTPR 546L or CTPR 547L; qualifying courses: (for producers) CTPR 573, (for directors) CTPR 532 and CTPR 573, (for cinematographers) CTPR 537, (for editors) CTPR 535, (for sound) CTPR 546L or CTPR 547L as production sound person.
CTPR 587abcz Group Production Workshop (4-2-2-0, FaSpSm) Advanced group project involving the creative use of visuals (live action or animated) and sound specifically designed for students who want to work in pairs. Open to production majors only. Graded IP/Letter. Qualifying courses: CTPR 532 and CTPR 573 (for directors); CTPR 573 (for producers); CTPR 537 (for cinematographers; CTPR 535 (for editors); CTPR 546L or CTPR 547L as production sound person (for sound). Prerequisite: CTPR 546L or CTPR 547L.
CTPR 594abz Master’s Thesis (2-2-0) Credit on acceptance of thesis. Graded IP/CR/NC.
CTPR 599 Special Topics (2-4, max 8, Irregular) Detailed investigation of new or emerging aspects of cinema; special subjects offered by visiting faculty; experimental subjects.