Courses of Instruction
Motion Picture Producing (CMPP)
CMPP 541L Producing Workshop (4, FaSp) Practical experience in motion picture production as it relates to the producer. Open to MPPP students only. (Duplicates credit in CTPR 481abL.)
CMPP 550 Script Analysis for the Producer (2, FaSp) Detailed evaluation of completed scripts and of the producer’s role in bringing them to fruition. Open to MPPP students only.
CMPP 560 Script Development (2, FaSp) From idea and story to finished shooting script. Open to MPPP students only.
CMPP 561 Motion Picture Marketing (2, Sp) Analysis and preparation of marketing campaigns from concept to budgeting for various media. Open to MPPP students only.
CMPP 563 Producing Symposium (2, FaSp) Lectures on creative and business problems associated with producing. Case studies of classic films. Open to non-majors. Departmental approval required.
CMPP 564 Producing Business Procedures (2, FaSp) Seminars on various management and entrepreneurial techniques, including exhibition. Open to MPPP students only.
CMPP 565 Scheduling and Budgeting (4, FaSp) Concept and preparation of a complete budget and production board. Open to MPPP students only.
CMPP 566 Finance (2, FaSp) Seminar on financial aspects of film industry and methods of financing films. Open to MPPP students only.
CMPP 568 Producing for Television (2, Fa) Discussions of the creative and financial aspects of television producing. Open to MPPP students only.
CMPP 569 Seminar on Non-Mainstream Producing (2, FaSp) Discussions on non-major studio producing options, including non-traditional financing and non-theatrical producing. Open to MPPP students only.
CMPP 570 Advanced Television (2, Fa) Advanced studies of the business of television, including the economic structure of the television industry. Open to MPPP students only.
CMPP 571 Producing the Screenplay (2, FaSp) Overseeing the initiation and creation of the screenplay.
CMPP 589ab Graduate Film Business Seminar (a: 4, Fa; b: 4, Sp) Economic structure and history of the film industry, including entertainment law and studio management. Open to MPPP students only.
CMPP 591 Producing Practicum (2, Irregular) Producing workshop encompassing all aspects of producing, including script development, budgeting, casting and actual production.
CMPP 592 Individual Project Seminar (4, Sp) Directed research project and seminars in related topics. Open to MPPP students only. (Duplicates credit in former CTPR 592.)
CMPP 599 Special Topics (2, max 4, Irregular) Investigation of new and emerging aspects of producing motion pictures and television; special and experimental subjects. Open to MPPP students only.