Courses of Instruction
Architecture (ARCH)
All courses must be taken in sequential order, a before b.The terms indicated are expected but are not guaranteed. For courses offered during any given term, consult the Schedule of Classes.
ARCH 102abL Architectural Design I (4-4, FaSpSm) Introduction to principles and processes; sequence of exercises emphasizing development of basic skills, ideas, and techniques used in the design of simplified architectural projects.
ARCH 105L Fundamentals of Design Communication (2, FaSp) Visual communication techniques applicable to the design of the built environment; drawing, photography, modeling.
ARCH 106x Workshop in Architecture (2, FaSp) Introduction to the ways architecture is created and understood, for minors and non-majors. Hands-on discussion and laboratory session with some drawing and model building. Not available for credit to architecture majors.
ARCH 114 Architecture: Culture and Community (2, FaSp) Introduction to the ways architecture represents aspirations of culture, satisfies practical and spiritual needs, shapes the social and urban environment, and helps preserve the planet.
ARCH 202abL Architectural Design II (6-6, FaSpSm) Continuing development of principles and processes; sequence of projects selected to broaden awareness of design issues at various scales in the urban context. Prerequisite: ARCH 102bL.
ARCH 205abL Building Science I (4-4, FaSp) The process and communication of building design: physical building shell, systems for structure, enclosure, and space ordering. Prerequisite: CE 107.
ARCH 207 Computer Applications in Architecture (2, FaSpSm) Introduction for the non-programmer to the uses of the computer in architecture, including the application of existing programs and their implications for design. Overview and use of software types. Lecture and laboratory. (Duplicates credit in former ARCH 207a.)
ARCH 211 Materials and Methods of Building Construction (3, Sp) Basic considerations and design implications of the problem of determination of the materials and construction details and processes for buildings.
ARCH 213ab Building Structures and Seismic Design (3-3, FaSp) a: Investigation and design of elements and systems for building structures; applied mechanics, strength of materials, structural investigation as a design tool. b: Investigation and design of structure systems: their resistance to seismic and wind forces and integration with architectural design for synergy of form and structure. Recommended preparation: PHYS 125 and MATH 108.
ARCH 214ab World History of Architecture (a: 3, Sp; b: 3, Fa) A world-wide perspective of architectural history as a product of social, cultural, religious, and political dimensions, a: 4500 BCE to 1500 CE; b: 1500 CE to present.
ARCH 215 Design for the Thermal and Atmospheric Environment (3, Fa) Ideas, problems, and computations related to the design of buildings in response to the thermal and atmospheric environment; passive solar systems, mechanical control systems.
ARCH 220 The Architect’s Sketchbook (2, FaSp) The architect’s sketchbook as a portable laboratory for perceiving and documenting space introduces the study of the built environment. On-site sessions develop drawing, observation, and visualization skills.
ARCH 260L Landscape Architecture Design I (6, Sp) Development of principles and processes for the design of gardens and parks and the definition of open space in the built environment. Prerequisite: ARCH 202a.
ARCH 302abL Architectural Design III (6-6, FaSp) Special integrative year including design issues relating to housing. Prerequisite: ARCH 202bL.
ARCH 304x Intensive Survey: Prehistory to the Present (4, FaSp) An intensive historical overview of architecture from prehistory to the present, emphasizing interrelationships of various global cultures and how social considerations were translated into form. Not available for credit to architecture majors.
ARCH 305abL Building Science II (4-4, FaSp) The design of a building as a complex of interacting systems; relations of subsystems; influences of production and marketing on design. Prerequisite: ARCH 205abL.
ARCH 306 Shelter (4, Sp) Investigation of issues, processes, and roles of individuals, groups and communities in relation to present and future shelter needs and aspirations. (Duplicates credit in former ARCH 206.)
ARCH 307 Digital Tools for Architecture (3, FaSp ) Exploration of digital tools with an emphasis on building information modeling (BIM), parametric modeling, and interoperability including special topics in Architecture/Engineering/Construction (AEC) and sustainable design. Recommended preparation: basic computer skills.
ARCH 312 Urban Form and Architecture in Italy (2, Fa) Historical overview and theoretical discussion of selected cities, urban spaces and buildings from ancient Rome to the present in Italy. Prerequisite for Milan/Como program.
ARCH 313 Design of Building Structures (3, Fa) Problems and processes of design of building structures; structural investigation for design; codes and standards; design of elements and systems of wood, steel, masonry, and concrete for gravity and lateral loads. Prerequisite: ARCH 213a.
ARCH 314 History of Architecture: Contemporary Issues (3, FaSm) Examination of the buildings, issues and images, the polemics and personalities that are animating current architectural discourse and practice. Prerequisite: ARCH 214b.
ARCH 315 Design for the Luminous and Sonic Environment (3, Sp) Ideas, problems, and computations related to the design of buildings in response to the luminous and sonic environment.
ARCH 316 Place and Culture (3, FaSpSm) (Study abroad programs only) Study of the relationships between places and culture through readings, lectures, discussion and weekly field trips.
ARCH 326 The Modern Movement in Architecture (4, Sp) Major theories of modern architecture are presented by studying the work of masters such as: Gropius, Mies van der Rohe, Corbusier, and Kahn.
ARCH 341 History of Italian Architecture 1400-1990 (4, Sp) Introduction to the important buildings, architects and architectural movements in Italy from the Renaissance to the present.
ARCH 360abL Landscape Architecture Design II (6-6, FaSp) a: Principles, policies and practice of planned community design focusing on site planning. Prerequisite: ARCH 260. b: Principles and design of conservation and enhancement of cultural and natural resources. Studio investigates historic landscape landmarks, conservation programs and urban landscape renewal. Prerequisite: ARCH 360a.
ARCH 361L Ecological Factors in Design (3, Fa) Lectures, laboratory exercises and field trips introduce basic knowledge of incorporating ecological factors in urban design and interaction of landscape science with the human environment.
ARCH 362 Landscape Architecture Construction (3, Sp) An investigation of construction processes, horizontal and vertical control of space, site detailing control of space, site detailing and materials and construction drawings. Prerequisite: ARCH 211 and ARCH 213a.
ARCH 363 Plant Material Identification: Horticulture (4, Fa) Introduction to 300 species of plantings. Learn visual characteristics, nomenclature, cultural considerations, and design applications through visits to existing gardens.
ARCH 364 Materials and Methods of Landscape Architecture (3, Fa) Aesthetic and ecological concepts for planting design. Methods of selecting appropriate plants for site development and an understanding of irrigation techniques for a given site. Prerequisite: ARCH 363.
ARCH 370 Architectural Studies – Expanding the Field (2) Survey of opportunities, specializations, and professions related to architecture provides a resource for professional growth for architecture majors, and introduction to the field for non-majors.
ARCH 390 Special Problems (1-4, FaSp) Supervised, individual studies. No more than one registration permitted. Enrollment by petition only.
ARCH 402abcL Architectural Design IV (6-6-6, FaSpSm) Selected areas of specialization; three projects chosen with advisement from a variety of studio offerings that concentrate on different areas of vital concern. Prerequisite: ARCH 302bL.
ARCH 404 Topics in Modern Architecture in Southern California (3, FaSp) Investigation of modern architecture in southern California within its cultural and historic contexts.
ARCH 405abL Building Science III (4-4, FaSp) Design of building systems as an experimental process. Prerequisite: ARCH 305abL.
ARCH 407 Advanced Computer Applications (4, FaSp) Investigation of computer graphic applications, emphasizing the role of computers in helping designers create and communicate using color (rendering), form (modeling), and time (animation) and the implications of future technological advancements. Prerequisite: ARCH 207 and ARCH 307, CADD studio or departmental approval.
ARCH 410 Computer Transformations (2) To explore the potential of computer-integrated design software; to develop techniques for critical analysis of architectural precedents; to expand the ability to visualize options; to expand perception; and to learn the basics of computer-integrated design. Prerequisite: ARCH 202b.
ARCH 411 Architectural Technology (3, Sp) Architectural design considered as a technological problem; influence of technology on design; buildings as integrated sets of subsystems. Prerequisite: ARCH 313.
ARCH 414 Perspectives in History and Theory in Architecture (2, max 6) Perspectives in Architecture and Urbanism is an advanced course that allows students to delve deeply into one aspect of world history, theory and/or contemporary issues to develop more focused and critical understanding of that discourse. Prerequisite: ARCH 214a, ARCH 214b or ARCH 304.
ARCH 415 Asian Architecture and Urbanism (2, Sp) Overview of Asian architecture emphasizing that the built environment is as diverse as the histories and cultures that make up the region.
ARCH 416 Architecture and Urbanism in France (2, Sp) An understanding of the cities and buildings of France. Case studies as specific places, and historical background for development of personal design theory.
ARCH 417 Computer Programming in Architecture (3, Fa) Principles underlying computer programming, emphasizing algorithms, procedures, and program structures applicable to architecture.
ARCH 418 Designing with Natural Forces (3, Fa) Investigation of natural force effects and their relationships to architecture; laboratory work includes drawing, photography, model building and tests on models.
ARCH 419 Architectural Sustainability Tools and Methods (3, FaSp) Lectures, comparative studies and exercises on international architectural sustainability rating and certification systems.
ARCH 420 Visual Communication and Graphic Expression (3, Fa) An exploratory study of fundamental and innovative visual communication principles and graphic expression techniques to facilitate the design enquiry process for architects. Prerequisite: ARCH 302L.
ARCH 421 Digital Architectural Photography (2, FaSp) Perceiving and documenting the built environment through the perspective and frame of the digital camera. Mastering the basic principles of the digital image through an understanding of frame, light, exposure, color correction, and printing output.
ARCH 422 Architectural Photography (2, FaSp) Perceiving and documenting the built environment through the perspective and frame of the camera. Abilities with 35mm and large format cameras, lighting, and black and white lab techniques will be developed. Recommended preparation: knowledge of 35mm camera.
ARCH 423 Light, Color and the Character of Material (2, FaSp) Color theory, constructed drawings, constructed shadows, descriptive geometry, constructed perspective drawing, and layered wash techniques lead to experimentation with methods representing materiality and construction in design projects. Prerequisite: ARCH 105L.
ARCH 424L Field Studies in Architecture (2, FaSpSm) (Study abroad programs only.) Field studies using direct observation, site recordings/documentation, analysis and evaluation supplemented by discussions and readings in architecture. Department approval. Recommended preparation: core curriculum.
ARCH 425L Field Studies in Urbanism (2, FaSpSm) (Study abroad programs only.) Field studies using direct observation, site recordings/documentation, analysis and evaluation supplemented by discussions and readings in urbanism. Departmental approval. Recommended preparation: core curriculum.
ARCH 426L Field Studies in Tectonics (2, FaSpSm) (Study abroad programs only.) Field studies using direct observation, site recordings/documentation, analysis and evaluation supplemented by discussions and readings in tectonics. Departmental approval. Recommended preparation: core curriculum.
ARCH 430 Design Teaching Methods (2, FaSp) The teaching of architectural design is introduced through readings, seminar discussions, and the observation of teaching in action. In addition to a one hour per week seminar, each student will participate in a design practicum. Prerequisite: ARCH 302L.
ARCH 432 People, Places and Culture: Architecture of the Public Realm (4, Sp) Critical observation of the architecture of public buildings and places and the importance of design in promoting a better contemporary public life.
ARCH 434 City Cine: Visuality, Media and Urban Experience (3, FaSp) This seminar explores the relationship between urban experience and visual media (from the photographic, to the filmic, to the digital) from circa 1880 to the present.
ARCH 440m Literature and the Urban Experience (4, FaSp) Post-industrial revolution urban environments and dynamic relationships in cities such as Manchester, Paris, St. Petersburg, New York, and Los Angeles, as revealed in novels, architecture, and urban forms.
ARCH 441 A History of Architectural Theory: 1400-1914 (2, FaSp) A seminar on architectural theory from Alberti to Scott, reviewing primary texts and subsequent criticisms.
ARCH 442m Women’s Spaces in History: “Hussies,” “Harems” and “Housewives” (4, FaSp) Methods for studying patterns of spatial differentiation of women throughout history from home to city embodied in gender specific language and gendered spaces.
ARCH 444 Great Houses of Los Angeles (4, FaSp) An introduction to the architectural philosophies of seven influential California architects through readings and site visits to significant case studies. (Duplicates credit in former ARCH 322.)
ARCH 454 Contemporary Asian Architecture (4) Exploration of various “Asian” architectures, comparisons of areas, identifying current trends and impact of Asia on Southern California and Los Angeles.
ARCH 460L Landscape Planning Studio (6, Fa) Studio examining basic concepts and stimulating ecological landscape project planning. Preparation for landscape project and land management project. Prerequisite: ARCH 360b.
ARCH 461L Landscape Architecture Comprehensive Project (6, Sp) Preparation of an individual comprehensive design project under a faculty advisor to demonstrate knowledge of landscape architecture principles and professional skills. Prerequisite: ARCH 460L.
ARCH 463 Plant Material Identification: California Plant Communities (4, FaSp) Expand plant material vocabulary to include native plants of Southern California. Emphasis on bioengineering techniques for site design. Prerequisite: ARCH 363.
ARCH 465 History of Landscape Architecture (4, FaSp) Provides understanding of design of landscape in the Western world. Includes case studies on general and specific projects. Students develop personal theory of landscape design. (Duplicates credit in former ARCH 365.)
ARCH 466 Nature, Landscape and Gardens in Non-Western Cultures (4, Sp) Critical analysis and appreciation of landscape as cultural interpretation of nature and the representation of landscape as garden and public space in Asian, Islamic, and Pre-Columbian American civilizations. (Duplicates credit in former ARCH 366.)
ARCH 470 Concentration Capstone Seminar (4, FaSp) Collaborative research project and research paper in an area of concentration. Senior standing.
ARCH 481 Furniture Design (2, FaSp) An investigation into 20th century furniture design and its relationships to architecture, art and design.
ARCH 490x Directed Research (2-8, max 8, FaSpSm) Individual research and readings. Not available for graduate credit.
ARCH 499 Special Topics (2-4, max 8, FaSpSm) Selected topics in various specialty areas of architecture.
ARCH 501 Critical Topics in Architecture (2, FaSpSm) Seminar supporting the research, development, and writing of Degree Project Paper provides a comprehensive base of information for the final Bachelor of Architecture studio. Prerequisite: ARCH 402bL.
ARCH 502azL Architectural Design V (6-0, FaSpSm) The final comprehensive architectural project under the guidance of a faculty advisor to demonstrate architectural knowledge, skills, and professional interests and goals. Graded IP/L. a: Prerequisite: ARCH 402aL; corequisite: ARCH 501; z: Prerequisite: ARCH 502a.
ARCH 505abL Graduate Architecture Design (6-6, FaSp) Emphasis on comprehensive architectural design; attention to theories and skills appropriate for practice in contemporary urban conditions. Open to graduate architecture majors only. Prerequisite: a Bachelor of Science degree in Architecture or its equivalent; recommended preparation: six semesters of architecture design.
ARCH 507 Theories of Computer Technology (3, FaSp) Fundamental theories and meanings of computation as a technique in architectural design. Lecture/discussion.
ARCH 510 Independent Degree Project Preparation (1, FaSpSm) Research and analysis, including written and graphic components, that tests a question/proposition in detail in preparation for Independent Degree Project Document. Prerequisite: ARCH 402b; corequisite: ARCH 402cL.
ARCH 511L Building Systems (4, Fa) Studies of construction system development within the architectural design context; processes and issues of selection, evaluation, optimization, integration, design control, and innovation.
ARCH 513L Seminar: Advanced Structures (4, Fa) Issues and problems in the development of structural systems for buildings; design criteria, system choice, design development, optimization, subsystem integration.
ARCH 515L Seminar: Advanced Environmental Systems (4, Sp) A compressed course in design criteria and calculation methods for mechanical and passive solar systems (loads, plant system, duct, and storage sizing) and lighting and acoustics (CIE and IES methods, dBA and NC systems).
ARCH 517 Current Topics in Building Science (1, max 6, Fa) Critical studies in building science ranging from sustainability, lighting, acoustics, materials and methods, structures, energy issues, digital media, and fabrication. Students focus on minimum of two topics.
ARCH 518 Advanced Surface Tectonics: Methods in Material and Enclosure (2, Fa) Studies in contemporary building systems through analysis, research, and computational methods leading to the design of a prototypical building surface. Recommended preparation: A prior knowledge of fundamental building systems and 3D modeling.
ARCH 519 Sustainability in the Environment: Infrastructures, Urban Landscapes, and Buildings (3, FaSp) Methodologies and exercises on contextual design and environmentally sound technologies (EST’s) applications for the sustainability of urban infrastructures, operative landscapes, and building integration in the urban system.
ARCH 520 Housing and Community Design for an Aging Population (2, Fa) Exploration of the role design plays in enhancing independence and well-being for older people by examining cross-cultural models of housing and community design.
ARCH 524 Professional Practicum (1, max 2, FaSpSm) Comparative studies of professional practice between U.S. firms and firms in other countries. Open to international upper-division and graduate architecture students only. Graded CR/NC. Prerequisite: ARCH 302bL.
ARCH 525 Professional Practice: Pre-Design, Project and Office Administration (3, Fa) Design methodology, typology programming, site analysis, budget formulation and pro-forma procedures. Office management, emphasizing professional service and professional ethics as well as project management focusing on the architect’s responsibilities during construction. (Duplicates credit in former ARCH 520 and ARCH 522.) Prerequisite: ARCH 302bL.
ARCH 526 Professional Practice: Legal and Economic Context, Project Documentation (3, Sp) The laws and regulations that affect the practice of architecture and building economics and the development of comprehensive project documentation, detailing, specifications, drawing formats and organizations. (Duplicates credit in former ARCH 521 and ARCH 523.) Prerequisite: ARCH 302bL.
ARCH 527 Case Studies: The Development of Urban Housing (2, FaSp) An exploration of the various elements and stages of the housing development process. Recommended preparation: a preliminary understanding of real estate or housing.
ARCH 528 Urban Housing: Types and Typologies (2, Fa) Applications and precedents for the architect interested in designing multi-family housing. Review of the sources of modern housing types, the impact of building codes and technology on the form and construction of housing, and study of housing densities; comparative analysis of multi-family residential patterns. Major emphasis on critical knowledge of historic housing typologies as they are applied to site conditions and groupings, building form, section, organization, and the design of individual dwellings. Recommended preparation: two years of undergraduate architectural studies.
ARCH 529 Urban Housing: Programs, Precedents, and Recent Case Studies (2, Fa) Historical overview of the major domestic and international housing developments and innovations since the early 20th century.Case study format examining a wide range of issues that determine the form of urban housing in various cultures. Major emphasis on the detail analysis of social, technical, and design factors affecting recent housing developments. Recommended preparation: two years of undergraduate architectural studies.
ARCH 530 Landscape Architecture Practice (3, FaSp) Introduction to the principles and ethics, scope and activities, and types of organization for landscape architecture practice. (Duplicates credit in former ARCH 630.)
ARCH 531 The Natural Landscape (3, FaSp) Lectures, laboratory exercises and field trips introducing basic knowledge of the continually transforming landscape as a base for human settlement.
ARCH 532 Elements of the Urban Landscape (2, Fa) Study of the basic spatial and infrastructure elements of the city, and how urban places are formed. Typological analysis of buildings, open space, and urban patterns.
ARCH 533 Urban Landscape Case Studies (2, Sp) Lectures, discussion, and individual research on the physical, formal, and spatial characteristics of historical urban centers.
ARCH 534 Landscape Intervention: Construction Methods (3, Fa) Preparing the site: soils, grading, drainage, irrigation, surface; building the place: materials, utilities, plants, and processes of construction. (Duplicates credit in former ARCH 535a.)
ARCH 535 Landscape Reclamation: Construction Materials (3, Sp) Assessing existing conditions and site repair imperatives; opportunities for reestablishment of natural system continuities; alternative techniques for soil remediation, regrading, and stabilization; selection of materials and methods of construction for site development. (Duplicates credit in former ARCH 535b.)
ARCH 536 The Landscape Planning Process (3, FaSp) Methods of assessing urban places regarding natural, social, cultural and political factors; identification of landscape architecture planning and project implementation issues and strategies.
ARCH 537 Urban Plant Ecology (3, Fa) Aesthetic and ecological concepts for urban planting design: introduction to plant species and communities including nomenclature, visual characteristics, cultural considerations, and design case studies with visits to existing sites.
ARCH 538 Urban Plant Ecology: California Plant Communities (3, Sp) Emphasizes plant material vocabulary regarding native plants of Southern California in relation to ecological conditions of urban settings. (Duplicates credit in ARCH 463.)
ARCH 539L Media for Landscape Architecture (2, Fa) Development of methods and skills for the study of landscape architecture design and for project presentation, including natural resource and urban mapping.
ARCH 540L Topics in Media for Landscape Architecture (2, max 4, FaSp) Exploration of emerging techniques for landscape architecture study, presentation and documentation; topics vary from year to year; may be repeated for credit when subject matter is different.
ARCH 541abL Landscape Architecture Design (6-6, FaSp) a: Projects on urban sites with emphasis on cultural and ecological purpose and on urban place and form; use of traditional and digital media. b: Projects in urban settings with emphasis on landscape continuities as well as development of integrative schematic proposals and detailed open space design.
ARCH 542abL Landscape Architecture Design (6-6, FaSp) a: Project strategies for urban infrastructure repair and intervention, phasing, and design of initial catalytic projects. Prerequisite: ARCH 541bL. b: Projects for the public realm with emphasis on urbanity and connectivity, place and meaning.
ARCH 543 Research Methods (1, Fa) Introduction to methods of inquiry and documentation including critical review of published materials, techniques for systematic observation, generating findings from comparative studies of relevant precedents and problems, and legible presentation of outcomes.
ARCH 549 Fundamentals of Historic Preservation (4, Fa) Concepts and strategies for preservation of significant elements of the built environment: buildings, sites and communities as revealed by reading, site visits and case studies. (Duplicates credit in former ARCH 450.)
ARCH 550 Historic Preservation Management, Planning and Development (4, FaSp) Preservation practice within an economic, political and cultural context. The regulatory environment, public advocacy and policy, development, heritage tourism, environmental sustainability, cultural diversity and interpretation. Recommended preparation: ARCH 549.
ARCH 551 Conservation Methods and Materials (4, Sp) Concepts and techniques for building conservation including identification of treatments, recordation and research, material properties and behavior, building forensics, and implementation of preservation projects.
ARCH 552 Introduction to Historic Site Documentation (2, Sp) Survey of basic guidelines and standards for documentation in historic preservation, including cultural resource surveys, historic structures reports and Historic American Building Survey and Historic American Engineering Record recordation.
ARCH 553 History of American Architecture and Urbanism (4, Sp) History of American architecture and urbanism from prehistory to World War II examined in relation to European influences and indigenous developments. (Duplicates credit in former ARCH 409.)
ARCH 561 Architecture in the Urban Landscape: Projects and Places (2, Fa) Study of the basic spatial and infrastructure elements of the city, and how urban places are formed: Focus on incremental development, public-private collaboration, community incentives and controls, project implementation strategies. (Duplicates credit in former ARCH 532b.)
ARCH 563 Architecture in the Urban Landscape: Comparative Theories (2, Sp) A comparative study of design theories of the physical, formal and spatial characteristics of historic city types from ancient to modern.
ARCH 565 Global History of Landscape Architecture (3, Fa) Understanding of the global history of landscape design in relation to social, political, religious, environmental and aesthetic principles; current design theory, projects and their historical references are critically reviewed and analyzed. (Duplicates credit in ARCH 465.)
ARCH 566 Cross Cultural Topics in Landscape Architecture History (3, max 6, FaSp) Comparative analysis and appreciation of landscape architecture as a manifestation of nature, society, and design. Topics and world regions vary from year to year; may be repeated for credit when subject matter is different.
ARCH 590 Directed Research (1-12, FaSpSm) Research leading to the master’s degree. Maximum units which may be applied to the degree to be determined by the department. Graded CR/NC.
ARCH 596 Building Science Thesis Preparation (1, FaSp) Exploration of topics leading to the development of a thesis prospectus. Topics may be in the areas of building structures, seismic design, environmental control, passive and active energy, or other relevant topics. Graded CR/NC.
ARCH 599 Special Topics (2-4, max 8, FaSpSm) Selected topics in various specialty areas of architecture.
ARCH 605abL Graduate Architecture Design (6-6, FaSp) Development of advanced skills and theoretical knowledge about urban architectural issues: a: a series of projects emphasizing the interaction between general principles and local sites; b: a major urban project in Los Angeles.
ARCH 611 Advanced Building Systems Integration (4, Fa) Design criteria development, material and construction process methods, occupancy based load profiles, performance/material life-cycle-mandates, durability for advanced building systems including integrity in sustainable urban systems.
ARCH 613L Seminar: Structures Research (4, FaSp) An overview of research topics in building structures; detailed investigation of selected major issues.
ARCH 615L Seminar: Environmental Systems Research (4, Sp) A detailed examination of current issues in the thermal, acoustical, and radiant environment; recent developments in criteria, systems, controls, design tools and simulations; an understanding of the relationships between environmental factors, economics, and architectural goals.
ARCH 642L Landscape Architecture Design (6, Fa) Fully integrated landscape place design; reclamation sites at significant urban or natural locations. Prerequisite: ARCH 542abL.
ARCH 690abL Directed Research (a: 2-8; b: 2-8, FaSpSm) Graded CR/NC.
ARCH 691abz Historic Preservation Thesis Preparation and Thesis (2-6-0, FaSp) Introduction to, and exploration of, topics leading to the development of a thesis prospectus and directed research towards the completion of the master’s thesis in historic preservation. Credit on acceptance of thesis. Registration restricted to Master of Historic Preservation students who have satisfactorily completed 12 hours of graduate course work and have permission of the Program Director. Graded IP/CR/NC. Prerequisite: ARCH 549, ARCH 553.
ARCH 692abzL Building Science Thesis (6-8-0, FaSpSm) Research and thesis for the Master of Building Science degree. Credit on completion of thesis. Graded IP/CR/NC. Prerequisite: ARCH 596.
ARCH 693abzL M.Arch. Thesis, Option I (2-8-0, FaSpSm) Directed research option for M.Arch. degree. Credit on acceptance of research project. Graded IP/CR/NC.
ARCH 695abzL M.Arch. Thesis, Option II (2-8-0, FaSpSm) Design thesis for the Master of Architecture degree. Credit on acceptance of thesis. Graded IP/CR/NC.
ARCH 696abczL Building Science Thesis (1-6-8-0) Research and thesis for the Master of Building Science degree. Credit on acceptance of thesis. Graded IP/CR/NC.
ARCH 697abzL M.L.Arch. Thesis, Option II (2-8-0, FaSpSm) Field studies and thesis for the M.L.Arch. degree. Credit on completion of thesis. Graded IP/CR/NC.
ARCH 698abzL M.L.Arch. Thesis, Option I (2-8-0, FaSpSm) Directed research option for the M.L.Arch. degree. Credit on acceptance of research project. Graded IP/CR/NC.
ARCH 790 Doctoral Research (1-12, FaSp) Research leading to the doctorate. Maximum units which may be applied to the degree to be determined by the School of Architecture. Graded CR/NC.
ARCH 791 Proposal for Doctoral Dissertation (1, Fa) Credit on acceptance of dissertation proposal. Graded CR/NC.
ARCH 794abcdz Doctoral Dissertation (2-2-2-2-0, FaSpSm) Credit on acceptance of dissertation. Graded CR/NC.