Courses of Instruction
Fine Arts (FA)
The terms indicated are expected but are not guaranteed. For the courses offered during any given term, consult the Schedule of Classes.
101ab Drawing (4-4, FaSpSm) a: An introduction to drawing, both skill and perception oriented, as the basic tool for all the visual arts. b: Continuation of a.
102 Design Fundamentals (4, FaSp) Introduction to the basic elements and processes of visual communication and design. Instruction includes studio projects, lectures and readings. Various media used.
105 Painting I (4, FaSpSm) Practical introduction to oil and acrylic pigments, painting equipment, processes, and media. Also, primary experience in: color, composition and perception through representational and abstract painting.
106 Sculpture I (4, FaSp) Practical and theoretical introduction to sculpture as dimensional manipulation. Primary exploration of form, mass, gravity, surface, structure and associative recognition in three-dimensional art.
112 Ceramics (4, FaSpSm) Practical and theoretical exploration of the nature of surface, form, volume and mass as fundamental elements of clay sculpture and the ceramic object.
136 Modeling and Mold Making (2, FaSp) Introduction to plaster mold making using clay and wax for both ceramics and sculpture. Exploration of casting materials. (Duplicates credit in FA 208ax.)
140x A Cultural Guide to Los Angeles (2, FaSp) An experiential and critical survey of the cultural phenomena that make up Los Angeles: dance, music, theater, film; emphasis on visual arts. Not available for major credit to fine arts majors.
142x Contemporary Arts and Artists (2, FaSp) Visual art in Los Angeles. Introduction to modern and contemporary art through lectures, discussions and guided tours to museums and galleries. Seminars, readings and written papers. Not available for major credit to fine arts majors.
150 Visual Culture and Literacy (4, FaSp) Exploration of visual thinking and communication in art and popular culture: interpretation of the personal and social context, function and lineage of the image.
201ab Life Drawing (4-4, FaSp) An introduction to the representation and depiction of the human form. Emphasis on anatomical, compositional, gestural, environmental and interpretive drawing. Prerequisite: FA 101b. b: Continuation of a.
202 Design II (4, FaSp) Exploration of essential elements of traditional and digital design, including color and image-text integration, editing information, typography and sequencing. Prerequisite: FA 102.
205ab Painting II (4-4, FaSpSm) A continuation of the practical and theoretical skills introduced in Painting I. Color as an issue in personal expression and perception; color as content, cultural and social subjects/objects, symbols and to signify a personal language. Prerequisite: FA 105. b: Continuation of a.
206 Sculpture II (4, FaSp) Continued examination of the concepts of three-dimensional art: interrelation of material and image, public, human and intimate scale. Prerequisite: FA 106.
207abx Two-Dimensional Art Workshop (a: 2, max 8, Fa; b: 2, max 8, FaSp) a: Studio practice to develop standards of judgment and appreciation of the visual arts. Not available for credit to studio majors. b: Continuation of a.
208abx Three-Dimensional Art Workshop (a: 2, max 8, FaSp; b: 2, max 8, FaSp) a: Studio practice to develop standards of judgment and appreciation of the visual arts. Not available for credit to studio majors. b: Continuation of a.
209ab Photography (4-4, FaSp) Introduction to the practice of photographic image making within a fine arts context. Emphasis on the development of technical skills in relation to personal vision. Work is in black and white. b: Continuation of a.
210ab Intermedia Studio (4-4, FaSp) a: An introductory course in digital media which, through lab work, student projects and critical inquiry, explores the implications and potential of computer-generated art forms. Recommended preparation: basic familiarity with Macintosh desktop. b: Continuing study in the techniques and conceptual implications of digital media for the fine artist. Intermediate 2-D lab with an introduction to Flash animation and/or video. Prerequisite: FA 210a.
212 Wheel Throwing (2, FaSp) An introductory course using wheel throwing techniques for ceramics to explore a variety of forms through three-dimensional exercises.
236 Metal (2, FaSp) Introduction to metal in fine art. Emphasis on technical proficiencies and effective solutions working in a variety of metals. Prerequisite: FA 106.
301 Advanced Drawing (4, FaSpSm) Directed examination of personal approaches in drawing; emphasis on making visual and artistic decisions and developing an appropriate attitude towards individual expression. Prerequisite: FA 201b.
302 Design III (4, FaSp) Advanced exploration of typography and image-text integration, including collaborative projects, pre-press and proofing techniques, narrative concepts and information architecture. Prerequisite: FA 202.
303x Fundamentals of Visual Expression (4) Experiential and theoretical understanding of the fundamental elements and principles of visual expression; nature, purposes, and vocabulary of visual art in historic and contemporary contexts. Not available for credit to studio majors.
305 Advanced Painting (4, FaSpSm) Directed examination of aesthetic concepts; investigation into personal ideas related to the development of a creative visual language in painting. Prerequisite: FA 205b.
306 Advanced Sculpture (4, FaSp) Directed examination of three-dimensional aesthetic concepts; development of an individual creative vision. Prerequisite: FA 206.
309 Advanced Photography (4, FaSp) Continuation of the practice of photographic image making within a fine arts context, furthering technical and conceptual abilities. Continuation of critical readings. Prerequisite: FA 209b.
310 Digital Photo Studio (4, FaSp) A technically and conceptually intensive studio in digital 2-D imaging/photography. Prerequisite: FA 210b.
311 Printmaking (4, FaSp) Introductory course in various printmaking techniques; necessary skills and inherent expressive qualities of different printmaking methods are explored.
312 Advanced Ceramics (4, FaSpSm) Directed examination of aesthetic concepts and investigation into personal ideas as they relate to the development of a creative visual language in ceramics. Prerequisite: FA 112.
315 Multimedia Studio (4, FaSp) An intensive multimedia studio in the understanding and method of interactive, web design, and game-based creative work. Prerequisite: FA 210b.
320 Video Studio (4, FaSp) An intensive video studio in the understanding and method of time-based, narrative and non-narrative art. Prerequisite: FA 210b.
325 Three-Dimensional Imaging Studio (4, FaSp) A technical and conceptual 3-D digital media course for students who wish to incorporate computer arts technology and thought in their 3-D work. Prerequisite: FA 106, FA 210b.
331 The Human Figure in Narrative Drawing (2, Sp) An introduction to visual storytelling in both its historical and contemporary contexts. Emphasis on aesthetic, conceptual and technical skills for figurative narration. Prerequisite: FA 101a.
332 Typography (2, Fa) The study of visual communication through the use of letterforms from historical tradition to contemporary experimental rebellion.
334 Space/Motion/Site: Investigating Performance and Installation (2) Exploration of performance and installation art, including historical influences and integration of multimedia and new technologies.
336 Visual Arts and Technology (4, Sp) An interdisciplinary course between art and engineering that addresses creative thinking in the manipulation of media and the communication of ideas.
350 Art Theory and Criticism (4, FaSp) An intellectual framework for the practice of art making; the historical context for current ideas. (Duplicates credit in former FA 204.)
390 Special Problems (1-4) Supervised, individual studies. No more than one registration permitted. Enrollment by petition only.
401 Topics in Advanced Drawing (4, max 12, FaSpSm) Continued directed examination of personal approaches in drawing, emphasis on making visual and artistic decisions and developing an appropriate attitude toward visual expression. Prerequisite: FA 301.
402 Advanced Design Projects (4, max 12, FaSp) Advanced information design within a flexible curriculum. Emphasis on team-oriented projects. Prerequisite: FA 302.
405 Topics in Advanced Painting (4, max 12, FaSpSm) Directed painting with continued emphasis on personal choices regarding appropriation of conceptual images and arrangement, material processes, scale, number of paintings. Ongoing critical response to painting. Prerequisite: FA 101ab, FA 102, FA 305.
406 Topics in Advanced Sculpture (4, max 12, FaSp) Individual direction of the study of aesthetic issues in sculpture; investigation of an individual creative vision. Prerequisite: FA 306.
409 Topics in Advanced Photography (4, max 12, FaSp) In-depth exploration of photographic and artistic concepts as they apply to the articulation of personal work. Prerequisite: FA 309.
410 Advanced Digital Photo Studio (4, max 12, FaSp) Intensive open studio environment for individually-directed student art projects in the digital media, with an emphasis on 2-D photography. Prerequisite: FA 310.
411 Topics in Advanced Printmaking (4, max 12, FaSp) Directed examination of specific printmaking media in relation to personal aesthetic goals and expressive concepts. Prerequisite: FA 311.
412 Topics in Advanced Ceramics (4, max 12, FaSpSm) Continued directed examination of aesthetic concepts and investigation into personal ideas as they relate to the development of a creative visual language in ceramics. Prerequisite: FA 312.
415 Advanced Multimedia Studio (4, FaSp) An intensive open studio environment for individually-directed interactive- and web-based student art projects. Prerequisite: FA 315.
418 Independent Studies in Studio Arts (1-4, max 10, FaSpSm) Independent research of specific topics under the direction of a faculty member. Administrative and faculty approval required. Recommended preparation: appropriate 300-level course work.
419 Professional Internship in the Arts (2, max 4, FaSpSm) An experiential/academic opportunity in a museum, gallery, community cultural center, or related facility. Lectures, seminars, written analysis, and working internship. Open to upper division fine arts majors.
420 Advanced Video Studio (4, FaSp) An intensive open studio environment for individually-directed student art projects in the digital media, with an emphasis on video. Prerequisite: FA 320.
432 Idea Studio (2, max 6, FaSp) Students are exposed to professional practices, and complete individual and collaborative/team projects for outside clients. Participation by application. Upper-division students only. Prerequisite: FA 302.
450x Senior Seminar (4, FaSp) Contemporary professional issues facing the studio artist; current directions in the visual arts; forces and attitudes affecting the practicing artist in our society. Available for credit to Fine Arts majors only.
499 Special Topics (2-4, max 8, FaSpSm) Comprehensive exploration of particular aspects of visual art.
550 Seminar: Contemporary Issues (1, max 4, FaSp) Study of issues relative to current directions in the visual arts; analysis and implications of forces contributing to conceptual development.
551 Fine Art and Interdisciplinary Studies (4, max 12, Fa) Issues and theories of contemporary art in relation to philosophy, history, literature, music, theatre, film, culture, politics, science, psychology and other disciplines.
555 Seminar in Art Theory and Criticism (4, max 8, Sm) An intensive seminar taught by well-known visiting critics, writers and artists addressing the deconstruction of a variety of theories in the humanities, including art, film, literature, and philosophy.
560 Studies in Two-Dimensional Media (1-8, max 22, FaSpSm) Investigation of creative problems through two-dimensional media. Course may be repeated; maximum number of units to be determined by advisor.
570 Studies in Three-Dimensional Media (1-8, max 22, FaSpSm) Investigation of creative problems through three-dimensional media. Course may be repeated; maximum number of units to be determined by advisor.
580 Studies in Intermedia (1-8, max 22, FaSpSm) Investigation of creative problems through intermedia. Course may be repeated; maximum number of units to be determined by advisor.
590 Directed Research (1-12, FaSpSm) Research leading to the graduate degree. Maximum units which may be applied to the degree to be determined by the department. Graded CR/NC. Prerequisite: departmental approval, approval by Dean of School of Fine Arts or formal contract for research project.
594abz Master's Thesis (2-2-0, FaSpSm) Credit on acceptance of thesis. Graded IP/CR/NC.
Public Art Studies (PAS)
371 Art in the Public Realm: Contemporary Issues (4, FaSp) Critical frameworks and theoretical perspectives of contemporary public art issues explored through case studies and discussions with artists, architects, and designers engaging the public realm.
400 Contemporary Public Art (4, FaSp) A survey of contemporary public art, its historical context and current trends, focusing on significant pieces and artists in Los Angeles and Southern California.
499 Special Topics (2-4, max 8, FaSp) Comprehensive exploration of particular aspects of public art.
549 Public Art Communication Management (2, Fa) Managing communication activities, communication through intra-firm publications; research methods; report and proposal preparation; communicating institutional policy and grant writing. (Duplicates credit in MPW 950.)
550ab Public Art in the Community (1-1, Fa, Sp) An administrative involvement within a community context. The collaborative experience shall involve developing public art solutions for projects specifically unique to the community.
561 Administration Survey (3, Fa) Survey of administrative approaches utilized by both private and public art agencies.
562 Administration and Program Development (3, Sp) Comparative case studies of the administration of private/public art agencies and their development. Concluding with the development of individual program policy statements. Prerequisite: PAS 561.
571 History Survey (3, Fa) An introductory survey of the history of public art from prehistoric monuments to the present. Emphasis upon the recent developments.
572 History (3, Sp) Continued investigation of contemporary public art projects based upon case studies and the investigation of public art aesthetics and topics. Prerequisite: PAS 571 or departmental approval.
575 Practice of Public Art (2-6, max 12, FaSp) Collaborative experience between artist, designer, and problem solver involved in developing public art solutions. Development of principles, processes, and skills utilized during the preparation of public art proposals.
581 Forum (2, FaSp) Study of public art philosophy, programs and practicalities of administration utilizing professionals with diverse backgrounds. Numerous field trips required. Prerequisite: PAS 561, PAS 562, PAS 571, PAS 572.
582 Seminar: Contemporary Issues (3, Sp) Study of issues relative to current directions in public art; analysis and implications of forces contributing to conceptual development. Graded CR/NC. Prerequisite: PAS 561, PAS 562, PAS 571, PAS 572, or departmental approval.
585 Public Space, the Public Realm and Public Art (3, FaSp) Exploration of the economic, political and social dimensions of public art from the "public" rather than from the "art" point of view.
590 Directed Research (1-12, FaSpSm) Research leading to the master's degree. Maximum units which may be applied to the degree to be determined by the department. Graded CR/NC.
591 Field Internship Experience (1, max 2, FaSpSm) Supervised internship participation within the context of a public/private art agency. Administrative involvement with community, artists, designers, professional agencies, and research. Graded CR/NC. Recommended preparation: successful completion of PAS core requirements.
593abz Final Thesis Project (2-2-0) Written/visual documentation of final thesis project. Graded IP/CR/NC. Credit on acceptance of final thesis project. Prerequisite: successful completion of all other requirements.
594abz Master's Thesis (2-2-0, FaSpSm) Credit on acceptance of thesis. Graded IP/CR/NC.
599 Special Topics (2-4, max 8, FaSpSm)