University of Southern California
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Degree Requirements

Master of Arts, Applied Theatre Arts

The Master of Arts in Applied Theatre Arts explores the intersection of theatre arts and cultural fieldwork, encompassing the fields of theatre and therapy, theatre in education and theatre for social change/community-based theatre. This combined area of study weaves all three disciplines together under the aegis of training practitioners in the art of popular theatre with primarily marginalized communities. Practitioners of applied theatre arts supplement their work as classroom teachers, therapists, social workers, case managers, community organizers and social activists to engage public groups to obtain their goals and desires by using the tools of theatre to expedite dialogue and foster an atmosphere of greater critical consciousness and increased agency.

Curricula for the Master of Arts Degree

THTR 505Staging Community- based Theatre 3
THTR 521Engaging Community Narratives 3
THTR 544Embodied Poetics 2
THTR 568Popular Theatre for Education and Development 3
THTR 577Theatre and Therapy for Cultural Fieldwork 3
THTR 578Theatre Games for Cultural Fieldwork 3
THTR 579Scripting Community Narratives 3
THTR 587 Liberation Arts and Community Engagement — Theory 4
THTR 588Liberation Arts and Community Engagement — Praxis 3
THTR 589ATA: L.A. Residency 2
THTR 594abzMaster’s Thesis2,2,0
THTR 598ATA: International Externship2