University of Southern California
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Courses of Instruction

Management and Organization (MOR)

MOR 385m Business in a Diverse Society (4, FaSpSm) Explores business in an increasingly diverse society. Examines how differences in social class, race, nationality, and gender affect how business is organized and managed.

MOR 421 Social and Ethical Issues in Business (4, Sp) The free-enterprise system examined from the perspective of modern corporations and their critics; business ethics in relation to personal/external values. Prerequisite: BUAD 304.

MOR 431 Interpersonal Competence and Development (4, FaSp) An exploration of the nature of relationships at work; focus on analytical skills and self-assertion necessary to have effective, rewarding relationships. Laboratory simulations. Prerequisite: BUAD 304.

MOR 452 The Art of Case Analysis and Presentation (2, max 6, FaSp) (Enroll in BUCO 452)

MOR 461 Design of Effective Organizations (4, Fa) Designing management systems and practices that lead to organizational excellence; techniques for organizational change. Prerequisite: BUAD 304.

MOR 462 Management Consulting (4, Fa) Role of professional consultants; data gathering methods; consulting approaches from strategy, finance, operations, information systems, marketing, and human resources; action planning; ethical and career issues. Recommended preparation: BUAD 304.

MOR 463 Organization Change and Development (4, Sp) Theories and methods of introducing change in organizations. Techniques for analyzing organizations, developing change programs, and implementing changes. Ethical and career issues of change management. Recommended preparation: BUAD 304.

MOR 465 Advanced Methods in Strategy Analysis (4, FaSp) Theories and methods for analyzing and developing strategy. Fundamental tools for strategic planning. Advanced methods for analyzing industries and competitors, and determining the scope of the firm. Recommended preparation: BUAD 497.

MOR 467 Strategic Management of Tech-nology and Innovation (4, FaSp) Theories and methods for managing technology in organizations. Emphasizes project management, implementing technology, creativity, valuing technology, negotiating technical sourcing, and competitive intelligence/benchmarking. Prerequisite: BUAD 304.

MOR 469 Negotiation and Persuasion (4) Theories, strategies, and ethics underlying negotiation and persuasion in contemporary organizations and societies. Emphasizes the knowledge and skills needed for effective negotiation and persuasion.

MOR 470 Global Leadership (4, FaSp) Major theories and practices of leading people in multinational firms. Skills for facilitating cooperation, communication, and motiva-tion among people from different cultures. Recommended preparation: BUAD 304.

MOR 471 Managing and Developing People (4, FaSp) Management of the human resource function for organizational performance. Recommended preparation: BUAD 304.

MOR 472 Power, Politics and Influence (4, FaSp) Theories and practices about how power, politics and influence affect organizational life. Knowledge and skills for diagnosing and managing these features of an organization.

MOR 473 Designing and Leading Teams (4, Sp) Theories and practices for developing and leading teams. Skills for creating team structures and facilitating team processes. Knowledge for diagnosing team problems and devising solutions. Recommended preparation: BUAD 304.

This new course is available beginning fall 2008.

MOR 479 The Business of Sports (4) Addresses the business side of the sports industry; examines professional sports franchises, amateur athletics, and collegiate sports and how they relate to corporate America, the media, and the public sector. Recommended preparation: BUAD 304.

This new course is available beginning fall 2008.

MOR 485 The Rhetoric of Investing and Valuation (4) Analyzes the rhetoric of classic investment texts and news on investing/financial markets; investigates how rhetorical arguments shape and influence the valuation and investing process.

MOR 492 Global Strategy (4, FaSp) Examination of corporate strategy practices in an international context. Effects of cultures, political systems, markets, and economic systems on developing effective global strategies.

MOR 495 International Management and Internship (2-4, Sm) International internship. Develop general/cross-cultural knowledge and management skills, gain an understanding of cross-cultural issues, and develop insights working in international businesses. Recommended preparation: BUAD 304.

MOR 542 Strategic Issues for Global Business (3, Fa) Globalization strategies from entry to maturity; alternative approaches from going alone to alliances; strategy implementation issues in different cultures and political systems. Cases, videos and speakers.

MOR 548 Competitive Advantage Through People (3, Sp) How firms develop employee talent as source of competitive advantage. Strategic implications of contemporary practices in recruitment, work systems, training, compensation, and employee relations. Speakers and cases.

MOR 551 Performance Management and Motivation (3, Fa) New approaches to performance motivation at executive and worker levels, including pay/incentive systems, job design, employee involvement, leadership behavior, and self-managed teams. Cases, project and speakers.

MOR 554 Leading Innovation and Change (3, Fa) Practical knowledge on helping organizations develop innovations and lead change to leverage them. Exploration of innovation and change in different organizations and competitive environments. Open only to graduate business majors.

MOR 555 Designing High Performance Organizations (3, Sp) Theory and practice of organization design. How to maximize organization performance by aligning structure, rewards, staffing, processes, and culture with strategy and environment. Open only to graduate business majors.

MOR 557 Strategy and Organization Consulting (3, FaSm) How consultants assist clients to formulate strategic plans and realign organizations; approaches used by major consulting firms; information about consulting industry, fee-setting and proposals. Consultant speakers and project.

MOR 559 Strategic Renewal and Transformation (3, Fa) Dynamic strategic planning; how businesses reinvent themselves; why change is difficult; politics of change process; and leadership steps for implementing successful strategic changes. Cases and readings.

MOR 560 Executive Decision Making (3) Exploring and analyzing theories of motivation, intelligence and creativity as the psychological bases of human decision-making. Dynamic decision-making will form the main focus. Recommended preparation: GSBA 532.

MOR 561 Strategies in High-Tech Businesses (3) How high-tech companies achieve competitive advantage through leveraging technical, management and financial resources. Technology trends and industry evolution. Focus on electronics and bio-technology. Cases and speakers.

MOR 562 Strategic Choice and Valuation Analysis (3) Advanced strategic planning using tools of scenario development and activity valuation for assessing market entry, expansion and business portfolio configuration. Exercises, cases and project.

MOR 565 Alliances and Cooperative Strategy (3, FaSp) Essential issues and problems of cooperative strategy. Recognize and evaluate collaborative opportunities to develop and assess an overall cooperative strategy. Readings, cases and group project. Open to graduate business students only.

MOR 567 Interpersonal Influence and Power (3) Emphasizes legitimate and effective use of power to resolve conflicts and mobilize action through understanding the talent and self-interest of people involved in decision-making. Readings and cases.

MOR 568 Power and Politics in Organizations (3, FaSp) Explores current theories of power, politics and leadership within the organizational dynamic. Individual bases of power will be related to assessments of motives and skills.

MOR 569 Negotiation and Deal-Making (3, FaSp) Strategies and dynamics of deal-making; practical skills necessary to win in range of business transactions conducted in domestic and international settings. Cases, role-playing, films and simulations.

MOR 571 Leadership and Executive Development (3) Contemporary approaches to leadership, including corporate practices to develop leaders; examples of successful and derailed executives. Students self-assess personal leadership and draft development plans. Readings, speakers, cases.

MOR 572 Leadership and Self-Management (3) Successful leaders are effective at self-managing their thoughts, emotions and actions. Course provides concepts and methods for developing essential self-management skills.

MOR 573 Ethical and Social Issues in Business (3) Analyze and act on ethical and social issues in business: understand theories, consider issues, and build personal skills. Readings, cases, project, exercises.

MOR 579 The Business of Sports Entertainment (3, FaSpSm) Business practices and issues in different sports markets; including growth opportunities; and innovative marketing strategies for attracting and retaining fans and corporate sponsors. Industry speakers.

MOR 582 Global Human Resources Management (3, Sm) Examinations of how multinational firms manage and develop employees through recruitment and selection, training and development, performance management and evaluation, compensation, and labor relations. Cases, videos, and projects.

MOR 590 Directed Research (1-12, FaSpSm) Research leading to the master's degree. Maximum units which may be applied to the degree to be determined by the department. Graded CR/NC

MOR 597 Business Field Project in Management and Organization (1-6, FaSp) Individual or team projects solving real business problems for companies; situation analyses; research proposal composition; field research techniques; statistical analysis; oral and written presentations. Graded CR/NC.

MOR 599 Special Topics (1. 1.5, 2, or 3, max 9, FaSpSm) Selected topics reflecting current trends and recent developments in management and policy sciences.

MOR 601 Seminar in Organizational Behavior (3, Irregular) In-depth review of the theories and empirical research in the discipline of organizational behavior. Topics include: personality, motivation, job design, leadership, and others. Open to doctoral program in business administration students only.

MOR 602 Organization Theory (3, Irregular) Ph.D. level survey course on organization theory with focus on the history and development of research on organizations. Open to doctoral program in business administration students only.

MOR 603 Seminar in Strategic Management (3, Irregular) Survey of strategic management. Topics include historical overview of strategic management, research methods used, current theory, and empirical research on the developing of paradigms. Open to doctoral program in business administration students only.

MOR 604 Research Methods (3, FaSpSm) Critical issues and decisions faced by behavioral researchers in designing and implementing research projects. Open to doctoral program in business administration students only.