University of Southern California
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Undergraduate Degrees

Department Major Requirements for the Bachelor of Arts in Russian

Required courses, Lower divisionUnits
SLL 120Beginning Russian I4
SLL 150Beginning Russian II4
SLL 220Intermediate Russian I4
SLL 250Intermediate Russian II4

Required courses, Upper divisionUnits
SLL 320Advanced Russian I4
SLL 321Russian Culture, or
SLL 330Russian Thought and Civilization4
SLL 325Advanced Russian II4
SLL 465Seminar in Russian Studies (taken three times, with varying content)4, max 12

And two elective courses*

*For majors with a concentration in Russian language, literature and culture, these electives will be from Slavic Department courses on Russian literature and culture. For majors with a concentration in Russian studies, one or both electives may be taken, with prior departmental approval, from other related fields.

Minor in Russian

Lower division requirements for the major plus three upper division elective courses chosen from the following (at least two of the areas must be represented): Russian language (SLL 320, SLL 325, SLL 420); Russian literature and culture taught in Russian (SLL 321, SLL 465); Russian literature, art and culture taught in translation (SLL 330, SLL 344, SLL 345, SLL 348, SLL 378).

Minor in Russian Area Studies

Lower Division Requirements
Three semesters of Russian language (SLL 120, SLL 150 and SLL 220), or its equivalent.

Upper Division Requirements
The core course, SLL 330 Russian Thought and Civilization; one course outside the Slavic department, from among the following: HIST 324, HIST 328, HIST 415, HIST 416, HIST 417, HIST 424; IR 345, IR 346, IR 439, IR 483; POSC 464; and two electives, to be chosen from among: any upper division SLL course in Russian literature, art or culture; HIST 320, HIST 324, HIST 328, HIST 415, HIST 416, HIST 417, HIST 424; IR 345, IR 346, IR 439, IR 483; POSC 464.

Note: the course taken to fulfill the requirement outside the Slavic department cannot also count as an elective.