University of Southern California
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The courses listed in the following section have been designed for specific groups of students for various purposes as indicated in the course descriptions. Certain courses have restrictions related to their applicability for degree credit. Students should consult the academic advisor in the major department for further information.

Courses of Instruction

Engineering (ENGR)

040x Freshman Engineering Transition (1, Fa) Introduction to the School of Engineering: career objectives, study skills, available resources, and employment counseling. Graded CR/NC. Not available for degree credit.

100abcd Engineering Honors Colloquium (1-1-1-1) Recent developments in a highly technological society with emphasis on selected topics. Enrollment limited to members of the School of Engineering Honors Program. Graded CR/NC.

101 Introduction to Engineering (3, Fa) Gateway to the majors and minors in engineering. Introduction to engineering disciplines. Historical and current trends in engineering; ethical and societal factors in engineering solutions. Hands-on design experiences; field trips; USC laboratory tours.

301 Technical Entrepreneurship (3) (Enroll in BUAD 301)

395abcdx Cooperative Education Work Experience (1 or 2, max 5) Supervised work experience in a professional environment related to a specific degree program, academic level, and career objective. Acceptance into Cooperative Education Program required. Graded IP/CR/NC. Degree credit by departmental approval.

400 Engineering Honors Project (1-3, max 12, FaSpSm) Supervised interdisciplinary studies and projects. Enrollment limited to members of the School of Engineering Honors Program. Graded CR/NC.

493x Dean's Seminar in Entrepreneurship (2) (Enroll in BUAD 493x)

499 Special Topics (2-4, max 8) Current developments in the field of engineering.

501x Technical Writing and Communication for Graduate Students in Engineering and Science (3, FaSp) Writing of theses proposals, conference papers, journal articles. Emphasis on structure of discourse and writing process. Presentation and communication skills also addressed. Students' own work used as course content. Not available for degree credit for master's or certificate students.

595 Manufacturing Engineering Seminar (3) Topics on the design, integration and operation of manufacturing enterprises and their role in an organization. Lectures, case studies, speaker sessions, field trips, team projects, reports and presentations. Prerequisite: EE 561, ISE 511L, and ME 583.