Courses of Instruction, page 3
School of Public Administration

Public Administration (PUAD)

Frequency of course offerings varies from campus to campus. Check with individual campuses regarding availability.

500 Public Administration and Society (4, FaSpSm) Administrative concepts, institutions, legal systems, and practices; values; facilitation of responsibilities and rights; professional applications for personal, private sector, and public achievement.

501 Public Administration Problems (2-4, max 8, Irregular) Investigations, reporting, and reviews of literature in variable subject matter relating to the administration of public functions.

502 Professional Development (1-4, max 8, Irregular) Selected topics in the practical application of administrative concepts. Graded CR/NC.

503 Field Work (1-4, max 8, Sp) Supervised study of management activities in governmental agencies. Graded CR/NC.

504 Judicial Administration Practice (4, Irregular) Judicial operations; historical foundations; structure and powers of courts and management's role; efficacy of policy options; technological improvements; management skills required.

505 Administrative Data Processing (4, Irregular) Computers, electronic data processing, information handling; information systems, hardware and methods, applications in public service, decision analysis and modeling; information theory.

506 Administrative Research and Analysis (4, Irregular) Theory and methods for study of administrative effectiveness: problem solving, performance measurement, administrative and organizational research, quality improvement, and change implementation. Prerequisite: PPMT 404.

508 Management of Managed Care Organizations (4, FaSp) Managed care arrangements, interorganizational relations, management practices and controls, medical staff relations, contracting, strategic planning, marketing, information systems, utilization review, quality assurance, outcomes measures. Prerequisite: PUAD 551 and PUAD 585.

509 Management of Long-Term Care Organizations (4, Fa) History, development, trends; major policy issues; organization of systems; principles and techniques of administration; management of institutional and community based programs. Prerequisite: PUAD 551 and PUAD 585.

510 Civil Procedure and Issues in Judicial Administration (4, Fa) Pleadings, venues, calendaring trial motions, jury systems, and judgments; the phases of civil litigation and implications for court administrators.

511 Criminal and Juvenile Justice Procedure (4, Irregular) An overview of the criminal and juvenile justice system, including aspects of the role of court organization, police and arrest laws, arraignments, court reform, sentencing, and corrections.

512 Public Managerial Economics (4, FaSpSm) Microeconomic theory applied to managerial issues in public and non-profit sectors; decision-making, organization models, pricing, impact of public regulation on private sector behavior.

513 Finance of the Public Sector (4, FaSp) Sources of government revenue, intergovernmental financial relations, budgeting, public goods theory. Theoretical and applied skills in analysis of equity and efficiency issues.

514 Public Financial Management and Budgeting (4, Fa) Financial management applied to public and nonprofit organizations; financial valuation, financial markets, budgeting, tax administration, debt financing, cost-benefit analysis and financial analysis. Prerequisite: PUAD 512 and PPMT 404.

515 Concepts and Practices of Public Budgeting (4, Sp) Budget planning, budget formulation, tools for budget analysis and budget implementation.

516 Concepts and Practices in Public Personnel Administration (4, FaSp) Concepts of man and of work; workforce; government personnel systems, including merit concepts, classification, and compensation; collective bargaining; organizational justice; training and development.

517 Organization Development in Public Administration (4, FaSp) Overview of concepts and methodologies of organization development; diagnosing organizational needs; developing change strategies; selecting appropriate interventions.

518 Labor-Management Relations in Government (4, Irregular) Public employee unionization; legal provisions for collective bargaining; unit determination and recognition; bilateral negotiation; third-party processes; administration of agreements; evaluation of labor-management relations.

519 Collective Bargaining Negotiations (4, Sp) Processes and strategies in collective bargaining negotiations in public organizations.

520 Seminar in the Administration of Local Government (4, Irregular) Intensive consideration of the functions of the municipal executive and his environment. Research preparation and discussion of cases.

521 Financial Administration in Local Government (4, Irregular) Revenue sources, fees and charges, benefit assessments; financing economic development and redevelopment, issuing and managing debt, current asset management, and state-local relations.

522 Training in the Public Sector (4, Fa) Emergence of public service training; learning theories; program development process -- assessing needs, design, delivery, and evaluation; role of media; individual, group, organization development; managing training.

525 Policy and Program Evaluation (4, Sp) Methods and models for policy and program evaluation; methods of collecting and analyzing evaluation data; processes for linking evaluation to policy formulation and program management. (Duplicates credit in PUAD 529.) Prerequisite: PPMT 404.

527 Public Policy Formulation (4, FaSp) Nature of public policy; public policy formulation processes; roles of institutions, groups, values; information and rationality in policymaking; models and other aids to policy choice.

528 Public Policy Formulation and Implementation (4, Sp) Political and organizational perspectives on policy making process; agenda setting, policy design, adoption, implementation, evaluation, modification or termination. Policy leadership skills: negotiation and strategic mapping.

529 Public Policy Evaluation (4, Fa) Methods and models for policy evaluation; processes for linking evaluation to public policy formulation and implementation; political aspects of evaluation.

530 Problems and Issues in the Health Field (4, FaSp) Principles of epidemiology; disease trends, treatment efficacy, influences on utilization; health promotion, disease prevention and health protection; intergovernmental relationships; management of public health programs.

531ab Financial Management of Health Services (4-4, FaSpSm) a: Accounting principles, financial reports, managerial finance, financial planning, capital investments, working capital analysis; elements of budgeting and reimbursement; performance standards; reporting; developing a management system. Prerequisite: PUAD 404 and PUAD 551 or departmental approval. b: Changing practices, emerging issues, strategies and innovations in financial planning, management, and regulation; federal and state policies and requirements. Prerequisite: PUAD 531a.

532 Health Information Systems (4, SpSm) Conceptual framework for data base development; relational data management; use of health statistics; health indicators. Planning and administration of health information systems; confidentiality, security, privacy. Prerequisite: PUAD 404 and PUAD 551 or departmental approval.

533 Health Administration Residency Seminar (2, max 4, FaSp) Supervised study of health care administration, governance, professional staff relations, internal operations and controls, legal and regulatory requirements, management policy and strategy. Prerequisite: PUAD 530, PUAD 531a, PUAD 585; minimum of 20 graduate level units.

534 Seminar in Comparative Health Systems (4, Irregular) Historical and philosophical developments; patterns of medical care practice; impacts of social, historical, cultural, and economic environments; influence of health systems on science and technology.

535 Strategic and Operational Planning for Health Services (4, 2 years, Fa) Strategic, institutional, and program planning theory and methods; governmental and legal requirements, certificate of need processes, reimbursement controls; financing and marketing considerations, practices, and methods.

536 Legal Issues in Health Care Delivery (4, FaSp) Rights of consumers; health-related powers of governments; rights and responsibilities of health care providers; interrelationships of rights, powers, and responsibilities. Prerequisite: PUAD 530 or departmental approval.

537 Economic Concepts Applied to Health (4, FaSpSm) Relationships between economic characteristics and health status; impact of economy on health services industry; demand and resources for health services; utilization, prices, costs, health insurance. Prerequisite: PUAD 512.

538 Marketing of Health Services (4, Sm) Assessing community needs and organizational service capabilities; evaluating competition; qualitative and quantitative market research methods; market communications and advertising; developing marketing plans. Prerequisite: PPMT 404.

539 Seminar in Hospital Administration (4, FaSp) Hospital systems and functions; managerial processes, theory, and practice; governance structures; legal, regulatory, administrative, and professional requirements; medical and professional staff; multi-institutional arrangements; controls. Prerequisite: PUAD 551 and PUAD 585.

540 Justice Administration: A Management Perspective (4, 2 years, Fa) Justice administration as an interactive system: law, etiology of crime, police, the judiciary and corrections. Interface of offenders with community and political force fields.

541 Justice Administration and the Organizational Society (4, Irregular) Theories of man, state, society: social conformity, non-conformity, controls: change, conflict; individual and subculture impacts; maintenance of organizational society; societal adaptation and the justice system.

543 Administrative Law (4, Sm) Administrative perspectives on legal principles of agency rule-making and adjudication; distinctions between the two; informal administrative actions; decision-making; judicial review; public control of administrative decisions.

544 Internship Seminar (1, FaSp) Supervised study of management, analytical, or other professional activities in government; integration of theory, practice and relevant literature.

549 National Security Administration and the Domestic and International Environment (4, Irregular) Interplay of domestic and international environments; resultant constraints upon national security program administration; administrative and organizational implications for future scenarios.

550 Local Agency Debt and Cash Administration (4, Irregular) Overview of methods of debt and cash administration including official statement analysis; mechanics of different types of issues; and cash management principles.

551 Financial Accounting in the Public and Non-Profit Sectors (4, FaSp) Accounting as a management tool; accounting systems; basic concepts; budgets; statements. Designed for nonaccounting administrative personnel.

552 Intergovernmental Management: Local Perspective (4, Fa) Role of city, special district, and metropolitan governments in intergovernmental relations; intergovernmental impacts on local policy process and service delivery; management problems and alternatives.

553 Intergovernmental Management: State Perspective (4, FaSp) Role of state government in intergovernmental relations, emphasis on California experience; financial aspects of intergovernmental system.

554 Intergovernmental Management: Federal Perspective (4, Irregular) Role of national government in intergovernmental process; impact of federal legislative, executive, and judicial actions on state and local government; intergovernmental policy-making process.

555 Project Management (4, Sm) Functions and processes of project management throughout the project cycle: planning and analysis, organizational design, control, evaluation; systems acquisition; public and private sector approaches.

556 Public Enterprise Management: Comparative Perspective (4, Sp) Objectives and organizational forms; relevant management theories; sector and country comparisons; special problems; political accountability, pricing, investment, regulation, privatization.

557 Business and Public Policy (4, Irregular) The business-government relationship; effects of selected public policies (antitrust, economic, and social regulation, industrial policies, legal policy) on firm and industry behavior.

558 Quantitative Analysis I (4, FaSpSm) Various quantitative methods, including multivariate analysis, linear programming, and decision theory. Research design and causal modeling in management and policy analysis; use of computer packages. Prerequisite: PPMT 404.

559 Quantitative Analysis II (4, Sp) Empirical literature in management and policy analysis; application of analytic tools and quantitative methods to management and policy problems; case studies. Prerequisite: PUAD 558.

560 Public Ethics (4, Sp) Following an introduction to the study of ethics, relationships among administrative, political and policy ethics are examined, emphasizing the ethics of the administrative role.

561 Entrepreneurship in the Public Sector (4, Irregular) Providing public services through the private and non-profit sectors; public-private partnerships; political and organizational skills required for public entrepreneurship.

562 Administration of Human Service Programs (4, Irregular) National social policy and patterns in human services; problems, issues, and trends in integration of multiple service programs; role and effects of citizen participation. Offered at the Washington, D.C. Center only.

564 Federal Management Systems (4, FaSp) Principal institutions and processes in federal government for overhead leadership and control; examines Office of Management and Budget, Office of Personnel Management, Merit Systems Protection Board, General Services Administration, and General Accounting Office.

566 Management of Intergovernmental Programs (4, Sp) Analysis of relationships among governmental units in delivery of governmental programs; historical development of intergovernmental relations; present status and future implications.

567 Decision-Making in Regulatory Agencies (4, Irregular) Risk assessment, management, and communication concepts and practices; comparisons of regulatory decision making in regulatory agencies; emerging benefit assessment, cost-effectiveness, and communication issues.

568 Presidency, Congress, and the Bureaucracy (4, SpSm) Relationships in national government among political executive, legislative, and administrative units; reviews institutions, formal processes, and political dynamics.

569 Administration of Mental Health Services (4, FaSp) Mental health policies and programs; community responsibilities; legal requirements; interorganizational and intergovernmental relations; financing, planning, regulation, inspection, service organizations, and clients. Prerequisite: PUAD 551 and PUAD 585.

570 Organizations and Public Policy (4, Sp) Theories of complex organizations; intraorganizational and interorganizational processes related to policy implementation; regulation, inspection, service organizations, and clients.

571 The Voluntary Nonprofit Sector and Public Policy (4, Irregular) Theories of the nonprofit sector; relationships with the public and for-profit sectors; sources of revenues; public policies toward the sector.

572 Methods for Policy Analysis (4, Sp) Examination of methods used in the analysis of policy methods, including cost benefit analysis, decision and risk analysis, and applied social science methods. Prerequisite: PUAD 527, PUAD 512, and PPMT 404 or departmental approval.

573 Wellness in the Workplace (4, Irregular) Forces affecting employee health and productivity including management's role, organizational structure, health promotion, life style, health care costs; fitness, smoking, nutrition, occupational health program.

574 Strategic Planning in the Public Sector (4, Sp) Analysis/field application of action research models for strategic planning in public agencies; design of effective public systems; citizens/administrators' roles in strategic decision-making.

575 Science, Technology, and Government (4, Irregular) Impact of science/technology on governmental policy, processes, institutions; critical policy areas in science/technology; machinery for formulating science policy; governmental impact on science/technology.

577 Problems in Research and Development Administration (4, Irregular) Research and Development laboratories as unique organizational environments. Organizational and managerial problems associated with laboratory administration. Analytical methods useful in problem-solving activities of R&D managers.

579 Comparative Public Administration (4, Irregular) Methodologies, theories and models of comparison; administrative systems; role and functions of the public sector; administrative cultures.

580 Policy Development and Administration of Mental Health Services (4, Irregular) Development and analysis of federal, state, and local mental health policies; intergovernmental and interorganizational issues; administrative, political, and institutional issues; role and functions of managers.

581 International Development Administration (4, Sp) Development of theories; role of international institutions in resource exchanges; foreign investment and trade policies; national planning and allocation systems; development and modernization strategies and implementation.

582 Processes of Change in Developing Societies (4, Irregular) Nature of traditional and transitional societies; theories and practice of developmental change; role of bureaucracy in development; institution building; public enterprise; technology assessment and transfer.

583 Financial Administration in Developing Countries (4, Sm) Public sector finance; tax policy and administration; budgeting and auditing; debt management; public enterprise and development banks; planning; techniques; project assessment.

585 Human Behavior in Public Organization (4, FaSpSm) Behavior in organizations; focus on personal, interpersonal, and group level factors that influence such behavior.

587 Theory and Practice of Organizational Consultation (4, Fa) Managers and consultants as organization and community change agents: roles, functions; instrumentation; diagnostic, design, intervention, evaluation, and leadership skills development; stages of consulting process.

588 Action Training and Research in Organizations and Their Environments (4, Irregular) Theories and processes for training employees to cope with organization/environment interaction; change theories; agency and citizen communication; action training and research methodology.

589 Policy Analysis Practicum (4, Sp) Application and integration of the knowledge and techniques of analytic, quantitative, managerial, political and ethical analyses to specific public policy problems. Prerequisite: departmental approval.

590 Directed Research (1-12, FaSpSm) Research leading to the master's degree. Maximum units which may be applied to the degree to be determined by the department. Graded CR/NC.

591 Research and Evaluation in Public Administration (4, FaSpSm) Methods of social science research and evaluation design; overview of qualitative and quantitative (multi-variate) techniques; computer applications. Prerequisite: PPMT 404.

593 Advanced Seminar in Health Services Administration (4, FaSpSm) Application of principles of health administration in several practice settings. Decision-making; strategic management; organizational performance; communication; provider comparisons. Prerequisite: PUAD 530, PUAD 531a, PUAD 536, PUAD 558, PUAD 585.

594abz Master's Thesis (2-2-0, FaSpSm) Credit on acceptance of thesis. Graded IP/CR/NC.

595 Public Organization and Managment Theory (4, FaSp) Nature and management of public organizations; examination of organizational characteristics, forms, and processes, including the relationship with the broader environment.

596 Personal Assessment and Group Skills Development (4, Irregular) Application of theories of individual and group behavior. Examining self-assessment, power, interpersonal and process skills, career planning, and team building. Use of structured exercises.

597 Professional Practice of Public Administration (4, FaSpSm) Constitutionally accountable and ethical practice, individually and organizationally; applications of core competencies; practical inquiry, analysis, systems; comparative frameworks; citizenship and public service. Prerequisite: PUAD 500, PUAD 512, PUAD 595 and 16 additional units.

600 Seminar in Public Administration (8, Fa) Scope and method in public administration; historical and philosophical perspectives; role of governmental bureaucracies in society.

601 Intellectual Tradition of Public Administration (4, Fa) Scope and method in public administration; historical and philosophical perspectives; philosophy of science; normative perspectives; significant schools of administrative and managerial thought. Prerequisite: PUAD 500.

603 Seminar in Systems in the Public Sector (4, Irregular) Review of current literature in systems theory and systems methods with particular application to the public sector and public policy.

613 Seminar in Financial Policy (4, Irregular) Historical development and trends in public revenues and expenditures. Political, economic, and administrative significance of decisions in the field of financial management. Prerequisite: PUAD 513 or departmental approval.

616 Seminar in Public Personnel Policy (4, Sp) Determination of policy by legislature, civil service commissions, departmental practices, human resource development, trends, processes and problems in public personnel management. Prerequisite: PUAD 516 or departmental approval.

617 Seminar on Behavioral Aspects of Training and Development (4, Irregular) Theoretical concepts governing the administration of socio-technical systems, organization development, action training and research, and other development and change processes utilized in public service.

618 Seminar in Public Personnel Administration (4, Irregular) Development and change in public workforce systems; public personnel research. Prerequisite: PUAD 516 or departmental approval.

626 Seminar in Public Policy Processes and Analysis (4, Fa) Critical analysis of the policy field; theoretical foundations; integration of quantitative, organizational, and political considerations; policy research.

630 Seminar in Health Program Policy and Administration (4, Irregular) Research into the formulation of health policies, programs, and administrative mechanisms associated with the delivery of health services.

639 State Politics and Education (3) (Enroll in EDPA 639)

640 Justice Administration: Major Issues and Problems (4, Irregular) Analysis of agencies comprising the justice system, with emphasis on agency interrelationships, system analysis, the need and planning instrumentalities for change, and special problems.

675 Institutional Context of the Public Sector (4, Sp) Theories of the role, structure and growth of the public sector; public choice processes; political economy of public bureaucracies; the voluntary nonprofit sector. Prerequisite: PUAD 512.

682 Seminar in Development Administration (4, Sm) The development process: planning; assistance; the role of administration in achieving development goals.

685 Seminar on Organizational Behavior in Public Systems (4, FaSp) Organizing processes; decision-making; communication; leadership; behavioral models; political and social behavior in organizations. Prerequisite: PUAD 585.

691 Seminar in Research Methods (4, FaSpSm) Conceptual and model analysis; in-depth research; current research literature; theory construction; individual research papers. Prerequisite: PPMT 404.

692 Multivariate Statistical Analysis (4, Fa) Multivariate analysis of qualitative and quantitative variables including multiple linear regression, multiple contingency table analysis, log-linear and logit models, and path analysis. Prerequisite: PPMT 404.

695 Seminar in Administrative Theory (4, FaSp) Assessment of current normative and descriptive theories of public administration; variety of conceptual systems; operationalism; levels of organizational analysis. Prerequisite: PUAD 500.

696 Self-Assessment and Career Planning (4, Sp) Personal assessment of administrative experience, present situation, future goals; implications of self-assessment for academic pursuit. Substantial written document required. First course in D.P.A. curriculum. Graded CR/NC.

697 Seminar in Public Management (4, Irregular) Public management research and theory; differences between private and public organizations: contextual influences on public management; contemporary empirical studies; bibliographic research. Prerequisite: admission to the D.P.A. program.

699 Special Topics in Public Administration (1-4, max 8, Sp) Current issues, trends, and developments in public administration.

700ab Seminar in Public Administration Curriculum (1, 1, FaSp) Pedagogy: learning objectives, curriculum design, teaching methods, evaluation. Theory and practice in public administration relative to learning theory. Open only to Ph.D. and D.P.A. students. Graded CR/NC. Prerequisite: PUAD 500, PUAD 675, PUAD 685, PUAD 691, PUAD 695 or departmental approval.

790 Research (1-12, FaSpSm) Research leading to the doctorate. Maximum units which may be applied to the degree to be determined by the department. Graded CR/NC.

791ab Public Administration Research Seminar (1, 1, FaSp) Presentation and discussion of research histories and current research projects of members of the faculty and distinguished guest scholars. Open only to Ph.D. and D.P.A. students. Graded CR/NC. Prerequisite: PPMT 404, PUAD 500, PUAD 512, and PUAD 585 or departmental approval.

794abcdz Doctoral Dissertation (2-2-2-2-0, FaSpSm) Credit on acceptance of dissertation. Graded IP/CR/NC.

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Produced by the USC Division of Student Affairs, Office of University Publications, May 1, 1995
David Henriquez