Courses of Instruction, page 2
School of Public Administration

Public Policy and Management (PPMT)

200g Politics and Public Policy (4, Sp) An examination of how public policy is made in America, using images of politics and policies communicated in movies as a starting point.

215 Public Organizations and Management (4, FaSp) Political, social and legal contexts of public organizations and management; public/private organizational differences; organizational instruments for policy implementation. (Duplicates credit in PUAD 200.)

220g Simulated Policymaking in Urban Systems: Theory and Practice (4, FaSp) Theoretical basis of policymaking; simulated processes of policy initiation, selection, and implementation; impacts and future prospects of public decisions on a simulated urban community.

223x Career Planning and Development (2, Irregular) Exploration of theories, literature, and techniques of personal career planning and development. Graded CR/NC. Not available for degree credit.

225 Public Policy Processes and Institutions (4, FaSpSm) Structures and processes in addressing societal problems; contexts and constraints of federal policy making; agenda-setting, formulating alternatives, adoption, implementation; explanations for policy making in the U.S. (Duplicates credit in PUAD 370.)

230g Health Care and American Public Decisions (4, Fa) Political institutions and processes affecting health care in the United States; historical, legal, and philosophical contexts; health and illness as public issues; government responsiveness to public needs.

240 Citizenship and Public Ethics (4, Fa) Review of legal and ethical traditions of citizenship with emphasis on the latter; consideration of implications for current practice of public policy-making and management.

250 Introduction to Urban Studies (4, Irregular) Concepts and methods of analysis of urbanism, urban development, and urban policy.

271g The Nonprofit Sector and the Public Interest (4, Fa) Theories of the voluntary nonprofit sector in society and its relationship to government and business; public policies toward the sector.

313 Administration of Financial Resources (4, FaSpSm) Problems of financial management in governmental units; alternative revenue sources, tax enforcement, budgeting, financial planning and control, debt management.

316 Administration of Personnel Resources (4, FaSp) Human resource development and management; values and processes in civil service career systems; training practices; human relations in supervision; personnel theory.

330 Introduction to Health Care Systems (4, Sp) Concepts and determinants of health and illness; health care delivery organizations and programs; the role of the administrator; issues in health care financing and access; quality evaluation; future trends.

340 The American System of Justice (4, Sp) Introduction to the system of justice administration: components -- police services, judiciary, corrections; interrelationships and issues; management strategies for change.

342 Crime and Public Policy (4, FaSp) Public policy agenda-setting, alternatives formulation, and implementation for crime and criminal justice; analysis of specific issues including crime control, death penalty and gun control.

351 Financial Accounting in Public and Non-Profit Organizations (4, Fa) Basic accounting principles and concepts necessary for the preparation and understanding of financial statements; accounting for service organizations in the public/nonprofit sector; fund accounting.

357 Government and Business (4, Sp) Interrelated roles of business and public institutions; effects of public policies and laws on business sector; incorporates public and business perspectives. Prerequisite: ECON 203.

390 Special Problems (1-4) Supervised, individual studies. No more than one registration permitted. Enrollment by petition only.

397 Management for Non-Managers (4, Irregular) Contemporary management theory; the nature of modern complex organizations; roles and responsibilities of managers; managerial and organizational effectiveness; organizational structure and dynamics.

401 Public Policy and Management Issues and Practices (2 or 4, max 8, FaSp) Special studies and projects in various subject matters related to public policy and managers. Not more than two registrations in course permitted for credit toward degree. Graded CR/NC.

403 Management Analysis I (4, FaSp) Introduction to organizational and systems analysis; historical perspective; systems theory; information systems, procedure analysis; management planning; introduction to models.

404 Statistics in Public Policy and Management (4, FaSpSm) Elementary statistical techniques, introduction to probability; measurement theory, correlational analysis, sampling; significance tests, statistical inference.

405 The Administrator and Public Relations (4, Irregular) Requisites of sound public relations programs in government agencies; techniques for selecting, preparing, and disseminating governmental issues; media; social, psychological, and political principles.

406amb Los Angeles Mini Semester (4-4, FaSpSm) A more limited version of the Los Angeles Semester.

408ambcd Los Angeles Semester (4-4-4-4, FaSp) Intensive seminar with field work in the nature of the urban community; its culture, economics, environment, politics, and social problems. May be substituted for general or departmental requirements on the approval of the appropriate dean or major department chair.

410abcd Washington, D.C., Semester (4-4-4-4, FaSp) Overview of political and administrative environment of the federal government; its basic processes and functions through field visitations, research projects, internships, group discussions, and colloquium.

411abcd Sacramento Semester (4-4-4-4, Irregular) Exploration of political, economic, and administrative climate of the state government; basic processes and functions considered through seminars, research projects, visitations, group discussions, and internships.

412ab International Perspectives on Urban Problem Solving (4-4, Irregular) Research on comparative urban public policy and administration utilizing case study approach; field research includes study in various foreign cities.

414 Financial Management of Public and Nonprofit Organizations (4, Sp) Time value of money, risk, government bonds and tax-exempt financing, cost of capital, budgeting, financial statement analysis, and working capital management. Prerequisite: PPMT 351.

416 Introduction to Personnel Technology in Public Employment (4, Fa) Work design; job analysis; job evaluation; compensation and benefits; tests and examination design; validity and reliability in selection. Prerequisite: PPMT 316 or departmental approval.

417 Training and the Applied Behavioral Science (4, Sp) The nature of public service training; training management; training plans; personal and organizational development; skilled training needs assessment; evaluation.

421 Government and Administration in Metropolitan Areas (4, Irregular) Administration problems created by large urban areas comprising many political entities; suggested solutions; experience in Los Angeles area; current trends.

427 Urban Government and Management (4, Irregular) Preparation and discussion of cases dealing with selected policy areas including transportation, housing, poverty, and environmental quality.

439 Administration of Health Care Organizations (4, Sp) Theory and practice; role of governing bodies, medical staffs and quality review committees; current trends; community responsibility; regulatory and oversight agencies.

440 Management of Justice Systems (4, FaSp) Social controls and delivery of justice administration services; comparative systems; organization theory and justice administration; system adaptation and change; system performance measurement: economy, efficiency, effectiveness.

441 Judicial Administration (4, Irregular) Local, state, federal judicial systems; constitutional, legislative, judicial influences on administrative action. Administrative problems associated with judicial functions including district attorney, public defender, the courts.

442 Administration of Police Services (4, FaSp) Police and society; the structure and organization of American policing, current managerial problems; police research and development; future planning; administration of police juvenile programs.

452 Organization and Interface of Juvenile Justice Subsystems (2, FaSp) Effective interface among juvenile justice subsystems (police and social service agencies, schools, courts); legal/jurisdictional parameters, resource constraints; strategies for joint intervention and problem resolution.

453 Program, Policy, and Legislative Trends in Juvenile Justice (2, Irregular) Examination of current research findings and legislation in juvenile justice; relations of new information to operating assumptions of agencies; impacts, trends; implications for management practice.

454 Problems and Issues in the Delivery of Youth Services (2, Irregular) Strategies for coordinated mobilization of diverse juvenile justice agencies; resolution of conflicting agency objectives (e.g., enforcement vs. rehabilitation). Information and resource needs; organizational skills, techniques.

462 Theory and Practice of Nutritional Counseling (2, Irregular) Principles of nutrition and techniques of communication and counseling to provide information on diet and nutrition to various audiences and clients.

463 Principles of Health Education (2, FaSp) Health concerns; health promotion and prevention; role and delivery of emergency care; theory and practice of communicating health information. (Duplicates credit in former PUAD 461a.)

464 Issues in Health Education (2, FaSp) Patterns of exposure to specific health risks and interventions effective in risk reduction; motivation and communication in health risk reduction; analysis of field observations. (Duplicates credit in former PUAD 461b.)

473 Public Policy Analysis (4, FaSpSm) Rational policy analytic process with an emphasis on modeling and evaluation techniques; cost-benefit analysis; decision analysis; evaluation research; introduction to the computer. Prerequisite: PPMT 404 or PLDV 404 and ECON 203.

482 Comparative Public Administration (4, 2 years, Sp) Methodology, theories, and models of comparison; functional processes of administration in developing and developed nations compared; role of bureaucracy in development and nation-building; ecology of administration.

485 Organizational Behavior in Public Administration (4, FaSp) Understanding human behavior in public organization: motivation, roles, communication; group behavior and decision-making in public context; managing conflict; leadership and change in public complex organizational systems.

486 Politics and Administration (4, Sp) Administrative relationships to the policy processes; influence of political and economic pressures on administrative policy determination; political behavior by administrators; case analysis.

490x Directed Research (2-8, max 8, FaSpSm) Individual research and readings. Not available for graduate credit. Prerequisite: departmental approval.

491 Research in Public Administration (4, Irregular) Philosophy of science; research theory in social sciences; survey and control research methodology; research designs and analysis; research literature; individual research. For undergraduates and masters students with emphasis on understanding research. Prerequisite: PPMT 404.

495 Philosophy of Public Administration (4, Irregular) Theoretical roots of public administration; values and methodologies in contemporary administrative theory and practice; public service ethics; current issues.

498 Senior Honors Seminar (4, Fa) Concepts, theories, and methods of analysis of a selected topic within the field of public administration. Prerequisite: 3.5 GPA in PUAD courses; 3.0 GPA overall; and departmental approval.

499 Special Topics (2-4, max 8, Sp) Studies in selected areas of public affairs and administration.

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Produced by the USC Division of Student Affairs, Office of University Publications, May 1, 1995
David Henriquez