Graduate Degrees, page 6
School of Pharmacy

Doctor of Pharmacy/Doctor of Philosophy

The Doctor of Pharmacy/Doctor of Philosophy (Pharm.D./Ph.D.) program is designed to permit qualified Pharm.D. students with a Bachelor of Science or equivalent degree to pursue research training in the pharmaceutical sciences and toxicology. A student accepted into the joint program must meet all requirements for the Pharm.D., as well as the requirements for the Ph.D. in the pharmaceutical sciences or toxicology sections listed in this catalogue. A maximum of 20 units from the Pharm.D. program may be credited toward the Ph.D. These units cannot, however, be substituted for the required 24 units of core course work.

Post-Pharm.D. Graduate Studies

Qualified students who wish to continue graduate studies within the School of Pharmacy upon completion of the Pharm.D. may, with permission of the dean, substitute certain Pharm.D. courses with courses necessary for the graduate degree so that the graduate program will not be delayed. These units cannot, however, be substituted for the 24 units of core course work.

Pharm.D./Graduate Certificate in Gerontology

The Pharm.D./Graduate Certificate in Gerontology is a program developed in 1990 by the School of Pharmacy and the Andrus Gerontology Center. This integrated program in pharmacy and gerontology prepares students with an interest in geriatric pharmacy to assume leadership roles in academic, administrative or policy levels within the profession.

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Produced by the USC Division of Student Affairs, Office of University Publications, May 1, 1995
David Henriquez