Dept. of Preventive Medicine, page 3
School of Medicine
Master of Science in Applied Biometry/Epidemiology
Course Requirements
General requirements include at least 33 units of required courses as follows: 21 units of core courses and at least 12 units of elective courses in either the applied biometry or epidemiology track. In addition, each student must register for four units of 594ab Thesis and write a master's thesis.
Each student is required to take the following six core courses (21 units): PM 510L, 511abL, 512, 518a, and 523. In addition, each student is required to take at least 12 elective units from either the applied biometry track or from the epidemiology track. Electives in the applied biometry track are: PM 513, 516ab, 520, 522ab and 527. Electives in the epidemiology track are: PM 517ab, 527 and 611ab. The track choice will be determined by the student's needs and interests and will be approved by the student's advisor. When appropriate, courses not listed above may be chosen with approval of the student's advisor. Sufficient familiarity in computer languages to operate major software packages for data management and analysis is required.
Thesis Requirement
A master's thesis is required of all students. This thesis consists of a research project approved by the faculty and chosen from problems encountered within the department, in other departments of the School of Medicine or university or elsewhere in the community.
Master of Science in Biometry
Course Requirements
The M.S. degree program in biometry requires a minimum of 33 units of required and elective graduate study. Core requirements include the following 10 courses (28 units): PM 511abL, 512, 513, (or MATH 542L), 516ab, 518ab, 522ab or MATH 505a and 541a. In addition, each student must take at least five units from the following elective courses: PM 510, 515, 520, 523, 527, 543L, 544L, 546, 547, 550, 552, 590, 603; MATH 506, 542, 545L, 547, 548, 549, 551L. Each student must also register for four units of 594ab Thesis and write a master's thesis.
The student's choice of elective courses will be directed by needs and interests and must be approved by the student's graduate advisor. When appropriate, elective courses not listed above may be substituted with approval of the advisor. Sufficient familiarity in computer languages to operate major software packages for data management and analysis is required.
Thesis Requirement
A master's thesis is required of all students. This thesis consists of a research project approved by the faculty and chosen from problems encountered within the department, in other departments of the School of Medicine or university or elsewhere in the community.
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Produced by the USC Division of Student Affairs, Office of University Publications, May 1, 1995
David Henriquez