Dept. of Preventive Medicine, page 4
School of Medicine

Doctor of Philosophy in Biometry

The department offers a degree program leading to the Ph.D. in biometry. The program is designed to produce biometricians who will have in-depth knowledge of statistical theory and methodology and the ability to apply this knowledge creatively to statistical problems in the biological and health sciences.

Course Requirements

A minimum of 60 units of graduate study is required for the Ph.D. degree; a maximum of 20 of these units may be from research and dissertation. In preparation for the screening examination, all students must take the required courses for the M.S. in Biometry (28 units, see above). In preparation for the qualifying examination, all students are required to take PM 543L, 544L, 550, 552, and 610 (at least two semesters). The student is also required to take at least nine units from the mathematical statistics sequence: MATH 506, 547, 548, 549, 551.

Screening Procedure

A student failing the screening examination will either terminate or will terminate with the M.S. degree upon completion of an acceptable thesis.

Guidance Committee

A formal guidance committee consisting of five faculty members -- four from within the department (one of whom is designated as chair), and one from an outside department offering the Ph.D. degree -- will recommend courses in preparation for the qualifying examination.

Qualifying Examination

The qualifying examination will test the student's integration of knowledge in biometry, mathematical statistics and the health sciences. An oral examination will ascertain the student's competence in orally communicating this knowledge. Students must pass all three written portions and the oral portion in order to pass the qualifying examination.

Dissertation and Oral Defense

Upon passing the qualifying examination the Ph.D. candidate and his or her chair will recommend a three-member dissertation committee. The dissertation should be completed within two years and should be oriented toward a theoretical-methodological application to a problem area in the biological or health sciences. The oral defense is based on a rough draft or final version of the dissertation. The defense is administered by the dissertation committee, with other faculty invited to attend.

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Produced by the USC Division of Student Affairs, Office of University Publications, May 1, 1995
David Henriquez