The terms indicated are expected but are not guaranteed. For the courses offered during any given term, consult the Schedule of Classes.
100Lxg Cells and Organisms (4, FaSm) Introduction to morphology and physiology of cells, organs and organ systems. Lecture, 3 hours; laboratory, 2 hours. Not available for major credit.
101xg Human Biology (4, FaSpSm) Introduction to recent developments in molecular genetics and biochemistry with emphasis on their impacts on the individual and society. Lecture, 3 hours; discussion, 2 hours. Not available for major credit.
102xg Humans and Their Environment (4, FaSp) Biological impacts of people on the environment and the environment on people: chemistry of life, evolution, ecology, genetics; population biology; resources and exploitation; pollution. Lecture, 3 hours; discussion, 2 hours. Not available for major credit.
106Lg Principles of Biology I (4, FaSm) The structure of cells; cellular mechanisms of heredity; introduction to plant and animal structure; diversity of life; evolution; ecology of populations. Lecture, 3 hours; laboratory, 3 hours. Prerequisite: high school chemistry.
107L Principles of Biology II (4, SpSm) The chemical basis of biological structure; enzymes, metabolic processes; cell physiology, systems physiology. Lecture, 3 hours; laboratory, 3 hours. Prerequisite: CHEM 105aL or CHEM 115aL.
108L Special Laboratory I (1) Laboratory component for BISC 106L for entering freshmen or transfer students with advanced placement or equivalent lecture credit from another institution. Prerequisite: departmental approval.
109L Special Laboratory II (1) Laboratory component for BISC 107L for entering freshmen or transfer students with advanced placement or equivalent lecture credit from another institution. Prerequisite: departmental approval.
116Lg Advanced Principles of Biology I (4, Fa) Equivalent to 106L, but taught at a higher level for exceptionally well-prepared students. Lecture 3 hours, laboratory 3 hours. Prerequisite: departmental approval.
117L Advanced Principles of Biology II (4, Sp) Equivalent to 107L, but taught at a higher level for exceptionally well-prepared students. Lecture 3 hours, laboratory 3 hours. Prerequisite: departmental approval.
150xg The Nature of Human Health and Disease: From Mental Health to AIDS (4, Sp) The human organism; the nature of inherited and acquired diseases; the biological and societal basis for the AIDS epidemic; therapy, drug design and the future. Not available for major credit.
193 Freshman Colloquium I (1, Fa) A series of lectures and discussions at which faculty of the department introduce their research activities to students entering biology and related majors. Graded CR/NC. Corequisite: concurrent registration in BISC 116L or departmental approval.
194 Freshman Colloquium II (1, Sp) A series of lectures and discussions at which faculty of the department introduce their research activities to students entering biology and related majors. Graded CR/NC. Corequisite: concurrent registration in BISC 117L or departmental approval.
210 Molecular Biology (4, FaSpSm) Molecular genetics of prokaryotic and eukaryotic organisms. Lecture, 3 hours; discussion, 2 hours. Prerequisite: BISC 106L or BISC 116L; BISC 107L or BISC 117L; CHEM 105aLbL or CHEM 115abL.
216L Introduction to Biochemistry (4, FaSpSm) Macromolecular structure and function; enzymology; bioenergetics; metabolism. Lecture, 3 hours; laboratory, 4 hours. Prerequisite: BISC 107L or BISC 117L; CHEM 322aL or CHEM 325aL; corequisite: CHEM 322bL or CHEM 325bL.
230g Man, Mind, and Machines: Introduction to Neuroscience (4, Fa) Survey of the mind-body relationship from early Greeks to modern computers; historical, philosophical, scientific, and technological perspectives tied together with integrative lectures and readings.
290L Introduction to Biological Research (2 or 4, max 4, FaSpSm) Experience in basic techniques through supervised research in the research laboratory of a departmental faculty member. Prerequisite: BISC 106L or BISC 116L, BISC 107L or BISC 117L, CHEM 105aLbL or CHEM 115abL; and departmental approval.
300L Introduction to Microbiology (4, Sp) Comparative approach to bacteria, rickettsiae, and viruses; their structure, life cycles, geochemical activity, and nutrition. Fundamentals of metabolism and microbial genetics. Lecture, 2 hours; laboratory, 6 hours. Prerequisite: BISC 216L.
306Lx Introductory Physiology (4, Sp) Functioning of the human body considered chiefly at the organ and system level. Lecture, 3 hours; laboratory, 3 hours. Not available for major credit to biological sciences majors. Prerequisite: high school biology; BISC 106L or BISC 116L, BISC 107L or BISC 117L recommended.
307L General Physiology (4, Fa) Physiological functions of the circulatory, digestive, endocrine, integumentary, musculoskeletal, nervous, respiratory, and urogenital systems of animals. Lecture, 3 hours; laboratory, 3 hours. Prerequisite: BISC 216L.
310Lx Principles of Human Microbiology (4, Fa) Microbial agents and their relationships to human diseases; pathogenesis, virulence, immunity; epidemiology; control in hospital and community; sterilization, disinfection; introduction to laboratory identification. Not available for credit to biological science majors. Lecture, 3 hours; laboratory, 6 hours. Prerequisite: high school biology; BISC 106L or BISC 116L, BISC 107L or BISC 117L recommended.
312Lx Human Anatomy (4, Sp) Systemic human anatomy; morphological and embryological conditions contributing to the structures of the adult. Lecture, 3 hours; laboratory, 3 hours. Not available for major credit to biological sciences majors. Prerequisite: high school biology; BISC 106L or BISC 116L, BISC 107L or BISC 117L recommended.
313 Population Genetics and Evolution (4, Sp) Historical development of theories of evolution, genetic structure of populations; macroevolution; evolution from the origin of life to mankind. Lecture, 3 hours; discussion, 2 hours. Prerequisite: BISC 210.
315L Introduction to Ecology (4, Fa) Organism-environment interactions; dynamics of populations, communities, and ecosystems; evolutionary forces. Lecture, 3 hours; laboratory, 3 hours. Prerequisite: BISC 106L or BISC 116L.
340x Renaissance to Recombinant DNA: A Modern History of Biology (4) Conceptual approaches, crucial experiments, significant discoveries which led to present understanding of living systems considered in the context of philosophical, cultural, economic, and political environments. Not available for major credit to biological sciences majors. Prerequisite: high school biology and chemistry.
369L Natural History of California (4) Marine, freshwater, and terrestrial communities of California. Life histories, morphology, special evolutionary adaptations. Relationships between organisms and their biological-physical-chemical environment. Emphasis on field biology. Prerequisite: BISC 106L and BISC 107L.
390 Special Problems (1-4) Supervised, individual studies. No more than one registration permitted. Enrollment by petition only.
402 Advanced Molecular Biology Lecture: Prokaryotes (3, Fa) Modern topics in prokaryotic molecular genetics; extrachromosomal elements; cloning, replication, gene expression; transposable elements. Concurrent registration in 408x required of undergraduate students; 508 for graduates. (Duplicates credit in former BISC 403b) Prerequisite: BISC 210.
403 Advanced Molecular Biology (4, Sp) Molecular mechanisms and control of DNA replication, DNA repair, recombination, gene expression, cell growth, and development in prokaryotic and eukaryotic organisms, from bacteria to humans. Prerequisite: BISC 210 and BISC 216L.
405L General Embryology (4, Fa) Vertebrate and human development: cellular differentiation; germ cell development and growth; hormonal regulation of reproductive cycles; cleavage through neurulation and subsequent development of primary organs. Lecture, 3 hours; laboratory, 3 hours. Prerequisite: BISC 106L or BISC 116L; BISC 107L or BISC 117L; BISC 445L recommended.
406L Molecular Biology Laboratory (4, Fa) Techniques in genetics and biochemistry applied to prokaryotic model systems; control of gene expression, chromosomal transfer, and maintenance of genetic code integrity. Prerequisite: BISC 210.
408x Advanced Molecular Biology Discussion: Prokaryotes (1, Fa) Discussion accompanying BISC 402. Concurrent registration in BISC 402 required of undergraduates. Discussion, 2 hours. Not available for graduate credit. Prerequisite: BISC 210.
411 Cell Physiology (4, Sp) Regulation of animal and plant function; principles of nerve, muscle, and receptor physiology; movement of materials in plants. Lecture, 3 hours; discussion, 2 hours. Prerequisite: BISC 106L or BISC 116L, BISC 107L or BISC 117L, and BISC 216L.
419 Environmental Microbiology (4, Fa) Qualitative and quantitative appraisal of microbial activities in pure and contaminated environments; microbial community and its development; interspecific relationships; effects of microorganisms on their surroundings. Lecture, 4 hours. Prerequisite: BISC 300L.
421 Neurobiology (4, Fa) Structure, function, and development of nervous systems; neural integration and mechanisms of behavior; organization and operation of brains; neurogenetics. Lecture, 3 hours; discussion, 2 hours. Prerequisite: BISC 216L, CHEM 322bL or CHEM 325bL; MATH 125.
422L Neurobiology Laboratory (4, Sp) Experimentation on excitable cells, synapses, and neural circuits; intracellular and extracellular techniques for recording, stimulation, and identification of nerve and muscle cells. Lecture, 2 hours; laboratory, 6 hours. Prerequisite: departmental approval; corequisite: BISC 421.
425 History of Discovery in Biology (4, Sp) Exploration of intellectual and experimental revolutions that produced fundamental discoveries in anatomy, physiology, biochemistry, and evolution; social, institutional, and artistic factors will also be considered. Prerequisite: BISC 106L and BISC 107L, HIST 103 or HIST 104.
435 Advanced Biochemistry (4, Sp) Macromolecular structure and function; enzymology; metabolic regulation. Lecture, 3 hours; discussion, 2 hours. Prerequisite: BISC 216L.
436 Hormonal Regulation of Metabolism (4, Irregular) Physiological and biochemical examination of the mechanisms of hormonal action on metabolism at the subcellular, cellular, and interorgan levels of biological organization. Prerequisite: BISC 216L.
437L Comparative Physiology of Animals (4, Sp) Control of the internal environment of animals in relation to their external environment. Thermal regulation, osmoregulation, excretion, and ion balance. Lecture, 3 hours; laboratory, 3 hours. Prerequisite: BISC 307L; BISC 411L recommended.
438 Nutritional Biochemistry (4, Fa) Digestion, absorption and assimilation of nutrients; metabolism of carbohydrates, proteins, fats; biochemistry of vitamins, minerals, trace elements; nutritional needs; medical aspects of nutrition. Prerequisite: BISC 216L, CHEM 322b, PHYS 135a; recommended preparation: BISC 307L.
445L Fundamentals of Vertebrate Biology (4, Sp) Evolution and comparative anatomy of vertebrates. Lecture, 3 hours; laboratory, 3 hours. Prerequisite: BISC 106L or BISC 116L; BISC 107L or BISC 117L.
450L Principles of Immunology (4, Sp) Immune processes, humoral and cellular; immunoglobulins; antibody formation; antigen-antibody interactions; immune dyscrasias; transplantation and tumor immunology; basic hematology and immunohematology. Lecture, 2 hours; laboratory, 6 hours. Prerequisite: BISC 216L.
467L Histology (4, FaSm) Descriptive and comparative survey of cells, tissues, and organ systems, with emphasis upon the correlation of structure and function. Lecture, 3 hours; laboratory, 6 hours. Prerequisite: BISC 106L or BISC 116L; BISC 107L or BISC 117L.
469L Marine Biology (4, Fa) Oceanography and marine biology, sampling techniques, evolutionary adaptations, morphology, systematics. Lecture, 3 hours; laboratory, 3 hours. Field trip and field research projects required. Prerequisite: BISC 106L or BISC 116L and BISC 107L or BISC 117L.
471L Marine Invertebrate Zoology (4, Sp) Functional morphology, life histories, and systematics of marine invertebrates of all major and minor taxa; emphasis on the living animal and its habitat. Lecture, 3 hours; laboratory, 3 hours. Prerequisite: BISC 106L or BISC 116L; BISC 107L or BISC 117L.
473L Biological Oceanography (4, Sp) Biological, physical, chemical dynamics and analyses of the ocean; primary production of phytoplankton, secondary production by zooplankton, bacterial remineralization; physiology, ecology of fishes, marine mammals. Lecture, 3 hours; laboratory, 3 hours. Prerequisite: BISC 106L or BISC 116L; BISC 107L or BISC 117L.
474L Systems Ecology (4, Irregular) General principles of ecosystem function through case studies of energy flow and material cycling. Practical experience with standard field, laboratory methods; introduction to ecological modeling. Lecture, 3 hours; laboratory and discussion, 2 hours. Prerequisite: BISC 315L; MATH 125 recommended.
480 Developmental Biology (4, Sp) Regulation of mammalian development at the molecular, cellular and genomic levels; development of the brain and reproductive organs emphasized. Lecture, 3 hours; discussion, 2 hours. Prerequisite: BISC 210 or departmental approval.
481L Developmental Biology of Marine Animals (4, Irregular) Patterns of sexual reproduction in marine animals; developmental mechanisms and controls; structure and significance of developmental stages; larval biology and metamorphosis. Lecture, 3 hours; laboratory, 3 hours. Prerequisite: BISC 106L or BISC 116L; BISC 107L or BISC 117L.
490x Directed Research (2-8, max 8, FaSpSm) Individual research and readings. Not available for graduate credit. Prerequisite: departmental approval.
493x Honors Seminar (1, max 4, FaSp) Not available for graduate credit. Prerequisite: third or fourth year standing in Honors Program.
494x Honors Thesis (2, FaSp) Not available for graduate credit. Prerequisite: fourth year standing in Honors Program.
499 Special Topics (2-4, max 8, FaSp) Lecture and discussion in specialized areas of the biological sciences. Students cannot register more than twice for this course. Prerequisite: BISC 106L or BISC 116L; BISC 107L or BISC 117L.
Produced by the USC Division of Student Affairs, Office of University Publications, May 1, 1995