Areas of Study 7
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Empirical Approaches

Courses in this category deal with human beings and their societies. Their purpose is to introduce students to both the methods and the subject matter of social science. Students in degree programs which require two courses in the empirical approaches category may not take both from the same department, nor may they count both a course and its prerequisite.

ANTH 201gIntroduction to Social Anthropology
ANTH 322gAnthropology of Bali
ANTH 328gmCulture Change and the Mexican People
ANTH 360gSymbolic Anthropology
ANTH 370gFamily and Kinship in Cross-Cultural Perspective
ANTH 373gMagic, Witchcraft and Religion
ANTH 375gApplied Anthropology
ARCH 442gmWomen's Spaces in History
COMM 140xgNature and Impact of Communications
ECON 203gPrinciples of Microeconomics
ECON 205gPrinciples of Macroeconomics
ECON 348gCurrent Problems of the American Economy
ECON 350gThe World Economy
ECON 473xgPopulation Economics
EDCO 101xgThe Experience of Gender: Social Science Research Perspectives
EDPA 102gEducation and Identity: Qualitative Inquiry and Educational Research
EDPT 310gParental Influence on Children's EducationalDevelopment
ENGR 352xgSociotechnical Problem-Solving and Design
GEOG 100gmLos Angeles and the American Dream
GEOG 197gThe Power of Maps
GEOG 205gIntroduction to Human Geography
GEOG 310gApproaches to the Study of Cities
GEOG 340gmGeography of the Chicano Southwest
GEOG 350gmRace and Environmentalism
GEOG 360gNatural Hazards
GERO 220gPsychology of Development and Aging
GERO 230gSociology of Development and Aging
IR 200gIntroduction to International Relations
IR 210gInternational Relations: Introductory Analysis
LING 210gIntroduction to Linguistics
LING 315gLanguage, Society, and Culture
LING 395gChild Language Acquisition
OT 325xgHormones and the Social Environment
PLDV 203gSpatial Organization of Society
PLDV 265xgUnderstanding Urban Complexity and Form Through Geographic Information Systems
PLDV 275LgEnvironment and Behavior
PLDV 315gmUrban Sleuths: Exploring People and Places in Cities
POSC 120gIntroduction to Comparative Politics
POSC 311gPolitical Analysis
POSC 365gWorld Political Leadership
PSYC 100gPsychology and Human Behavior
PSYC 300gHuman Diversity: The Psychology of Individual Differences
PTE 202xgEnergy and Society
REL 120gIntroduction to the Study of Religion
SOCI 200gmIntroduction to Sociology
SOCI 333gEnvironment and Society
SOCI 335gSociety and Population
SOCI 340gOrganizations: Bureaucracy and Alternatives to Bureaucracy
SOCI 344gPopulation, Business, and Public Affairs
SOCI 360gmSocial Inequality: Class, Status, and Power
SOCI 385gPopulation, Society, and Aging
SWMS 225gmSex Similarities and Differences: A Multidisciplinary Approach

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