Areas of Study 8

Ethical Approaches

Courses in this category engage students in moral deliberation through a critical study of political, societal or individual moralities.

COMM 388gEthics in Human Communication
EALC 130gIntroduction to East Asian Ethical Thought
EDCO 100xgEthical Approaches to Self-Development
GEOG 257gEnvironment and Ethics
GERM 375gGerman Intellectual Perspectives
HIST 320gRussian and Soviet Rebels: the Moral Dilemma and the Continuity of Dissent
JOUR 199xgThe Ethics of Television Journalism
JS 211gThe Holocaust
JS 215gEvil, Suffering, Goodness, and Hope in the Jewish Experience
PHIL 140gContemporary Moral and Social Issues
PHIL 240gEthics
PLDV 210xgAnimals and the Moral Landscape
PLDV 300gThe Design of the Good: Conception and Judgment
REL 140gReligion and Ethical Issues
REL 210gHuman Values
REL 260gEthical Issues in the New Medical Revolution
REL 270gConflict and Change and the Ethics of Business
REL 319gReligious and Ethical Issues in Death and Dying
REL 341gEthics in a Technological Society
REL 364gJudeo-Christian Ethics
REL 367gContemporary Theology and Morality
SLL 200gRussian Moral Dilemmas in the 20th Century
SLL 380gLiterature and Philosophy: The Wisdom of the Modern Era
SWMS 210gmIntroduction to the Study of Women and Men in Society
SWMS 301gmIntroduction to Feminist Theory and the Women's and Men's Movements

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Produced by the USC Division of Student Affairs, Office of University Publications, May 1, 1995