Areas of Study 6
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Representative Approaches to the Study of the Individual, Culture and Society


Courses in this category teach methods of literary analysis: significant and exemplary works of literature will be read closely to understand the forms of literary art, the determinants of literary experience, and the means by which we interpret literature.

CLAS 325gAncient Epic
CLAS 337gAncient Drama
COLT 210gThe Bible as Literature
COLT 264gThe Asian Aesthetic and Literary Tradition
COLT 270gThe Short Story in World Literature
COLT 271gThe Novel in World Literature I
COLT 272gThe Novel in World Literature II
COLT 274gThe One Act Play in World Drama
EALC 342gJapanese Literature in English Translation
EALC 354gModern Chinese Literature in Translation
EALC 370gTextual Power and Literary Representations: Japan
ENGL 230xgIntroduction to Shakespeare
ENGL 246xgmIntroduction to African-American Literature
ENGL 250xgLiterary Classics of the United States
ENGL 254xgWomen Writers in English
ENGL 260xgEnglish and American Literature since 1900
ENGL 261gEnglish Literature to 1800
ENGL 262gEnglish Literature since 1800
ENGL 263gAmerican Literature
ENGL 268xgIntroduction to Literature and Society
ENGL 276xgLiterature and Film: Narrative Forms
FREN 280gExistentialism in French Literature
FREN 340xgFrench Literature in Translation
FREN 345xg20th Century French Literature in Translation
FREN 347gRace, Gender, and Power in Francophone Literature
FREN 383gFrench Women Writers
GERM 340gGerman Prose Fiction from Goethe to Thomas Mann
GERM 360g20th Century German Prose: Texts and Films
ITAL 350gItalian Renaissance Literature in Translation
SLL 210gMasterpieces of the Russian Short Story
SLL 300gThe Russian Novel
SLL 302gModern Russian Literature
SLL 344gTolstoy: Writer and Moralist
SLL 345gLiterature and Philosophy: Dostoevsky
SLAV 348gNabokov's Novels: Art and Exile
SPAN 256xgSpanish Literature in Translation from 1700 to the Present
SPAN 257xgSpanish-American Literature in Translation to 1930
SPAN 258xgModern Spanish-American Narrative in Translation
SPAN 295gIntroduction to the Study of Hispanic Literature (conducted in Spanish)
THTR 200xgIntroduction to Modern Drama

The Arts

Courses in this category introduce students to the aesthetic analysis of great art.

ARCH 206gShelter
ARCH 214agHistory of Architecture: Antiquity through the Middle Ages
ARCH 214bgHistory of Architecture: Renaissance through Modern
ARCH 322gGreat Houses of Los Angeles
ARCH 326gThe Modern Movement in Architecture
ARCH 341gHistory of Italian Architecture, 1400-1990
ARCH 432gPeople, Places and Culture: Architecture of the Public Realm
CNTV 190gIntroduction to Cinema
CNTV 200gHistory of the International Cinema I and II
and CNTV 201g(both 200g and 201g are necessary to fulfill the requirement)
CNTV 392gHistory of the American Film, 1925-1950
CNTV 393gHistory of the American Film since 1950
COMM 100xgThe Communication Revolution and the Arts
FA 120gWestern Art to 1500
FA 121gWestern Art after 1500
FA 125gIntroduction to Asian Art: Antiquity to 1300
FA 126gIntroduction to Asian Art: 1300 to the Present
FA 321gGreek Art and Architecture
FA 322gRoman Art and Archaeology
FA 330gMedieval Art
FA 340gItalian Renaissance Art
FA 342gRenaissance and Reformation in the Art of Northern Europe
FA 353gItalian Baroque Art
FA 360g18th and 19th Century Art: The Age of Revolution
FA 369gEuropean Art, 1860-1900
FA 370gEuropean Art, 1900-1940
FA 371g20th Century Art from Post-Impressionism to 1930
FA 372g20th Century Art from 1930 to the Present
FA 385gLater Chinese Art
FA 386gEarly Japanese Art
FA 387gLater Japanese Art
MUHL 100xgJazz, Ragtime, and Blues
MUHL 200xgIntroduction to Concert Music
MUHL 220xgThe Great Composers
SLAV 378gModern Russian Art
THTR 100xgIntroduction to the Theatre

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Produced by the USC Division of Student Affairs, Office of University Publications, May 1, 1995