Areas of Study 5
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Non-Western Cultures

Courses in this category introduce students to a culture or cultures other than Western.

ANTH 201gIntroduction to Social Anthropology
ANTH 263gExploring Culture Through Film
ANTH 314gThe Nature of Maya Civilization
ANTH 315gNorth American Indians
ANTH 320gMale and Female in Pacific Society
ANTH 322gAnthropology of Bali
ANTH 324gRegional Ethnology: China
ANTH 325gThe Changing Pacific: History, Culture and Politics in the New South Seas
ANTH 335gComparative Muslim Societies
ANTH 372gInterpretation of Myth and Narrative
ANTH 380gSex and Gender in Anthropological Perspective
ANTH 435xgEthnic Diversity in China/Inner Asia
COLT 155xgmThird World Literatures and Cultures
COLT 261gmComparative Studies in Black Culture
COLT 264gThe Asian Aesthetic and Literary Tradition
COLT 382gZen and Taoism in Asian Literature
EALC 110gEast Asian Humanities: the Great Tradition
EALC 340gJapanese Civilization
EALC 342gJapanese Literature in English Translation
EALC 350gChinese Civilization
EALC 352gChinese Literature in English Translation
EALC 354gModern Chinese Literature in Translation
EALC 370gTextual Power and Literary Representations: Japan
EALC 375gWomen and Gender in China: Past and Present
EALC 452gChinese Fiction
EALC 455gJapanese Fiction
EASC 150gEast Asian Societies
EDPA 202gCulture Change and Education in Sub-Saharan Africa
FA 125gIntroduction to Asian Art: Antiquity to 1300
FA 126gIntroduction to Asian Art: 1300 to the Present
HIST 105gKorea: The Bridge of East Asia
HIST 106gChinese Lives: An Introduction to Chinese History
HIST 107gIntroduction to Japanese History
HIST 338gChina to 960 A.D.
HIST 340gHistory of China since 1800
LING 380gLanguages of the World
MUHL 302gMusical Cultures of the World
PLDV 250gmThird World Cities
POSC 351gMiddle East Politics
REL 131gReligions of the East
REL 330gReligions of India
REL 331gReligions of East Asia
SOCI 230gSociety and Business in Korea and Japan

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Produced by the USC Division of Student Affairs, Office of University Publications, May 1, 1995