501 Immunology (2) Fundamentals of immunology; basic immunopathology, especially concerning the oral cavity, including immunogenetics; hypersensitivities and inflammation; auto-immune diseases.
701 Microbiology and Immunology (2) Fundamental and applied concepts relating to the pathogenecity of microorganisms and responses of the host.
702 Advanced Periodontal Microbiology (3) Microbiology of the oral cavity with specific relationships to periodontal disease; emphasis on plaque biology, etiology, and pathogenic mechanisms.
703 Craniofacial Immunopathology (3) Fundamentals of immunology; basic immunopathology including immunogenetics, hypersensitivities and inflammation; immunopathology of periodontal disease, pulpal disease, caries, neoplastic diseases, auto-immune diseases, and aging.
502 Occlusion (1) Principles of occlusion as related to clinical application of techniques and procedures to diagnose and treatment plan malfunctions of the stomatognathic system.
521ab Dental Morphology and Function (3-2) Fundamentals of tooth form; principles of occlusion.
522 Occlusion Laboratory (1) Laboratory experience in functional analysis and correction of occlusal disharmonies.
601 Advanced Concepts of Occlusion (1) Historical perspective of occlusion; occlusal equilibration, effect of occlusal adjustment, instrumentation useful in occlusal therapy. Includes clinic and laboratory experience.
502 Chronic Orofacial Pain (2) Current concepts of pain mechanisms; application to differential diagnosis, treatment, and management of chronic head, neck, and dental pain.
505 Oral Medicine (2) Detection, recognition, assessment, management and treatment modification of medical conditions presented by dental patients.
506 Infection Control (1) Infection control and clinical asepsis in the dental office; ethical and legal aspects; specific agents of disease; epidemiology.
551abcd Clinic: Physical Evaluation (0-0-0-1) Obtaining medical history, performing modified physical exams and clinical laboratory tests, establishing physical status. Understanding rationale and indications for modifying dental therapy; clinic and seminar.
561abc Pain Clinic (0-0-0) Clinical experience in management of chronic orofacial pain.
562abcd Clinic: Hospital Dentistry (0-0-0-1) Clinical experience in dentistry for the medically compromised and physically handicapped patient in a hospital environment.
563abcdef Clinic: Emergency Dental Treatment (0-0-0-0-0-1) Experience in management and treatment of emergency dental problems, including diagnosis of the pain cause, provision of appropriate therapy, and post operative instructions to the patient.
521ab Preclinical Operative Dentistry I (1-3, FaSp) Introduction to terminology, materials, and instruments used in operative dentistry; fundamentals of amalgam restoration; principles of cavity preparation; amalgam manipulation, condensation, and carving using extracted teeth.
522 Preclinical Operative Dentistry II (3) Fundamentals of cavity design; restoration of cavity preparations on extracted teeth mounted in the manikin.
561abcd Clinic: Operative Dentistry (0-0-0-6) Clinical experience treating patients using all modalities of operative dentistry.
562ab Clinic: Operative Dentistry (0-6) Clinical experience treating patients using all modalities of operative dentistry.
601 Gold Foil (1) Gold foil preparation, condensation, and finish; seminars and clinical experience on manikins.
620 Conservative Cast Gold Restorations (2) Principles of cavity preparation, fabrication technique and finishing for conservative cast gold restorations; includes lab and clinic.
521 Preclinical Orthodontics (2) Evaluation, prevention, and treatment of dento-facial malformations. Construction of basic appliances to treat orthodontic problems encountered by the general practitioner.
561abcdef Clinic: Orthodontic Therapy (0-0-0-0-0-2) Diagnosis and limited treatment of orthodontic problems encountered in general practice. Diagnosis of complex orthodontic problems requiring treatment by a specialist. Prerequisite: ORTH 521 for a; a before b, etc.
701ab Cephalometrics: Growth and Development (2-4; 2-4) Principles and mechanics; measurement techniques; developmental morphology; analysis and diagnosis; treatment rationales; gross radiological anatomy and osteology; facial growth. Hours vary.
702 Seminar: Review of the Orthodontic Literature (5) 2 Trimester Course Review of current orthodontic literature.
703abcdef Seminar: Advanced Orthodontics (2-8 each) Advanced diagnosis and treatment of complex orthodontic cases. Asymmetrical treatment. Hours vary.
704abc Seminar: Orthodontics in Theory and Practice (2-2-2) Review of various approaches to orthodontic treatment; includes presentation of cases.
705 Seminar: Advanced Orthodontics II (2) Office management and patient relations in orthodontic practice.
706 Surgical Orthodontics (2) Diagnosis, treatment, prognosis, and management of orthognathic problems. Lecture and demonstration, 2 hours.
721 Biomechanics and Orthodontic Technic (8) Primary orthodontic techniques and basic diagnostic procedures. Typodont treatment of malocclusion, record taking, retention appliances, and beginning biomechanics.
751abcde Clinic: Advanced Orthodontics (1-10 each) Clinical orthodontics; clinical techniques, diagnostic procedures, and applied clinical therapy to selected cases of malocclusion with emphasis on therapy and supervised treatment.
790 Directed Research: Orthodontics (1-12) Elective research in clinical and/or basic orthodontics. Hours and credit to be arranged. Graded CR/NC.
791 Library Research (1-6) Organized literature searching and compiling of published data for purposes of developing writing and investigative skills.
Produced by the USC Division of Student Affairs, Office of University Publications, May 1, 1995