501 Oral Pathology (3) Clinical radiographic, gross and microscopic characteristics of mucosal, skin, fibroosseous and salivary gland diseases; odontogenic tumors and cysts; benign and malignant neoplasms and iatrogenic conditions.
504ab Seminar: Oral Pathology (0-0) Clinico-pathologic discussion of oral pathosis cases. A variety of "unknown" cases representing diagnostic problems are analyzed. Etiology, pathogenesis, clinical/radiographic features, therapy and prognosis are stressed.
601 Advanced Oral Pathology Seminar (2) Detailed discussion and analysis of many cases representing a wide variety of oral pathologic conditions stressing differential diagnosis and clinical-pathologic correlations.
602 Fellowship in Clinical Oral Oncology (3) Observation of and participation in treatment and rehabilitation of oral cancer patients. Surgical, radiation therapy, chemotherapy, maxillo-facial prosthodontic experience included. Prerequisite: permission of course director.
701 Clinicopathologic Conference (3-12) Clinicopathologic correlation of diseases of the head and neck. Seminar, 1 hour. Presented at LAC+USC Medical Center.
501 Clinical Pediatric Dentistry (1) Scientific principles underlying technical pediatric dentistry; pulpal diagnosis and therapy; dental implications of childhood diseases; behavior management; diagnosis and treatment of fractured and avulsed teeth.
521 Preclinical Pediatric Dentistry (2) Principles and technique of cavity preparations in primary teeth; formocresol; pulpotomy; stainless steel crown; space maintenance; diagnosis, treatment planning; mixed dentition analysis.
551abc Clinic: Dentistry for Children I (0-0-2) Structured clinical experience in caring for the dental needs of the child patient. Includes special case seminars.
561abc Clinic: Dentistry for Children II (0-0-1) Dental treatment of the child patient; preventive and restorative dentistry; space maintenance and interceptive orthodontic procedures.
701ab Seminar: Advanced Pediatric Dentistry (8-15 each) Discussions and readings relating to specialty practice in pediatric dentistry. Biologic considerations in operative dentistry, odontogenesis, dental trauma and physiology of occlusion are among topics presented.
702ab Comprehensive Review of Pediatric Dentistry (5-7 each) Critical analysis of current pediatric dentistry literature and case conferences related to the application of contemporary issues in dentistry for the complex child patient.
703abcde Interceptive Orthodontics (2-5 each) Recognition, evaluation, and treatment of developing orthodontic problems appropriate to the pediatric dentist; emphasis on diagnosis; laboratory experience included.
704ab Prevention in Pediatric Dentistry (2-2) Discussions and readings pertaining to the analysis and incorporation of the many components of prevention into the contemporary pediatric dentistry practice.
705 Pediatric Diseases (2) Exposure within the hospital environment to medical aspects of the sick and chronically ill child. Case conferences, ward rounds, patient presentation, and formal lectures.
706 Dental Care for Pediatric Patients with Disabilities (2) Medical, dental, psychological, and social problems of the developmentally disabled; effect of problems on delivery of pediatric dental care.
707 Seminar: Cleft Palate Rehabilitation (1-9) 3 Trimester Course Discussions and case conferences related to treatment of patients with oral and facial anomalies: includes interceptive and corrective orthodontics, preventive and restorative treatment, and selected oral surgery-prosthetic rehabilitative procedures. Seminar, 3 hours.
721 Pediatric Physical Evaluation (2) Assessment of patient health status; evaluation and management of acute and chronic disease states which may be observed in the pediatric dental practice.
761abcde Clinic: Advanced Pediatric Dentistry (2-10 each) Clinical application of advanced pedodontic techniques in routine and special problem cases in the outpatient environment. Hours vary.
771abcdef Clinic: Hospital Pediatric Dentistry (2-15 each) Treatment of the child patient in the hospital environment. Emphasis placed on treatment and management of physically, mentally, or emotionally handicapped children.
772abcde Clinic: Interceptive Orthodontics (1-3 each) Clinical application and treatment procedures for tooth guidance, preventative and interceptive orthodontics.
773 Hospital Pediatric Clinics (2-4) Observation and participation in affiliated hospital clinics: anesthesiology, hematology, and genetic clinics; grand pediatric rounds and other conferences.
774 Clinical Genetics in Pediatric Dentistry (9) Genetic principles of oral, facial and cranial malformations; technique and theory of clinical genetics, differential diagnosis and treatment of disorders of the craniofacial complex.
790ab Directed Research: Pediatric Dentistry (1-6 each) Research in clinical and laboratory problems in dentistry for children. Graded CR/NC.
Produced by the USC Division of Student Affairs, Office of University Publications, May 1, 1995