University of Southern California

Herman Ostrow School of Dentistry

Courses of Instruction

The terms indicated are expected but are not guaranteed. For the courses offered during any given term, consult the Schedule of Classes.

Interdisciplinary — Restorative Dentistry (INTR)

INTR 503 Preclinical Diagnosis and Treatment Planning (2) Interdisciplinary course focusing on diagnosis and treatment planning through didactic course work and workshops which will include data collection/assessment, diagnosis and treatment planning methodologies, and specialty considerations.

INTR 524abcdef Clinical Practice (0-0-0-0-0-3, FaSpSm) The clinical component of existing didactic courses in Practice Management and Human Behavior. Graded IP.

INTR 550ab Introduction to Clinical Dentistry (0-1) Clinical operatory preparation; asepsis and sterilization; preventive dentistry; introduction to physical evaluation, extra- and intra-oral examinations, treatment sequencing, dental specialty areas; includes clinical assisting.

INTR 551abcde Clinical Diagnosis and Treatment Planning (0-0-0-0-1) Large and small group seminars focusing on diagnosis and treatment planning involving multiple specialty case presentations; integrated therapy, contingency plans and case presentations will be included.

INTR 553abcdef Clinic: Diagnosis and Treatment Planning (0-0-0-0-0-2) Clinical experience in diagnostic procedures and treatment planning in care of dental patients. Includes student preparation of documentation of patient care and seminar.

INTR 652 Externship (1-6) Dental experience at an off-site location — not limited to clinical experience. Student participation must be approved by Associate Dean for Student and Academic Life.

INTR 690abcdef Directed Dental Research (1-12 each) Dental clinical and/or basic science research under faculty guidance; proposal developed, research conducted, conclusion drawn, paper written. Units determined by extent of research. Graded CR/NC.