University of Southern California

School of Architecture

Graduate Programs

Master of Architecture


The USC School of Architecture offers two distinct master’s programs related to the study of architecture: the Master of Architecture professional degree (M.Arch.) and the Master of Advanced Architectural Studies post-professional degree (M.AAS) for students who already hold a professional degree in architecture or its equivalent.

Master of Architecture (M.Arch.), Professional Degree

The school’s Master of Architecture is a NAAB accredited professional degree program in the area of architectural design. It is intended for individuals who have completed a bachelor’s degree with a major other than one of the design professions, (typically requiring three years of residency); or, with advanced standing, for those individuals with a pre-professional undergraduate degree in architectural studies (typically requiring two years of residency).

This degree fully prepares graduates for the present and future professional activities in the ever-evolving field of architecture. As an accredited professional degree, it provides a solid intellectual base of knowledge in history, technology, professional practice and theory. Particular emphasis is put on each of the six-semester design studio sequences, where students learn to synthesize the social, environmental and tectonic thinking through informed design practice. The studios culminate in an option-based studio and directed design research sequence, pursuing exploration of advanced and emerging topics. Exploring the many elective opportunities within the school, students are encouraged to develop a tailored curriculum, and if possible, to complete one of the several graduate certificates offered by the school or within the university.

Degree Requirements

A minimum one-semester college-level course in physics or calculus is required.

In order for the M.Arch. degree to be conferred, students must complete 102 credit units of both required professional and elective course work during three years of residency, or for students admitted with advanced standing, a minimum of 64 units of both required professional and elective course work during two years of residency. Students must also continually meet the established standards for graduate study at USC.

To meet NAAB accreditation requirements, all students must complete (before graduation) a combined total of 168 credit hours of study at the undergraduate and graduate level, of which at least 30 semester credit hours must be at the graduate level as well as a minimum of 45 units of non-architectural content.

Advanced Standing

Students seeking advanced standing must have a four-year architectural studies degree from: a U.S. school with an accredited professional architecture program; a U.S. school that is accredited by a regional accrediting body, without an accredited professional architecture program; or an international program that is deemed equivalent.

All students who meet the pre-professional undergraduate degree requirement and wish to be considered for advanced standing must undergo a course-by-course review. Students must provide significant evidence from the course work completed at the undergraduate level in order for waivers to be considered or granted for USC M.Arch. required Basic Studies courses. This review is conducted after admission to the program, during the summer prior to starting course work.

Basic Studies courses include: ARCH 511L Building Systems: Materials and Construction, ARCH 514ab Global History of Architecture, ARCH 523ab Structural Design and Analysis, ARCH 575a Systems: The Thermal Environment, ARCH 575b Systems: Luminous and Auditory Phenomena in Architecture, ARCH 611 Advanced Building Systems Integration.

M.Arch. students with advanced standing are required to complete a minimum two year residency, or 4 semester units of study at USC.

Summer Semester

A robust curriculum is available during the summer semester between the fourth and fifth semesters [of the full sequence; between the second and third of the advanced standing]. A combination of internationally based studios, field studies and the full first semester sequence of the M.AAS is available to provide students diverse and advanced opportunities that can expand their degree offerings.

Admission with No Previous Professional Education (+3)

Students admitted with no previous professional education must complete 102 units, including 75 units of specified courses, 19 units of electives and 8 units of Directed Design Research or Thesis. Electives must be part of a curricular plan approved by the program director.

The required courses for the 102-unit M.Arch +3 Curriculum are: ARCH 409L Design Foundation; ARCH 410 Computer Transformations; ARCH 505abL Graduate Architecture Design I; ARCH 511L Building Systems: Materials and Construction; ARCH 514ab Global History of Architecture; ARCH 523ab Structural Design and Analysis; ARCH 525 Professional Practice: Pre-Design, Project and Office Administration; ARCH 526 Professional Practice: Legal and Economic Context, Project Documentation; ARCH 543 Research Methods; ARCH 561 Urbanism Themes and Case Studies; ARCH 562 Architecture Themes and Case Studies; ARCH 563 Contemporary Architectural Theory; ARCH 564 Descriptive and Computational Architectural Geometry; ARCH 575a Systems: The Thermal Environment; ARCH 575b Systems: Luminous and Auditory Phenomena in Architecture; ARCH 605abL Graduate Architecture Design II; ARCH 611L Advanced Building Systems Integration; ARCH 705L Advanced Graduate Architecture Design – Topics; ARCH 793abL Architecture Directed Design Research Option I, or ARCH 795abL Architecture Thesis Option II.

102-unit Sample Curriculum – M.Arch. Professional Degree
First Semester Units
ARCH 409L* Design Foundation 2
ARCH 410* Computer Transformations 2
ARCH 505aL Graduate Architecture Design I – Principles 6
ARCH 511L Building Systems: Materials and Construction 4
ARCH 514a Global History of Architecture 3
ARCH 543 Research Methods 1
Second Semester Units
ARCH 505bL Graduate Architecture Design I – Site 6
ARCH 514b Global History of Architecture 3
ARCH 523a Structural Design and Analysis 3
ARCH 525 Professional Practice: Pre-Design, Project and Office Administration 3
ARCH 575a Systems 3
Third Semester Units
ARCH 523b Structural Design and Analysis 3
ARCH 561 Urbanism Themes and Case Studies 2
ARCH 562 Architecture Themes and Case Studies 2
ARCH 605aL Graduate Architecture Design II 6
ARCH 611 Advanced Building Systems Integration 4
Fourth Semester Units
ARCH 563 Contemporary Architectural Theory 2
ARCH 564 Descriptive and Computational Architectural Geometry 2
ARCH 575b Systems: Luminous and Auditory Phenomena in Architecture 3
ARCH 605bL Graduate Architecture Design II 6
Electives 4
Fifth Semester Units
ARCH 526 Professional Practice: Legal and Economic Context, Project Documentation 3
ARCH 705L Advanced Graduate Architecture Design – Topics 6
ARCH 793aL Architecture Directed Design Research Option I, or
ARCH 795aL Architecture Thesis Option II 2
Electives 5
Sixth Semester Units
ARCH 793bL Architecture Directed Design Research Option I, or
ARCH 795bL Architecture Thesis Option II 6
Electives 10

*ARCH 409 and ARCH 410 will be taken as a fall semester special session prior to the first day of classes.

Admission with Advanced Standing (+2)

Advanced standing students must complete 64 units, including 35 units of specified courses, 21 units of electives or basic studies requirements and 8 units of Directed Design Research or Thesis. Electives and basic studies courses must be part of a curricular plan approved by the program director.

The required courses for the 64-unit M.Arch +2 Curriculum are: ARCH 410 Computer Transformations; ARCH 525 Professional Practice: Pre-Design, Project and Office Administration; ARCH 526 Professional Practice: Legal and Economic Context, Project Documentation; ARCH 543 Research Methods; ARCH 561 Urbanism Themes and Case Studies; ARCH 562 Architecture Themes and Case Studies; ARCH 563 Contemporary Architectural Theory; ARCH 564 Descriptive and Computational Architectural Geometry; ARCH 605abL Graduate Architecture Design II; ARCH 705L Advanced Graduate Architecture Design – Topics; ARCH 793abL Architecture Directed Design Research Option I, or ARCH 795abL Architecture Thesis Option II.

64-unit Sample Curriculum
Year One, Semester One Units
ARCH 410 Computer Transformations 2
ARCH 543 Research Methods 1
ARCH 561 Urbanism Themes and Case Studies 2
ARCH 562 Architecture Themes and Case Studies 2
ARCH 605aL Graduate Architecture Design II – Integration 6
Elective or Basic Studies 3
Year One, Semester Two Units
ARCH 525 Professional Practice: Pre-Design, Project and Office Administration 3
ARCH 563 Contemporary Architectural Theory 2
ARCH 564 Descriptive and Computational Architectural Geometry 2
ARCH 605bL Graduate Architecture Design II – Comprehensive 6
ARCH 611 Advanced Building Systems Integration 4
Year Two, Semester One Units
ARCH 526 Professional Practice: Legal and Economic Context, Project Documentation 3
ARCH 705L Advanced Graduate Architecture Design – Topics 6
ARCH 793aL Architecture Directed Design Research Option I, or
ARCH 795aL Architecture Thesis Option II 2
Elective or Basic Studies 5
Year Two, Semester Two Units
ARCH 793bL Architecture Directed Design Research Option I, or
ARCH 795bL Architecture Thesis Option II 6
Elective or Basic Studies 9