University of Southern California

Dornsife College of Letters, Arts and Sciences


Courses of Instruction

Human Biology (HBIO)

The terms indicated are expected but are not guaranteed. For the courses offered during any given term, consult the Schedule of Classes.

EXSC 390 Special Problems (1–4) Supervised, individual studies. No more than one registration permitted. Enrollment by petition only.

EXSC 490x Directed Research (1–8, max 12, FaSpSm) Individual research and readings. Not available for graduate credit.

EXSC 570 Scientific Integrity (2) Contemporary issues relating to ethics and responsible conduct of research including guidelines instituted by the Federal Government. Course fulfills requirements imposed by national funding agencies.

EXSC 580abcd Experimental Studies of Human Performance II (4-4-4-4, 2 years, FaSp) a: Force and kinematics; b: neuromuscular control of multijoint movements; c: kinetics; d: advanced kinetics.

EXSC 587L Seminar: Advanced Exercise Physiology (4) Body at work, energy liberation and transfer, muscular contraction, neuromuscular function, cardiovascular and pulmonary response, energy cost, nutrition and environmental adaptation. Primarily for master’s students. Laboratory, 3 hours. Prerequisite: EXSC 300L.

EXSC 588L Seminar on Lipid Metabolism and Exercise (4) Metabolism and utilization of lipids and fatty acids in skeletal muscles with applications to exercise. Prerequisite: EXSC 405L; recommended preparation: EXSC 300L.

EXSC 590 Directed Research (1–12) Research leading to the master’s degree. Maximum units which may be applied to the degree to be determined by the department. Graded CR/NC.

EXSC 591 Research Seminar (4) Study of research design; critical analysis of specific techniques applied to student interests, including problem rationale, selection, development, organization, and data analysis.

EXSC 592ab Seminar in Exercise Science (a: 2, Fa; b: 2, Sp) Scientific presentations by graduate students and invited speakers on selected topics in the areas of biochemistry, biomechanics, physiology and psychology.

EXSC 593 Practicum in Teaching the Liberal Arts (2, FaSp) (Enroll in MDA 593)

EXSC 594abz Master’s Thesis (2-2-0) Credit on acceptance of thesis. Graded IP/CR/NC.

EXSC 595 Seminar: Analysis of Human Motor Performance (4) Application of mechanical principles of motion to the study of sport, exercise, and dance, utilizing cinematographic and related techniques.

EXSC 627 Quantitative Electromyography in Physiology of Exercise (4) Electromyographic techniques for measurement of relaxation and muscle spasm; estimation of strength, fatigue, and muscular endurance from submaximal efforts.

EXSC 640L Neuromuscular System in Physiology of Exercise (4) Gross structure and ultrastructure of muscle tissue, nervous system control of muscle function as related to exercise physiology. Laboratory, 3 hours. Prerequisite: EXSC 300L, EXSC 301L; BISC 306Lx and BISC 312Lx.

EXSC 690 Directed Readings (1–8, max 8) Graded CR/NC.

EXSC 790 Research (1–12) Research leading to the doctorate. Maximum units which may be applied to the degree to be determined by the department. Graded CR/NC.

EXSC 794abcdz Doctoral Dissertation (2-2-2-2-0) Credit on acceptance of dissertation. Graded IP/CR/NC.

HBIO 200Lg The Human Animal (4) Foundations of the human species. Examination of scientific evidence from Darwinian theory, primate behavior, fossils, and the behavior of modern people. Laboratory. (Duplicates credit in former ANTH 200.)

HBIO 202L Principles of Nutrition and Exercise (2, FaSpSm) Fundamental knowledge of proper nutrition for optimal health performance. Concepts of weight loss, gain; understanding of cardiorespiratory functioning. Laboratory experiments; body composition evaluation, energy metabolism. Lecture, 2 hours; laboratory, 2 hours. (Duplicates credit in former EXSC 202L.)

HBIO 203L Individualized Exercise Prescription (2, FaSp) Principles and theories related to exercise prescription; programs of weight-training, circuit-training, aerobics, flexibility, high and low-intensity training guidelines; safeguards and effectiveness. Lecture, 2 hours; laboratory, 2 hours. (Duplicates credit in former EXSC 203L.)

HBIO 205Lxg The Science of Human Performance (4, FaSpSm) The physiological and nutritional basis of human performance. Factors that facilitate and limit athletic achievement. Lecture, 3 hours; laboratory, 2 hours. Not available for major credit. (Duplicates credit in former EXSC 205Lxg.)

HBIO 250 Drugs and Ergogenic Aids in Sport and Weight Control (4, Sp) Evaluation of drugs, nutritional supplements, and ergogenic aids that are purported to enhance human athletic performance to promote weight and fat loss. Lecture, 3 hours; discussion, 1 hour. (Duplicates credit in former EXSC 250.)

HBIO 300 Evolution, Ecology, and Culture (4, FaSpSm) The roles of biology, culture, and the environment in shaping human society, integrating evolutionary biology and cultural theory. (Duplicates credit in former ANTH 300.)

HBIO 301L Human Anatomy (4, FaSp) Major organ systems; functional implications of their relationships; gross and microscopic examination with an emphasis on practical skills in recognizing, dissecting, and differentiating anatomical structures. (Duplicates credit in former EXSC 301L.)

HBIO 302 Nutrition and Metabolism (4, Fa) Gastrointestinal physiology and energy metabolism as it relates to macronutrient intake. Theories and principles of nutrition and their impact on metabolic regulation. Prerequisite: BISC 220L or BISC 221L. (Duplicates credit in former EXSC 200.)

HBIO 306 Primate Social Behavior and Ecology (4, FaSpSm) Behavior and ecology of living nonhuman primates, with an emphasis on field studies of apes and monkeys. Topics include aggression, communication, reproduction, and cognition. Recommended preparation: HBIO 200Lg. (Duplicates credit in former ANTH 306.)

HBIO 308 Origins and Evolution of Human Behavior (4) Examination of the evidence for and against evolutionary bases of a range of human behaviors. Topics include sex differences, human reproductive strategies, race, IQ, human ecology. (Duplicates credit in former ANTH 308.)

HBIO 310 Sociopsychological Aspects of Sport and Physical Activity (4, FaSp) Examination of the individual in a social environment related to sport and physical activity; personality, motivation, attitude, and group behavior viewed in physical activity contexts. (Duplicates credit in former EXSC 310.)

HBIO 320 Muscle Physiology (4) Analysis of the skeletal muscular system (anatomy, physiology, biochemistry, and development) and its functional properties under both normal and pathological conditions. Lecture, 3 hour; laboratory, 3 hours. Prerequisite: BISC 220L. (Duplicates credit in former EXSC 300.)

HBIO 350 Nutrition and Homeostasis (4, Fa) Theories and principles of regulation of vitamin/mineral metabolism as it relates to homeostasis of organ systems. Lecture, 3 hours; discussion, 1 hour. Prerequisite: HBIO 302L. (Duplicates credit in former EXSC 350.)

HBIO 400L Motor Control and Learning (4, Fa) Theories of control and learning applied to motor performance; variables affecting performance in exercise, games, sports, and dance. Lecture, 3 hours; laboratory, 3 hours. Prerequisite: HBIO 320L. (Duplicates credit in former EXSC 400L.)

HBIO 401 Physiology and Biomechanics of Movement (4, Sp) Terminology, structure and function of muscle, bone and endocrine systems; Effects of exercise and training on those systems. Prerequisite: BISC 220L. (Duplicates credit in former EXSC 401.)

HBIO 405 Evolutionary Medicine (4) Evolutionary, cultural, and environmental factors in the emergence and existence of diseases; a Darwinian examination of illness in the human species. Recommended preparation: HBIO 200Lg. (Duplicates credit in former ANTH 405.)

HBIO 406 Theory and Method in Human Evolutionary Biology (4, FaSpSm) Historical and theoretical approaches to major issues in the field of human evolutionary biology. Capstone course in which students will undertake an original independent research project. Prerequisite: HBIO 200Lg.

HBIO 407L Endocrinology and Metabolism (4, Sp) Regulation of metabolic pathways and endocrinology in health and metabolic diseases. Lecture, 3 hours; laboratory, 3 hours. Prerequisite: HBIO 302L. (Duplicates credit in former EXSC 406L.)

HBIO 408L Biomechanics (4, Fa) Kinematic and kinetic analysis of human motion. Emphasis on performance enhancement and injury prevention. Lecture, 3 hours; laboratory, 3 hours. Prerequisite: MATH 108, PHYS 135aL, HBIO 301L. (Duplicates credit in former EXSC 408L.)

HBIO 409 Metabolic Diseases (4, Fa) Examination of the etiology, prevention and treatments of metabolic disorders such as diabetes mellitus, insulin resistance, metabolic syndrome and obesity as major threats to public health. Prerequisite: BISC 220L; HBIO 302L or HBIO 320L; recommended preparation: HBIO 203L or HBIO 205Lxg. (Duplicates credit in former EXSC 409.)

HBIO 420L Applied Systems Physiology (4, Fa) Cardiovascular, pulmonary, and renal systems: impact of work and environmental conditions. Lecture, 3 hours; laboratory, 3 hours. Prerequisite: BISC 220L. (Duplicates credit in the former EXSC 405L.)

HBIO 435 Neurobiology of Feeding Behavior and Obesity (4, Fa) Neurobiological systems that control feeding behavior and energy balance with an emphasis on the determinants of obesity. Prerequisite: BISC 220 and HBIO 302L.

HBIO 439L Human Performance and Bioenergetics (2 or 4, FaSp) Application of physiology, biomechanics and perceptual-motor principles to the study of skill acquisition and human performance. Four units — Lecture, 3 hours; laboratory, 3 hours. Two units (kinematic analysis only) — Lecture, 1 hour; laboratory, 3 hours. Prerequisite: HBIO 408. (Duplicates credit in former EXSC 439L.)

HBIO 441L Prevention of Athletic Injuries (4, Fa) Application of scientific principles to conditioning, protecting, and rehabilitating the athlete. Laboratory, 2 hours. Prerequisite: HBIO 301L. (Duplicates credit in former EXSC 441L.)

HBIO 442L Evaluation and Rehabilitation of Athletic Injuries (4, Sp) Application of scientific principles to evaluating and rehabilitating athletic injuries. Prerequisite: HBIO 301L. (Duplicates credit in former EXSC 442L.)

HBIO 491L Laboratory Experience in Kinesiology (2,4, FaSpSm) Practical laboratory experience in basic and applied exercise physiology, biochemistry, and/or biomechanics. Emphasizing development of laboratory techniques. Prerequisite: HBIO 203, HBIO 301, HBIO 302, HBIO 320. (Duplicates credit in former EXSC 491.)

HBIO 499 Special Topics (2–4, max 8, FaSpSm) Selected topics in Human and Evolutionary Biology.