University of Southern California

School of Architecture

Graduate Programs

Dual Degrees

Master of Advanced Architectural Studies/Master of Planning

The Master of Planning/Master of Advanced Architectural Studies dual degree program facilitates highly related cross-disciplinary studies in architecture and in planning at the master’s level. This program offers students interested in developing a career in urban design an opportunity to make more substantial commitments in both disciplines and to achieve a more coherent and extensive knowledge in the design of built environments and public policy. This dual degree program normally requires five semesters in residence.

Qualified students who are admitted to the graduate programs in both the School of Architecture and the USC Price School of Public Policy may complete both degrees in a highly integrated five-semester program. Such students must already possess a five-year professional degree in architecture.


Requirements for completion of the dual degree program are 72 units, including 36 units in architecture and 36 units in planning, as follows:

Architecture Units
ARCH 543 Research Methods 1
ARCH 606 Advanced Architectural Theory 2
ARCH 607 Advanced Computation 2
ARCH 608 Urban Theory: Los Angeles Case Study 2
ARCH 609 Advanced Fabrication 2
ARCH 702L Advanced Graduate Architecture Design – Themes 6
ARCH 705L Advanced Graduate Architecture Design – Topics 6
ARCH 793abL Architecture Directed Design Research Option I, or
ARCH 795abL Architecture Thesis Option II 2-6
Elective* 7

*5 units of electives taken within the School of Architecture.

Public Policy Units
PPD 500 Intersectoral Leadership 2
PPD 501a Economics for Policy, Planning and Development 2
PPD 524 Planning Theory 2
PPD 525 Statistics and Arguing from Data 2
PPD 526 Comparative International Development 2
PPD 527 The Social Context of Planning 2
PPD 529 Legal Environment of Planning 2
PPD 533 Planning History and Urban Form 2

Note: 2-unit courses may be offered in seven-and-a-half week blocks.

Concentration Methodology: A 4-unit course selected from the concentration list shown in the Master of Planning program.

Planning Studios: PPD 531L (4, 4) to total 8 units. Students must complete 8 units of domestic or international planning studies under PPD 531L (4) to satisfy this requirement. A maximum of 12 units may be taken.

Electives: A total of 8 units of electives taken within the USC Price School of Public Policy.

Dual degree students, like all other MPl students, must take a comprehensive examination and fulfill the internship requirement.

Master of Heritage Conservation/Master of Planning

The Master of Heritage Conservation/Master of Planning dual degree program facilitates highly related cross-disciplinary studies in heritage conservation and in urban planning at the master’s level. The primary objective of the dual degree curriculum is to impart to students a basic familiarity with the origins and development of the philosophies, theories, and practices of planning and heritage conservation. This curriculum has been developed so that students will graduate from this program with a broad practical knowledge of the laws, regulations, and policies that apply to planning and conservation practice in the United States and internationally. This expertise will include knowledge of urban design, public policy, and architectural and planning history and theory. Students will be expected to understand the critical methodological tools necessary for a professional engaged in the investigation, interpretation, and evaluation of the urban built environment.

Qualified students who are admitted to the graduate programs in both the School of Architecture and the USC Price School of Public Policy may complete both degrees in a highly integrated five-semester program.


Requirements for completion of the dual degree program are 60 units, including 30 units in heritage conservation and 30 units in planning, as follows:

Architecture Units
ARCH 549 Fundamentals of Heritage Conservation 3
ARCH 550 Heritage Conservation Policy and Planning 3
ARCH 551 Conservation Methods and Materials 3
ARCH 552 Introduction to Historic Site Documentation 2
ARCH 553 History of American Architecture and Urbanism 3
ARCH 555 Global Perspectives in Heritage Conservation 2
ARCH 691abz Heritage Conservation Thesis Preparation and Thesis 2-6-0
ARCH Electives 6
Total 30
Public Policy Units
PPD 500 Intersectoral Leadership 2
PPD 501a Economics for Policy, Planning, and Development 2
PPD 524 Planning Theory 2
PPD 525 Statistics and Arguing from Data 2
PPD 527 The Social Context of Planning 2
PPD 529 Legal Environment of Planning 2
PPD 531L Planning Studio 4
PPD Concentration – Gateway course 4
PPD Concentration – Methodology course 4
PPD Electives 6
Total 30

Concentration Methodology: Students in this program will be required to select a concentration for the Master of Planning program.

Electives: Electives must be taken within the USC School of Architecture or the Price School of Public Policy.

Degree Completion Requirements: Dual degree students, like all other MPL students, must take a comprehensive examination and fulfill the internship requirement. In addition, like all other MHC students, dual degree students will be expected to complete a thesis.

Master of Landscape Architecture/Master of Planning

Qualified students who are admitted to the Master of Landscape Architecture program in the School of Architecture and to the graduate program in the USC Price School of Public Policy may complete both degrees in a highly integrated five-seven semester program.

Completion of the dual degree requires 24 units of courses in urban planning, 10 units of thesis option I or II and either 32 units of landscape architecture (for those students admitted with advanced standing); 48 units of landscape architecture (for those students admitted with advanced placement); or 74 units of landscape architecture (for those students admitted to the three-year curriculum).

Master of Landscape Architecture (Advanced Standing)/Master of Planning

Qualified students with a professional degree in landscape architecture who are admitted to the graduate program in the School of Architecture with advanced standing and to the USC Price School of Public Policy may complete both degrees in a highly integrated five-semester program.

Completion of the dual degree requires 66 units, including 32 units of courses in landscape architecture, 24 units of courses in urban planning, and 10 units of thesis option I or II.

Landscape Architecture Units
ARCH 543 Research Methods 1
ARCH 544 Urban Landscape: Process and Place 3
ARCH 545 Urban Landscape: Contemporary History and Prospect 3
ARCH 697abzL M.L.Arch. Thesis, Option II, or
ARCH 698abzL M.L.Arch. Thesis, Option I 2-8-0

Electives: 13 units of elective courses taken in the School of Architecture.

*Electives must be 400-level and above.

Studios Units
ARCH 542abL Landscape Architecture Design 6-6
Total units for MLA: 42
Planning Units
PPD 500 Intersectoral Leadership 2
PPD 501a Economics for Policy, Planning and Development 2
PPD 524 Planning Theory 2
PPD 525 Statistics and Arguing from Data 2
PPD 526 Comparative International Development 2
PPD 527 The Social Context of Planning 2
PPD 533 Planning History and Urban Form 2
RED 573 Design History and Criticism 2
Electives: 8 units of elective courses taken within the USC Price School of Public Policy.
Total units for MPl: 24
Dual degree students, like all other MPl students, must take a comprehensive examination and fulfill the internship requirement.
Total units for dual degree: 66
Master of Landscape Architecture (Advanced Placement)/Master of Planning

Qualified students who have completed a pre-professional undergraduate degree in landscape architecture or environmental design, or a professional degree in architecture and are admitted to the graduate program in the School of Architecture with advanced placement and to the USC Price School of Public Policy may complete both degrees in a highly integrated six-semester program.

Completion of the dual degree requires 82 units, including 48 units of courses in landscape architecture, 24 units of courses in urban planning, and 10 units of thesis option I or II.

Landscape Architecture Units
ARCH 530 Landscape Architecture Practice 3
ARCH 531 The Natural Landscape 3
ARCH 543 Research Methods 1
ARCH 544 Urban Landscape: Process and Place 3
ARCH 545 Urban Landscape: Contemporary History and Prospect 3
ARCH 548 Media for Landscape Architecture: 3D Design 3
ARCH 565 Global History of Landscape Architecture 3
ARCH 697abzL M.L.Arch. Thesis, Option II, or
ARCH 698abzL M.L.Arch. Thesis, Option I 2-8-0
Electives: 11 units of elective courses taken in the School of Architecture.

*Electives must be 400-level and above.

Studios Units
ARCH 542abL Landscape Architecture Design 6-6
ARCH 642L Landscape Architecture Design 6
Total units for MLA: 58
Planning Units
PPD 500 Intersectoral Leadership 2
PPD 501a Economics for Policy, Planning and Development 2
PPD 524 Planning Theory 2
PPD 525 Statistics and Arguing from Data 2
PPD 526 Comparative International Development 2
PPD 527 The Social Context of Planning 2
PPD 533 Planning History and Urban Form 2
RED 573 Design History and Criticism 2
Electives: 8 units of elective courses taken within the USC Price School of Public Policy.
Total units for MPl: 24
Dual degree students, like all other MPl students, must take a comprehensive examination and fulfill the internship requirement.
Total units for dual degree: 82
Master of Landscape Architecture (Three-Year Curriculum)/Master of Planning

Qualified students admitted to the Master of Landscape Architecture three-year curriculum in the School of Architecture and to the USC Price School of Public Policy may complete both degrees in a highly integrated seven-semester program.

Completion of the dual degree requires 108 units, including 74 units of courses in landscape architecture, 24 units of courses in urban planning, and 10 units of thesis option I or II.

Landscape Architecture Units
ARCH 530 Landscape Architecture 3
ARCH 531 The Natural Landscape 3
ARCH 534 Landscape Construction: Topographic Design 3
ARCH 535 Landscape Construction: Performance Approaches 3
ARCH 537L Urban Plant Ecology: Environmental Perspectives 4
ARCH 538L Urban Plant Ecology: Cultural Perspectives 4
ARCH 539L Media for Landscape Construction 2
ARCH 543 Research Methods 1
ARCH 544 Urban Landscape: Process and Place 3
ARCH 545 Urban Landscape: Contemporary History and Prospect 3
ARCH 548 Media for Landscape Architecture: 3D Design 3
ARCH 565 Global History of Landscape Architecture 3
ARCH 635 Landscape Construction: Assemblies and Documentation 3
ARCH 697abzL M.L.Arch. Thesis, Option II, or
ARCH 698abzL M.L.Arch. Thesis, Option I 2-8-0
Electives: 6 units of elective courses taken in the School of Architecture.

*Electives must be 400-level and above.

Studios Units
ARCH 541abL Landscape Architecture Design 6-6
ARCH 542abL Landscape Architecture Design 6-6
ARCH 642L Landscape Architecture Design 6
Total units for MLA: 84
Planning Units
PPD 500 Intersectoral Leadership 2
PPD 501a Economics for Policy, Planning and Development 2
PPD 524 Planning Theory 2
PPD 525 Statistics and Arguing from Data 2
PPD 526 Comparative International Development 2
PPD 527 The Social Context of Planning 2
PPD 533 Planning History and Urban Form 2
RED 573 Design History and Criticism 2
Electives: 8 units of elective courses taken within the USC Price School of Public Policy.
Total units for MPl: 24
Dual degree students, like all other MPl students, must take a comprehensive examination and fulfill the internship requirement.
Total units for dual degree: 108