University of Southern California

Department of Stem Cell Biology and Regenerative Medicine

Courses of Instruction

Stem Cell Biology and Regenerative Medicine (SCRM)

The terms indicated are expected but are not guaranteed. For the courses offered during any given term, consult the Schedule of Classes.

SCRM 511 Developmental Biology and Human Embryology (4, Fa) Survey of anatomical, cellular and molecular processes that underlie human development and congenital malformations, with discussion of other species for comparison. Open only to Stem Cell Biology and Regenerative Medicine majors.

SCRM 513 Stem Cells and Regenerative Medicine (4, Fa) A comprehensive investigation of embryonic, fetal and adult stem cells and the application of stem cell biology to treat disease. Open only to Stem Cell Biology and Regenerative Medicine majors.

SCRM 515 Bringing Stem Cells to the Clinic (4, Sp) Lectures addressing the business, legal, ethical, manufacturing and regulatory aspects involved in moving stem cells or related product into clinical practice. Prerequisite: SCRM 513. Open only to Stem Cell Biology and Regenerative Medicine.

SCRM 522L Biological Imaging in Stem Cell Research (2, Sp) Theory and practice of using microscopy and flow cytometry in stem cell biology, including sample preparation, digital processing and data analysis. Concurrent enrollment: SCRM 524L. Open only to Stem Cell Biology and Regenerative Medicine.

SCRM 524L Culture and Differentiation of Human Pluripotent Stem Cells (2, Sp) Classroom and laboratory experience in the techniques for deriving, culturing and differentiating human pluripotent stem cells (hPSCs) and related cell types. Concurrent enrollment: SCRM 522L. Open only to Stem Cell Biology and Regenerative Medicine majors.

SCRM 555 Writing About Stem Cell Biology and Regenerative Medicine (1, Sp) Instruction in writing for various audiences on topics related to stem cell biology and regenerative medicine. Open only to Stem Cell Biology and Regenerative Medicine majors.

SCRM 580 SCRM External Speaker Seminar Series (2, max 8, FaSp) Reading and discussion of recent papers by the SCRM speaker of the week, and attendance at the speaker’s seminar. Open only to Stem Cell Biology and Regenerative Medicine majors.

SCRM 590 Independent Research (1-4, max 16) Independent research conducted under the guidance of faculty in the Department of Stem Cell Biology and Regenerative Medicine. Prerequisite: SCRM 511, SCRM 513, SCRM 515, SCRM 522L, SCRM 524L, SCRM 555, SCRM 580. Open only to Stem Cell Biology and Regenerative Medicine majors. Graded CR/NC.