Rossier School of Education
Courses of Instruction
The terms listed are expected but are not guaranteed. For the courses offered during any given term, consult the Schedule of Classes.
Education (EDUC)
EDUC 200 Introduction to the Teaching Profession (2) Gateway to the minor in the Teaching Profession and the major in Bachelor of Science in General Studies. Identification and discussion of current issues and trends in schools and the teaching profession. Introduction to the development of a professional portfolio.
EDUC 204L Sociological Foundations of Education (3, FaSp) Introduction to the sociological foundations of education through focused study of schools, teacher-student relations, and classroom processes as they relate to social stratification.
EDUC 205L Child Development and Learning in Schools (3, FaSp) Introduction to processes of development and learning in school aged children, with an emphasis on school contexts.
EDUC 392 Undergraduate Research Methods (2, Sp) (Enroll in AMST 392)
EDUC 409 Foundations of Language Education (3, FaSp) Overview of research and current theories in bilingual, second language, and foreign language instruction.
EDUC 410 The Teaching of Reading and Writing (4, FaSp) Analysis of reading/writing processes; methods/materials for teaching literacy in elementary schools; issues in biliteracy and instruction; classroom observation/participation in small-group instruction. Admission to the major.
EDUC 413 Methods and Models of Instruction for Language Minority Students (2, FaSp) Curriculum materials and teaching strategies for use in successfully teaching language minority students in both elementary and secondary schools.
EDUC 415 Content to Pedagogy: Mathematics in the Elementary School (2, FaSp) Bridging college-level mathematics content and elementary school curricula to design developmentally appropriate mathematics instruction. Concurrent enrollment: EDUC 424a or EDUC 424b.
EDUC 416 Content to Pedagogy: Art in the Elementary School (2, Sp) Transformation of content in art to curriculum in the elementary classroom. Corequisite: EDUC 424b.
EDUC 417 Content to Pedagogy: From Science Content to Science Curriculum (2, FaSp) An overview of the goals and content of science instruction at the elementary level coupled with appropriate science curricular and pedagogical models. Concurrent enrollment: EDUC 424a or EDUC 424b.
EDUC 418 Content to Pedagogy: From Social Sciences to Social Studies (2, FaSp) Content, concepts, methods, and values for integrating the social sciences in the social studies. Concurrent enrollment: EDUC 424a or EDUC 424b.
EDUC 419 Content to Pedagogy: P.E. for Elementary Students (2, Sp) Transformation of content in Physical Education to curriculum in the elementary classroom. Corequisite: EDUC 424b.
EDUC 424ab Curriculum and Methods in Elementary Education (2-2, FaSp) Curriculum materials and teaching procedures in the elementary school. Prerequisite: EDUC 410; concurrent enrollment: a: EDUC 425a; b: EDUC 425b.
EDUC 425ab Observation and Directed Teaching in Elementary Schools (3-3, FaSp) Observation and experience in teaching under supervision in elementary schools (one semester at the kindergarten-primary level and one semester in the intermediate or upper grades). Concurrent enrollment: a: EDUC 424a; b: EDUC 424b.
EDUC 490x Directed Research (1-8, max 12, FaSpSm) Individual research and readings. Not available for graduate credit.
EDUC 499 Special Topics (2-4, max 8, FaSp) Seminar in selected topics in education. Specific topics to be determined at the time seminar is offered.
EDUC 500 The Counseling Process (3) Theoretical foundations, models, values, and assumptions underlying psychological counseling; cross-cultural perspectives, ethical and legal considerations. (Duplicates credit in former EDCO 500.) Concurrent enrollment: EDUC 507.
EDUC 501 Instruction for Teaching English as a New Language (3, FaSpSm) Teaching linguistically and culturally responsively to linguistic minority students. Topics include learning theories, sociocultural contexts of language development, and assessment of language and non-language competencies. (Duplicates credit in EDUC 543ab.) Open only to MAT and MAT (online) students.
EDUC 502ab Teaching Science in Secondary Classrooms (3-4, FaSpSm) Strategies, methods, and materials for teaching science to all learners in secondary classrooms. b: (Duplicates credit in EDUC 539.) Open only to MAT Single Subject and Single Subject (online) students.
EDUC 504 Foundations of Literacy Development and Instruction (2, FaSpSm) Application of a balanced, integrated, interactive perspective to teaching reading in an elementary classroom. Foundational skills needed in the developmental phase of learning to read. Open only to MAT Multiple Subject and Multiple Subject (online) students.
EDUC 505 Integrating Literacy in Secondary Content Instruction (2, FaSpSm) Facilitation, mediation and intervention in the development of literacy and language integrated within the content areas. Connection between language and literacy to developing content knowledge. Open only to MAT Single Subject, Single Subject (online), TESOL and TESOL (online) students.
EDUC 506 New Media Literacies in High Needs Schools (2, FaSpSm) Instructional procedures and resources for encouraging secondary students’ interests in communications, cultural studies, media production, and literacy education. Open only to MAT Single Subject, Single Subject (online), TESOL and TESOL (online) students.
EDUC 507 Professional Identity, Law and Ethics for Counselors (3) History of the field of counseling and professional identity development for counselors are addressed. Examination of current legal, ethical, and other professional issues in counseling. Concurrent enrollment: EDUC 500.
EDUC 508 Creating Communities of Interest (2, FaSpSm) Framing the graduate experience for master’s students. Establishing a professional foundation and philosophy as educators.
EDUC 509ab Teaching Mathematics in Secondary Classrooms (3-4, FaSpSm) Strategies, methods, and materials for teaching mathematics to all learners in secondary classrooms. b: (Duplicates credit in EDUC 545.) Open only to MAT Single Subject and Single Subject (online) students.
EDUC 510 Foundations of Learning for the TESOL Classroom (3, FaSpSm) Relationship of learning theories to second language learning and to student assessment, motivation, self-regulation, and classroom management in the TESOL classroom. Open only to MAT TESOL and TESOL (online) students.
EDUC 511 Introduction to Counseling (3, Fa) The role of the school counselor. An overview of key elements in increasing access to and equity for primary and secondary education for all students.
EDUC 512 Reading and Writing Methods for Secondary Teaching (2, Fa) Analysis of reading/writing processes; methods for teaching literacy in grades 9–12; issues in biliteracy and instruction.
EDUC 513ab Teaching English Language Arts in Secondary Classrooms (3-4, FaSpSm) Strategies, methods, and materials for teaching English to all learners in secondary classrooms. b: (Duplicates credit in EDUC 535.) Open only to MAT Single Subject and Single Subject (online) students.
EDUC 514 School Counseling Seminar (3, Sp) Current issues and problems in school counseling; emphasis is on K–12 learning and achievement.
EDUC 515 Theories of Marriage and Family Therapy (3) Major psychotherapeutic orientations relating to family systems, marital relationships, and communications theory applied to the family unit. (Duplicates credit in former EDCO 515.) Prerequisite: EDUC 500, EDUC 507, EDCO 541.
EDUC 516 Framing the Social Context of High Needs Schools (3, FaSpSm) Introduction to the Master of Arts in Teaching Program. Relationship between the actions of the teacher and student learning in the classroom and school context. (Duplicates credit in EDUC 517ab.) Open only to MAT and MAT (online) students.
EDUC 517ab Understanding the Social Context of Urban Schools (2-2, FaSpSm) Examination of critical issues in diverse contemporary classrooms (social class, language, race, ethnicity, and ability); includes practices in relation to schools and community. Open only to MAT and MAT (online) students.
EDUC 518 Application of Theories of Learning to Classroom Practice (3, FaSpSm) Learning theories and instructional practices for teaching. Procedures involved in curriculum development, planning, evaluation, and practical application. Open only to MAT and MAT (online) students.
EDUC 519 Human Differences (3) Equity and diversity in learning environments. Issues in teaching special populations. Beliefs about how people learn. Inclusive environment for special populations in the general classroom. Open only to MAT and MAT (online) students.
EDUC 520 Counseling for College and Career Readiness I (2, Fa) Theoretical foundations of individual and systemic characteristics that impact college and career choices. Consideration of economic, political, social, and policy issues.
EDUC 521 Assessment and Instruction for Diverse English Learners (3, FaSpSm) Assessment practices and strategies in English language instruction with special attention to learner differences (social, cultural, physical, intellectual) that influence academic performance. Open only to MAT TESOL and TESOL (online) students.
EDUC 522 Challenges in Urban Education: Accountability (3, Sp) Issues related to accountability theory and practice in urban education settings. Open only to Ed.D. students.
EDUC 523 Challenges in Urban Education: Diversity (3, Fa) Diversity issues in urban educational settings. Open only to Ed.D. students.
EDUC 524 Challenges in Urban Education: Leadership (3, Sp) Theories, principles, and concepts of leadership in urban K–12 schools and institutions of higher education. Open only to Ed.D. students.
EDUC 525 Challenges in Urban Education: Learning (3, Fa) Theory and research in learning, motivation, and instruction for diverse educational settings. Open only to Ed.D. students.
EDUC 526ab Capstone in Teaching English Learners (2-2, FaSpSm) The culminating experience for in-service teachers in the Master of Arts in Teaching, Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages Program. Open only to MAT TESOL and TESOL (online) students. Graded CR/NC.
EDUC 527 Assessment in the Language Classroom (2, Sm) Introduces students to relevant research in language assessment, reviews concepts of reliability and validity and examines assessment practices in the classroom.
EDUC 528 Course Proposal Project (2, Sm) Using a framework of course development, students present a course proposal, linking the theoretical, methodological and practical principles gained from all course work in the program.
EDUC 529 Political and Academic Issues Affecting Gifted Students (3, FaSpSm) Examination of the political and academic issues affecting gifted and high-ability students. Psychosocial reasons contributing to achievement and underachievement. Institutional and personal factors inhibiting potential. Open only to MAT students.
EDUC 530 Differentiated Curriculum and Pedagogy for Gifted Students (3, FaSpSm) Recognizing the talent and potential of gifted and high ability students. How gifted education can be generalized to affect the education of all students. Open only to MAT students.
EDUC 531 Student Disability Issues in Higher Education (3, Fa) History of the disability movement; current research on the success of students with disabilities in higher education; legal and management issues.
EDUC 532 Inquiry Methods I (3, Sp) Logic and methods of quantitative data analysis in the examination of educational issues and the framing of solutions for them. Open only to Ed.D. students.
EDUC 533 School Leadership: Theory and Practice (3, Fa) Theories and principles of leadership and the application of principles to solve authentic problems in elementary and secondary schools.
EDUC 535 Teaching Secondary English and Language Arts (4, FaSpSm) Instructional procedures, techniques, strategies, and resources for teaching English in secondary classrooms. Open only to MAT students.
EDUC 536 Inquiry Methods II (3, Sp) Logic and methods of qualitative data analysis in the examination of educational issues and the framing of solutions for them. Open only to Ed.D. students. Prerequisite: EDUC 532.
EDUC 537 Leading with the Community and Culture in Context (3, Sp) Creating a positive culture of learning to promote student success. Strategies to engage diverse communities.
EDUC 538 Entrepreneurial School Leadership (2, Fa) Entrepreneurial opportunities in education. Developing the skills and knowledge for entrepreneurial leadership to improve educational outcomes.
EDUC 539 Teaching Secondary Science (4, FaSpSm) Instructional procedures, techniques, strategies, and resources for teaching science in secondary classrooms. Open only to MAT students.
EDUC 540ab Practicum in Teaching English as a Second or Foreign Language (2) The culminating experience for beginning teachers in the Master of Arts in Teaching, Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages Program. Open only to MAT TESOL and TESOL (online) students. Graded CR/NC.
EDUC 541ab Teaching Social Studies in Secondary Classrooms (3) Strategies, methods, and materials for teaching social studies to all learners in secondary classrooms. a: (Duplicates credit in former EDUC 534.) b: (Duplicates credit in former EDUC 542b.) Open only to MAT Single Subject and Single Subject (online) students.
EDUC 542 Teaching Secondary Social Studies (4, FaSpSm) Instructional procedures, techniques, strategies, and resources for teaching social studies in secondary classrooms. Open only to MAT students.
EDUC 543ab Methods in Teaching English as a New Language (1-1) Teaching linguistically and culturally responsively to linguistic minority students. Topics include learning theories, sociocultural contexts of language development, and assessment of language and non-language competencies. Open only to MAT students. (Duplicates credit in former EDUC 543.)
EDUC 544 Measurement Procedures for Counselors (3) Educational and psychological instruments; psychometric concepts and the rationale for the use of psychological instruments in the counseling relationship. (Duplicates credit in former EDCO 544.)
EDUC 545 Teaching Secondary Mathematics (4, FaSpSm) Instructional procedures, techniques, strategies, and resources for teaching mathematics in secondary classrooms. Open only to MAT students.
EDUC 546 Psychopathology for Marriage and Family Therapy (3) Theories of psychological impairment emphasizing diagnosis of child and family dysfunction. Practice in utilizing DSM-IV classification of case studies. (Duplicates credit in former EDCO 546.)
EDUC 547 Career Development: Theory and Process (3) Theories and process of career development; principles of career and leisure planning and counseling applicable throughout life. (Duplicates credit in former EDCO 548.)
EDUC 548 Data-Driven Leadership for Schools (3, Sm) Analyzing, interpreting, and using data to increase effectiveness of instruction and programs, improve student learning, and reduce or eliminate the achievement gap.
EDUC 549 Supervising Instruction for Optimal Learning (3, Sm) Application of adult learning theory to evaluate instruction. Appropriate professional development to improve student achievement.
EDUC 550 Multimedia Literacy (3, FaSpSm) Applying new technology in the classroom. Exploration of the use of multimedia tools to increase literacy. Examination of multiple forms of technology to facilitate learning. Open only to MAT and Gifted Education Certificate students.
EDUC 551 Teaching Physical Education (1, FaSpSm) Instructional approaches for integrating physical education content across the elementary curriculum. Open only to MAT students.
EDUC 552 Literacies in the Content Area (3, FaSpSm) Literacy and language within content areas. Developing reading, writing, speaking and listening skills for real audiences. Academic language.
EDUC 553 Psychopharmacology and the Effects of Substance Abuse (3, Sp) Focus on the effects of psychotropic medication, alcohol, and other substances on behavior. The professional and ethical issues for marriage and family therapists.
EDUC 554 Visual and Performing Arts in Elementary Subjects (2, FaSpSm) Instructional approaches for integrating visual and performance arts content across the elementary curriculum. Open only to MAT students.
EDUC 555 STEM Education in Secondary Classrooms (3, FaSpSm) Developing innovative practices in designing inquiry-based lesson plans to faciliate integrating the STEM disciplines as a foundation for teaching.
EDUC 556 Integrating English Language Arts and Social Studies (5, FaSpSm) Strategies and methods for integrating English language arts in social studies classrooms. Reinforces the concept of social studies as a conduit to further student learning. (Duplicates credit in EDUC 567.) Open only to MAT Multiple Subject and Multiple Subject (online) students.
EDUC 557 Civics Education (3, FaSpSm) Uses of pedagogical practices for increasing student engagement in the study of history and civics. Becoming critical thinkers, problem solvers, and effective citizens.
EDUC 558 Culture Learning in Schools: Latino (3) History, values, beliefs, and the demography of Spanish-speaking people; implications for the American classroom. Conducted in Spanish.
EDUC 559 Discourse Analysis and Technology in STEM Classrooms (3, FaSpSm) Using multiple assessment strategies and technology to assess mathematical and scientific thinking and performance.
EDUC 560 Primary Language Instruction in a Bilingual Setting (3, Fa) Bilingual programs, their goals, personnel, teaching methods, and materials.
EDUC 561 Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages Pedagogy I (3) Overview of approaches in Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages and methods for teaching reading, writing, listening, speaking, along with grammar, vocabulary, and pronunciation. Open only to MAT TESOL and TESOL (online) students.
EDUC 562 Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages Pedagogy II (4) Introduction to micro-components of effective teaching, including curriculum and lesson planning, lesson sequencing and delivery, and creating a classroom environment conducive to English language learning.
EDUC 563 Teaching from a Comparative and International Perspective (3, FaSpSm) Examines the social context of schooling from a comparative and international perspective, connections between cultural beliefs and societal values; issues of social stratification and marginalization.
EDUC 564 Teacher Leadership (2, FaSpSm) Strategies of leadership that lead from influencing learning in the classroom to influencing learning across an entire school. Becoming an instructional leader.
EDUC 565 Global Perspective on School Leadership (1, Sm) Cultural, political, and economic issues pertinent to urban education in the global context. School leaders as global educators.
EDUC 566 Teaching Mathematics and Science (4, FaSpSm) Instructional approaches for integrating mathematics and science with other content areas in elementary and secondary classrooms. Open only to MAT students.
EDUC 567 English and Language Arts in Elementary Social Studies (4, FaSpSm) Integrating English and language arts development with learning in elementary social studies classrooms. Factors affecting the teaching and learning of social studies and language arts. Open only to MAT students.
EDUC 568ab Guided Practice (3-3) Supervised practicum in observation and teaching. Focus on planning, implementing, and assessing instruction for whole classes and individual students. Open only to MAT students. Graded CR/NC. (Duplicates credit in former EDUC 568.)
EDUC 569ab Capstone Portfolio in Learning and Instruction (2-2) The culminating experience in the Master of Arts in Teaching Program for students in the non-credential track. Open only to MAT students. (Duplicates credit in former EDUC 569.)
EDUC 570 Research Methods and Data Analysis for Counselors (3) Various research designs and their appropriateness for addressing different research questions. Threats to validity and other challenges in research. Basic statistical methods and their use. Recommended preparation: beginning statistics course.
EDUC 571 Systems of the English Language (3) Exploration of English language systems including words, sounds, sentence structure, and discourse and application of this knowledge to teaching English as second or foreign language.
EDUC 572ab Teaching in an International and Intercultural Context (2-2, Fa) Examines social context of education from an international and intercultural perspective, linkages between societal values, culture, and schooling, and implications for the role of teachers.
EDUC 573 Introduction to Special Education (3, FaSpSm) Effective and appropriate educational settings for students with disabilities. Legal and professional responsibilities. Components for an inclusive classroom.
EDUC 574 Collaboration, Families and Case Management (3, FaSpSm) Planning and implementing effective educational services for students receiving special education services. Potential interventions for family support. Coordination of services.
EDUC 575 Assessment and Curriculum for Students with Disabilities (3, FaSpSm) Developing effective educational interventions for students with disabilities. Formal and informal assessment. Curriculum strategies.
EDUC 576 Establishing and Maintaining an Effective Classroom Ecology (3, FaSpSm) Environmental and personal factors affecting student achievement. Intervention methodologies. Creating an effective learning environment.
EDUC 577 Guided Practice: Mild/Moderate Disabilities (3, FaSpSm) Supervised practicum in observation and teaching. Focus on planning, implementing, and assessing instruction for whole classes and individual students with mild/moderate disabilities.
EDUC 578 Integrating the Arts into the Secondary Curriculum (3, FaSpSm) Methods for integrating the arts into secondary classroom instruction. Critical and creative thinking, aesthetic education.
EDUC 580 Transforming STEM Education into Teaching Science (3, FaSpSm) The convergence of science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) as a foundation for teaching science.
EDUC 581 STEM Education from a Project-Based Learning Approach (3, FaSpSm) Model-based reasoning and inquiry as a means of integrating STEM disciplines.
EDUC 583 Counseling through the Lifespan (3) Developmental issues and life events from infancy to old age and their effect upon individuals, couples, and family relationships.
EDUC 584 Facilitating Creativity and Innovation in STEM Classrooms (3, FaSpSm) The role of creativity in STEM education. Theories and approaches to facilitating creative and innovative thinking.
EDUC 585 Action Research Project (3, FaSpSm) Design and implementation of a STEM-based project.
EDUC 590 Directed Research (1-12, FaSpSm) Research leading to the master’s degree. Maximum units which may be applied to the degree to be determined by the department. Graded CR/NC.
EDUC 593ab Master’s Seminar (2-2) An examination and analysis of research and literature in the student’s area of focus. Graded IP/CR/NC. (Duplicates credit in former EDCO 593ab.)
EDUC 594abz Master’s Thesis (2-2-0) Credit on acceptance of thesis. Graded IP/CR/NC.
EDUC 599 Special Topics (1-4, max 9, FaSpSm) Selected topics in various areas of education.
EDUC 600 Counseling for College and Career Readiness II (2, Fa) Planning and implementing theoretical foundations of college and career counseling. The application of contextually relevant strategies for assisting in college and career choices.
EDUC 605 Framing Educational Leadership (1, Fa) Critical analysis and creative expression applied to problems of practice. Supported and unsupported assertions. Evidence-based decision-making. The quality of evidence used to support arguments. Graded CR/NC. Open only to doctoral students.
EDUC 606 International Studies Seminar (1, FaSpSm) Analyzing educational challenges and opportunities in international and global contexts. Understanding the global context of international education and issues facing international and global urban education. Course includes an overseas trip. Open only to doctoral students. Graded CR/NC.
EDUC 607 Role of School Counselors in Student Learning and Motivation (3, FaSpSm) The process of identifying and assessing learning and motivational issues in schools, the application of research-based interventions, and the evaluation of effectiveness of these interventions.
EDUC 608 School Connectedness, Climate, and Classroom Management (2, Fa) Prevention, education, and training for achievement. Data collection for assessment and evaluation of school climate, crisis and classroom management conducive to learning and success.
EDUC 609 Academic Advising in Postsecondary Education (3, Fa) Contemporary issues in academic advising in postsecondary education. Examines and analyzes relevant theories, policies, and practices related to academic advising.
EDUC 610 Higher Education Administration in China (3, Sm) Examination of student affairs and higher education administration practices in the People’s Republic of China. Course concludes with a trip to China.
EDUC 611 Athletic Administration (3, Sp) Analysis and discussion of critical issues in intercollegiate athletics. Student-athlete academic and social accountability; challenges of NCAA policies; commercialization, marketing, and fundraising in college athletics.
EDUC 612 Application of Human Development Theory in School Counseling (3, FaSpSm) A theoretical perspective of human development across the lifespan. Issues and challenges faced by school counselors.
EDUC 613 Gender Issues in Athletic Administration (3, Sp) Overview of Title IX and gender issues in institutions of higher education and implications for public schools.
EDUC 614 Research and Assessment in Higher Education (3, Sm) Theory and practice of outcomes assessment, program evaluation, and research design in postsecondary educational administration.
EDUC 615 Ethics in Athletic Administration (3, Fa) Ethical concerns in intercollegiate athletics. Review, analysis, and discussion of ethical and moral conduct in sports. Relevance of social justice to ethical behaviors.
EDUC 616 Higher Education Seminar (3, FaSp) Capstone seminar course focused on the future of student affairs and higher education.
EDUC 617 The Student Athlete in Higher Education (3, Fa) Examination of student athletes in higher education. Effective strategies for counseling and advising college student athletes; issues and challenges of athletic amateurism.
EDUC 618 School Counseling Professional Portfolio (2, Fa) Preparation of an electronic resource portfolio that addresses a field based practice. The culminating experience for the M.Ed., School Counseling program.
EDUC 619 Framing Educational Leadership in a Global Context (4, Sm) Globalization as a distinct phenomenon. Assessment of impact of globalization on educational systems and institutions. Open only to doctoral students.
EDUC 620 Fundamentals of Creativity, Innovation, and Entrepreneurship (2, Sm) The genesis and facilitation of creative ideas in educational practice. The transformation of creativity into innovation and entrepreneurship. Open only to doctoral students.
EDUC 621 Measurement and Evaluation for School Counselors (3, Fa) The use of formal and informal assessments to improve student achievement and well-being. Use of assessment data for intervention and evaluation.
EDUC 622 Educational Theory and Instructional Design (2, Fa) Theories and elements of learning. Application in educational settings. Methodology for course development and evaluation. Emphasis on strategies, tools, and use of technology.
EDUC 623 Understanding Research That Informs Leadership (2, Fa) Understanding, interpreting, and applying education research. Open only to doctoral students.
EDUC 624 Educational Organizations: Governance and Finance I (2, Fa) Overview of economic concepts of education. Linkages between economic growth, development, and education. Impact of globalization. Open only to doctoral students.
EDUC 625ab Induction Plan and Assessment of Candidate Competence (1-1, FaSpSm) The development of an individualized induction plan and assessment of competence for meeting requirements for the Clear Administrative Services Credential. (EDUC 625a duplicates credit in former EDUC 595; EDUC 625b duplicates credit in former EDUC 596.) Graded CR/NC.
EDUC 626 Fostering Entrepreneurship in Educational Systems (2, Fa) The role of entrepreneurship in education and conditions that support entrepreneurism within an educational organization. How social entrepreneurship partnerships improve educational outcomes. Open only to doctoral students.
EDUC 627 Education Performance Problems: Role of Learning (3, Sp) Contemporary perspectives on learning and motivation. Strategies and tools for identifying, diagnosing, and solving learning and motivational challenges and opportunities. Open only to doctoral students.
EDUC 628 Educational Organizations: Governance and Finance II (2, Sp) Diversification and differentiation of educational institutions globally. The finances of higher education. Open only to doctoral students. Prerequisite: EDUC 624.
EDUC 629 Consulting Practicum Context Analysis (4, Sp) Preparation, design, and analysis of an education-related problem. Open only to doctoral students.
EDUC 630 Organizations and Policy: Current Issues (4, FaSp) Study of contemporary issues in educational organizations, policy and change in K–12 and higher education with an explicit focus on the improvement of urban education. Open to students admitted to the Ph.D. only.
EDUC 631 Locating Educational Performance Problems (3, Sp) Development and implementation of strategies for locating, solving and evaluating solutions to performance problems in educational organizations. Open only to doctoral students.
EDUC 632 Technology in Higher Education (2, Sm) The integration of technology in higher education and the relationship to quality of teaching, access to learners, and cost-effectiveness for universities and colleges.
EDUC 633 Child and Elder Abuse and Domestic Violence (2) A review of laws governing mandated reporting of child and elder abuse, the procedures involved, as well as etiology, effects, and treatment interventions.
EDUC 634 Couples Counseling (3) Examines relational development and change, strategies for intervention with couples, and selected issues in couples relationship functioning. Prerequisite: EDUC 500, EDUC 507, EDCO 541.
EDUC 635 Psychotherapy with Children and Adolescents (3) Training in unique diagnostic considerations in working with children and adolescents. Exposure to empirically supported treatment modalities for children and adolescents. (Duplicates credit in former EDCO 554.) Prerequisite: EDUC 500, EDUC 507, EDCO 541.
EDUC 636 Perspectives on Human Sexuality (3) The physiological-psychological and socio-cultural variables associated with sexual identity and sexual behavior with an emphasis upon sexual dysfunctions. (Duplicates credit in former EDCO 516.) Prerequisite: EDUC 507.
EDUC 637 Group Counseling: Theory and Process (3) Theory, research, and practice of group counseling. Includes laboratory experience. (Duplicates credit in former EDCO 542.) Prerequisite: EDUC 500, EDUC 507, EDCO 541.
EDUC 638 Cross-Cultural Counseling: Research and Practice (3) An examination of the cultural, socioeconomic, and language factors that may affect culturally differentiated populations; alternative cross-cultural counseling approaches. (Duplicates credit in former EDCO 551.)
EDUC 640 The Research University in the 21st Century (4, FaSp) An examination of the current transformation of the American research university with a focus on key issues that confront academics who work in research universities. Open to students admitted to the Ph.D. only.
EDUC 641 Human Capital and School Organization (3, Fa) School leadership, organization, management and development of school personnel. Capitalizing on school resources to meet school goals.
EDUC 642 Controversies in Learning and Instruction (4, FaSp) An introduction to learning research and theory, issues in learning and educational psychology situated in the context of diverse, urban settings. Open to students admitted to the Ph.D. only.
EDUC 643 Advancing Community Support through Social Media (2, Fa) Use of social media to communicate school vision. Incorporating objectives, strategies, assessment, and accountability measures in communication plans.
EDUC 644 Practicum in Counseling (3) Supervised clinical work with clients, including adults, couples, children, and families. (Duplicates credit in former EDCO 560.) Prerequisite: EDUC 500, EDUC 507, EDUC 546, EDCO 541.
EDUC 645ab Fieldwork in Counseling (3-3) Supervised field experience in a clinical setting. Graded CR/NC. (Duplicates credit in former EDCO 561.) Prerequisite: EDUC 644.
EDUC 646ab Marriage and Family Therapy Capstone: Leadership Project (1-1, FaSp) An evidence-based leadership project, designed to enhance fieldwork site functioning. Includes needs assessment, literature review, project design, implementation, and evaluation.
EDUC 647 School Leadership Seminar (2, Sp) Planning, design, and development of an action research plan for school improvement using multiple measures of project assessment.
EDUC 648ab Apprenticeship in School Administration and Leadership (2-2, FaSp) Supervised field experience in administrative areas of K–12 schools. Development of Administrative Services Portfolio.
EDUC 650 Globalization and the Nation-State: Theories of Change (4, FaSp) The impact of globalization on educational public policies and practices: an examination of technology, information and communications, and their influence on transnational and national politics. Open to students admitted to the Ph.D. only.
EDUC 653 Advanced Qualitative Research (3, Sp) Interactive seminar that explores the theoretical underpinnings and practicalities of interviews, portraiture, focus groups, life histories, and cultural biographies. Recommended preparation: introductory statistics.
EDUC 657 Social Foundations of Research (3, Fa) Foundations in social science research with exposure to broad cross-section of research methods, design, and analytical techniques. Open only to doctoral students.
EDUC 658 Hierarchical Linear Models (3, Fa) Application of two- and three-level multilevel models in educational settings, fixed and random effects, growth models. Recommended preparation: a working understanding and knowledge of regression analysis and related Stata software.
EDUC 689 Fiscal Support and Expenditure in Higher Education (3, Sp) Analyses of private and public financial support and expenditure patterns; includes recent trends in state and federal legislation related to higher education.
EDUC 700 Research and Practice in the Preparation of Teachers (3) Research on the preparation of teachers for diverse populations. Measures of teacher quality and student achievement. Existing practices in teacher education from multiple perspectives.
EDUC 701 Pedagogy in Teacher Education (3) A critical examination of pedagogical practices in teacher education. The design of pedagogical approaches and programs for diverse and underserved students in urban schools.
EDUC 702 Curriculum, Teacher Preparation, and Student Learning (3) The process and role of curriculum in a variety of urban settings, teacher preparation, and professional growth. The philosophical and psychological foundations of curriculum development. Open to doctoral students only.
EDUC 703 Examining Literacy Theories and Practice (3) Literacy theories as practiced in urban, teacher education and professional development settings using an inquiry approach to examine best practice. Open to doctoral students only.
EDUC 704 Evaluation and Assessment in Teacher Education (3, Fa) Evaluation and assessment in the context of public schools, teacher preparation and professional growth in urban settings. Policy implications of data-based decision making and program implementation.
EDUC 706 Proseminar in Higher Education (3) Critical issues in urban higher education from historical and philosophical perspectives.
EDUC 707 Administration in Higher Education (3, Fa) Administrative issues in higher education. Academic leadership related to undergraduate and graduate education. Quality standards and assessment. How administrators create efficiency, effectiveness, performance, and change.
EDUC 708 Advanced Student Development Theory (3, Fa) Examination of traditional and emergent student development theories.
EDUC 709 Finance in Higher Education (3) Local, national, and global economic and policy environments and their effect on institutional policies and practices.
EDUC 710 Assessment, Organizational Learning and Performance (3) The role of assessment in higher education. An analysis of the purpose and value of particular assessment approaches and instruments, in particular those addressing classroom learning and institutional effectiveness.
EDUC 711 Social Factors Influencing Learning and Motivation (3) Social psychological principles and research techniques applied to educational problems; school environment, group behavior, teacher effectiveness, teacher-student interaction, behavioral change. Open to doctoral students only.
EDUC 712 Issues in Human Motivation (3) Analysis of motivational principles; diagnosis and solutions to motivation gaps in learning environments; and motivation and efficacy theories and principles. Open to doctoral students only.
EDUC 713 Issues in Lifespan Development (3) An examination of issues related to the development of diverse students and the development of environments that promote motivated behavior. Open to doctoral students only.
EDUC 714 Measurement and Evaluation for Decision-Making (3, Sm) Collecting, analyzing, and using quantitative data to solve problems of practice and in evaluating educational institutions, programs, and policies. Open only to doctoral students.
EDUC 715 Current Research in Learning (3) Current research in the application of learning theories, and the applicability of this research across a variety of contexts. Open to doctoral students only.
EDUC 716 Instructional Leadership (3, Sm) Examines the role of instructional leaders in improving student performance; current issues in curriculum design and implementation; and effective instructional leadership approaches for school improvement. (Duplicates credit in former CTSE 688.) Open only to doctoral students.
EDUC 717 Schooling as an Economic Enterprise (3, Fa) Applying economic theory to the study of education. Application of market theory to education, partnerships, allocation of resources, and the examination of educational enterprises. (Duplicates credit in former EDPA 615.) Open only to doctoral students.
EDUC 718 Maximizing Human Resources in Education (3, Sm) Strategically understanding the management of human capital to ensure high student performance. How to attract and retain top quality teachers. (Duplicates credit in former EDPA 610.) Open only to doctoral students.
EDUC 719 The Policies and Politics of Education Governance (3, Fa) Major issues facing educators in the 21st century. Emphasis on how educational policy can focus on incentives for schools to improve student learning. (Duplicates credit in former EDPA 613.) Open only to doctoral students.
EDUC 720 Leadership for Principals (3, Sm) The role of the principal as an instructional leader with a focus on improving student achievement. (Duplicates credit in former EDPA 600.) Open only to doctoral students.
EDUC 721 Leadership for Superintendents (3, Sm) The role of the superintendent in establishing a focus on student achievement and holding school sites accountable. How superintendents support student learning through leadership. (Duplicates credit in former EDPA 618.) Open only to doctoral students.
EDUC 723 Evaluating and Assessing Educational System Outcomes (3, Sm) Evaluating impact. Examination of key assessment theories; planning and implementation of learning and program effectiveness. Open only to doctoral students.
EDUC 724 Creating Policy Alternatives for Educational Settings (3, Sm) Effective policy-making and constructing alternatives. Open only to doctoral students.
EDUC 725 Analyzing Effectiveness of Educational Systems (3, Fa) Organizational change and development in the context of educational settings. How change and reform occur. How to foster change and transformation. Open only to doctoral students.
EDUC 726 Making Choices: Deciding Among Policy Alternatives (4, Fa) Models of decision making including cost-benefit analysis, risk-benefit analysis, and decision analysis. Ethical considerations and the political environment. Open only to doctoral students.
EDUC 727 Implementing Policy in Educational Systems (3, Sp) Effective policy-making. Human and financial resources to support implementation. Targeting resources to support implementation to attain policy goals. Open only to doctoral students.
EDUC 728 Global Trends: Emerging Ideas, Emerging Markets (3, Sp) Examination of a range of emerging markets in education. Global efforts of institutions of higher education to access new markets through collaborations and offshore endeavors. Open only to doctoral students.
EDUC 729 Assessing Policy Impact in Educational Settings (3, Sp) Theory and practice of educational policy evaluation. Limits of rationality and the political forces that shape policy. Preparation of an evaluation design. Open only to doctoral students.
EDUC 764abcdz Consulting Project (1-1-1-1-0, FaSpSm) Credit on acceptance of consulting project. Graded CR/NC. Open only to doctoral students. Prerequisite: EDUC 629.
EDUC 790 Research (1-12, FaSpSm) Research leading to the doctorate. Maximum units which may be applied to the degree to be determined by the department. Graded CR/NC.
EDUC 791 Proposal for Doctoral Dissertation (1, FaSpSm) Preparation of initial dissertation proposal. Graded CR/NC.
EDUC 792 Critique of Research in Education (3, FaSp) A survey and critical analysis of selected research and literature. Graded CR/NC. Open to students admitted to the Ed.D. only.
EDUC 794abcdz Doctoral Dissertation (2-2-2-2-0, FaSp) Credit on acceptance of dissertation. Graded IP/CR/NC.