University of Southern California

Dornsife College of Letters, Arts and Sciences


Undergraduate Degrees

Bachelor of Science and Bachelor of Arts in Chemistry

In addition to the general education, writing, foreign language and diversity requirements for a degree in the USC Dornsife College of Letters, Arts and Sciences, the following courses are required.

Bachelor of Science in Chemistry

Required courses, Lower-division Units
CHEM 105aLbL General Chemistry, or
CHEM 115aLbL Advanced General Chemistry 4-4
MATH 125 Calculus I 4
MATH 126 Calculus II 4
MATH 225 Linear Algebra and Linear Differential Equations, or
MATH 226 Calculus III 4
PHYS 151L Fundamentals of Physics I: Mechanics and Thermodynamics 4
PHYS 152L Fundamentals of Physics II: Electricity and Magnetism 4
PHYS 153L Fundamentals of Physics III: Optics and Modern Physics 4
Required courses, Upper-division Units
CHEM 300L Analytical Chemistry 4
CHEM 325abL Organic Chemistry 4-4
CHEM 332L Physical Chemical Measurements 4
CHEM 426 Advanced Organic Chemistry 4
CHEM 430ab Physical Chemistry 4-4
CHEM 453 Advanced Inorganic Chemistry 4
CHEM 423L Advanced Laboratory Techniques in Organic and Inorganic Chemistry, or
CHEM 465L Chemical Instrumentation 4
CHEM 490x Directed Research 4

Bachelor of Science in Chemistry (Research)

CHEM 115aLbL Advanced General Chemistry 4-4
MATH 125 Calculus I 4
MATH 126 Calculus II 4
MATH 225 Linear Algebra and Linear Differential Equations, or
MATH 226 Calculus III 4
PHYS 151L Fundamentals of Physics I: Mechanics and Thermodynamics 4
PHYS 152L Fundamentals of Physics II: Electricity and Magnetism 4
PHYS 153L Fundamentals of Physics III: Optics and Modern Physics 4
CHEM 300L Analytical Chemistry 4
CHEM 325abL Organic Chemistry 4-4
CHEM 426 Advanced Organic Chemistry 4
CHEM 430ab Physical Chemistry 4-4
CHEM 453 Advanced Inorganic Chemistry 4
CHEM 332L Physical Chemical Measurements 4
CHEM 423L Advanced Laboratory Techniques in Organic and Inorganic Chemistry 4
CHEM 463L Chemical Nanotechnology Laboratory 2
CHEM 465L Chemical Instrumentation 4
CHEM 467L Advanced Chemical Biology Laboratory 2
CHEM 292 Supervised Research 4
CHEM 294 Undergraduate Research Seminar 2
CHEM 490x Directed Research 4
CHEM 494x Advanced Research Experience 4

Bachelor of Science in Chemistry (Chemical Nanoscience)

CHEM 105aLbL General Chemistry, or
CHEM 115aLbL Advanced General Chemistry 4-4
MATH 125 Calculus I 4
MATH 126 Calculus II 4
MATH 225 Linear Algebra and Linear Differential Equations, or
MATH 226 Calculus III 4
PHYS 151L Fundamentals of Physics I: Mechanics and Thermodynamics 4
PHYS 152L Fundamentals of Physics II: Electricity and Magnetism 4
PHYS 153L Fundamentals of Physics III: Optics and Modern Physics 4
CHEM 300L Analytical Chemistry 4
CHEM 325abL Organic Chemistry 4-4
CHEM 332L Physical Chemical Measurements 4
CHEM 430ab Physical Chemistry 4-4
CHEM 453 Advanced Inorganic Chemistry 4
CHEM 455 Chemical Nanotechnology 4
CHEM 463L Chemical Nanotechnology Laboratory 2
CHEM 490x Directed Research 4
CHE 487 Nanotechnology and Nanoscale Engineering through Chemical Processes 3
CHEM 499 Special Topics 2
CHEM 561 Polymer Synthesis 4
CHEM 588a X-ray Crystallography 2

Bachelor of Science in Chemistry (Chemical Biology)

BISC 220L General Biology: Cell Biology and Physiology, or
BISC 221L Advanced General Biology: Cell Biology and Physiology 4
CHEM 105aLbL General Chemistry, or
CHEM 115aLbL Advanced General Chemistry 4-4
MATH 125 Calculus I 4
MATH 126 Calculus II 4
MATH 225 Linear Algebra and Linear Differential Equations, or
MATH 226 Calculus III 4
PHYS 151L Fundamentals of Physics I: Mechanics and Thermodynamics 4
PHYS 152L Fundamentals of Physics II: Electricity and Magnetism 4
BISC 320L Molecular Biology 4
CHEM 300L Analytical Chemistry 4
CHEM 325abL Organic Chemistry 4-4
CHEM 430a Physical Chemistry, or
CHEM 432 Physical Chemistry for the Life Sciences 4
CHEM 430b Physical Chemistry 4
CHEM 463L Chemical Nanotechnology Laboratory 2
CHEM 467L Advanced Chemical Biology Laboratory 2
CHEM 490x Directed Research 4
CHEM 332L Physical Chemical Measurements 4
CHEM 423L Advanced Laboratory Techniques in Organic and Inorganic Chemistry 4
CHEM 465L Chemical Instrumentation 4
CHEM 426 Advanced Organic Chemistry 4
CHEM 453 Advanced Inorganic Chemistry 4
CHEM 519 Biochemistry and Molecular Biology: An Introduction for Chemists 4

Bachelor of Arts in Chemistry

Required courses, Lower-division Units
CHEM 105aLbL General Chemistry, or
CHEM 115aLbL Advanced General Chemistry 4-4
MATH 125 Calculus I 4
MATH 126 Calculus II 4
MATH 225 Linear Algebra and Linear Differential Equations, or
MATH 226 Calculus III 4
PHYS 151L Fundamentals of Physics I: Mechanics and Thermodynamics 4
PHYS 152L Fundamentals of Physics II: Electricity and Magnetism 4
PHYS 153L Fundamentals of Physics III: Optics and Modern Physics 4
Required courses, Upper-division Units
CHEM 300L Analytical Chemistry 4
CHEM 325abL Organic Chemistry 4-4
CHEM 430ab Physical Chemistry 4-4
one course from among:
CHEM 332L Physical Chemical Measurements 4
CHEM 423L Advanced Laboratory Techniques in Organic and Inorganic Chemistry 4
CHEM 453 Advanced Inorganic Chemistry 4
CHEM 490x Directed Research 1–8
One additional upper-division science elective

Physical Sciences Major Requirements (B.S.)

Required courses, Lower-division Units
CHEM 105aLbL General Chemistry, or
CHEM 115aLbL Advanced General Chemistry 4-4
GEOL 105L Planet Earth 4
PHYS 151L Fundamentals of Physics I: Mechanics and Thermodynamics 4
PHYS 152L Fundamentals of Physics II: Electricity and Magnetism 4
PHYS 153L Fundamentals of Physics III: Optics and Modern Physics 4
Required courses, Upper-division Units
Astronomy elective* 4
Chemistry elective* 4
Earth Sciences elective* 4
Physics elective* 4
Three additional electives from these fields* 4

*Upper-division courses must be applicable to majors in their respective departments.

other courses Units
MATH 125 Calculus I 4
MATH 126 Calculus II 4
MATH 226 Calculus III 4
Total units 64

Bachelor of Science in Biochemistry

This degree is offered jointly by the Departments of Biological Sciences and Chemistry. An honors option is also available. See the Department of Biological Sciences for the complete description.

Biotechnology Minor

The USC Dornsife College of Letters, Arts and Sciences departments of ­biological sci­ences and chemistry and the Marshall School of Business jointly offer the cross-­departmental minor in biotechnology. This minor brings essential knowledge in the basic sciences together with the corporate skills needed in a rapidly growing industry. The minor is especially well suited for the business, biology, chemistry or engineering ­student seeking a career in business and/or the biomedical/biotechnical sciences. See Biological Sciences for course requirements.

Chemistry Minor

A chemistry minor is available for students who wish to broaden their exposure to the chemical sciences. In addition to a core of five chemistry courses (year-long sequences in general chemistry and organic chemistry and a one semester course in analytical chemistry), students must take one upper-division chemistry elective in either advanced organic or advanced inorganic chemistry.

Biology majors must take CHEM 300L, CHEM 426 and CHEM 453.

Required courses, Lower-division Units
CHEM 105aLbL General Chemistry, or
CHEM 115aLbL Advanced General Chemistry 4-4
Required courses, Upper-division Units
CHEM 300L Analytical Chemistry 4
CHEM 322aLbL Organic Chemistry, or
CHEM 325aLbL Organic Chemistry 4-4
CHEM 426 Advanced Organic Chemistry, or
CHEM 453 Advanced Inorganic Chemistry 4

Environmental Chemistry and Sustainability Minor

The environmental chemistry and sustainability minor is designed for students majoring in business, engineering, law, communications and other professional fields to give them the knowledge of chemistry needed to understand, formulate and manage scientific issues related to natural environmental processes as well as technologies involving the environment.

Required courses, Lower-division Units
CHEM 105aLbL General Chemistry, or
CHEM 115aLbL Advanced General Chemistry 4-4
Required courses, Upper-division Units
CHEM 300L Analytical Chemistry 4
ENST 320ab Water and Soil Sustainability; Energy and Air Sustainability 4-4
CHEM 322aL Organic Chemistry 4
BISC 315L* Introduction to Ecology 4
BISC 419* Environmental Microbiology 4
BISC 427* The Global Environment 4
GEOL 412** Oceans, Climate, and the Environment 4

*Prerequisite required

**Corequisite required

Grade Point Average in Major Subject

A grade of C- or higher is required in each chemistry course specifically listed as a degree requirement. The GPA for all chemistry courses required for a department major or a physical sciences major must be C (2.0) or higher. The GPA for all upper-division chemistry courses must also be C (2.0) or higher.

Honors Programs

A degree with honors in chemistry is available for eligible Chemistry B.A., Chemistry B.S., Chemistry B.S. — Research Emphasis, Chemistry B.S. — Chemical Nanoscience Emphasis, and Chemistry B.S. — Chemical Biology Emphasis students. To meet program requirements students must submit an application to the Department of Chemistry and satisfy the objectives of the program.

Students seeking admission must have at least junior standing (64 units) with an overall USC GPA of 3.5 or better in at least 16 units of chemistry courses. Students must complete 8 units of research (CHEM 490 or CHEM 494, which may also satisfy major requirements*) under the supervision of chemistry faculty with the research results described in an undergraduate thesis reviewed and approved by a faculty committee. To graduate with honors students must earn a GPA of 3.5 in all chemistry courses required for the major and have an overall USC GPA of 3.5.

Upon graduation, transcripts will be noted “Bachelor of Arts with Departmental Honors” for Chemistry B.A. students, or “Bachelor of Science with Departmental Honors” for students who pursued the various Chemistry B.S. majors.

An honors program in biochemistry is offered. See the Department of Biological Sciences for requirements.

*For Chemistry B.S., Chemistry B.S. — Chemical Nanoscience Emphasis, and Chemistry B.S. — Chemical Biology Emphasis, 4 units CHEM 490 are required for the major; for Chemistry B.S. — Research Emphasis, 4 units CHEM 490 and 4 units CHEM 494 are required for the major; and for Chemistry B.A., 1–8 units of CHEM 490x are required for the major.