University of Southern California

Academic Policies


The USC Catalogue

The USC Catalogue is the document of authority for all students. The degree requirements listed in the USC Catalogue supersede any information that may be contained in any print or online bulletin or viewbook of any school or department. The university reserves the right to change its policies, rules, regulations and course offerings at any time. The catalogue is distributed during Orientation and is available online at

Other University Publications

Bulletins and Viewbooks

The print and online bulletins and viewbooks published by the schools provide program descriptions and information about other topics of interest to the prospective student. Publications may be obtained by contacting the individual schools.

Schedule of Classes

The Schedule of Classes lists the courses offered during any given term and provides detailed information on registration procedures. It also includes course descriptions, cross-listed courses, distance education information, course syllabi, textbook information and faculty biographies. It is available online at approximately two weeks before the registration period for each session.


This annual publication contains both general guidebook information for students and university policies concerning student conduct, administrative procedures, and student rights and responsibilities. Students are responsible for understanding and abiding by policies contained in SCampus. SCampus is available online at