Marshall School of Business
Courses of Instruction
The terms indicated are expected but are not guaranteed. For the courses offered during any given term, consult the Schedule of Classes.
Major Restrictions
Enrollment in most 500-level business courses by non-business graduate students requires special permission. For information about the registration application process for non-business students, visit the Schedule of Classes.
Library Information management (LIM)
LIM 500 Fundamentals of Library and Information Science (3, FaSpSm) An overview of the history of recorded knowledge from ancient times to the digital age informed by the cultural implications of those eras. Open only to MMLIS students.
LIM 501 Fundamentals of Library Leadership and Management (3, FaSpSm) Fundamentals of library leadership and management from past, present and future perspectives, including selected case studies.
LIM 502 Collection Development and Management (3, FaSpSm) The development of library collections in all formats emphasizing clientele interest, usage patterns, bibliographical and Website sources. Open only to MMLIS students.
LIM 503 Organization, Access and Retrieval of Information (3, FaSpSm) An overview and critical analysis of current practices of information organization, cataloguing, access and reference services, including a conceptual understanding of these skills. Open only to MMLIS students.
LIM 504 Research Methods in Library and Information Management (3) An overview of research methods in information management including the conceptualization of research problems, literature reviews, research design, sampling, measurement, data collection and data analysis. Open only to MMLIS students.
LIM 510 Academic Librarianship (3) An examination of current research and future trends in academic librarianship, emphasizing the necessary partnership among information culture and technology, academic research and instruction. Prerequisite: GSBA 502, LIM 500, LIM 501, LIM 502, LIM 503, LIM 504.
LIM 511 Instructional Strategies for Information Professionals (3) An overview of research in learning emphasizing the role of academic librarians as instructors and facilitators of information navigation. Prerequisite: GSBA 502, LIM 500, LIM 501, LIM 502, LIM 503, LIM 504.
LIM 512 Instructional Technologies for Educators (3) An overview and critical analysis of past and current instructional technologies used primarily in academic libraries. Prerequisite: GSBA 502, LIM 500, LIM 501, LIM 502, LIM 503, LIM 504.
LIM 513 Multicultural Information Perspectives (3) An examination of critical issues, theories and research in educating and serving diverse populations with an emphasis on social, cultural and linguistic imperatives. Prerequisite: GSBA 502, LIM 500, LIM 501, LIM 502, LIM 503, LIM 504.
LIM 520 Library Information Systems Analysis and Design (3) The analysis and design of information systems from the perspectives of information theory, technology, retrievability, storage and shelf life, copyright, privacy and related issues. Prerequisite: GSBA 502, LIM 500, LIM 501, LIM 502, LIM 503, LIM 504.
LIM 521 Database Management Systems for Information Professionals (3) An overview of and instruction in the skills required to build library and archival relational databases including data integrity, security, maintenance and extraction. Prerequisite: GSBA 502, LIM 500, LIM 501, LIM 502, LIM 503, LIM 504.
LIM 522 Metadata and Taxonomies (3) An overview of developing and assessing metadata for digital resources including the different types of metadata schema, data dictionaries, taxonomies and emerging metadata standards. Prerequisite: GSBA 502, LIM 500, LIM 501, LIM 502, LIM 503, LIM 504.
LIM 523 Information Delivery in the Digital Environment (3) An inventory and description of digital competencies, assessments and techniques followed by instruction, practice and testing of these competencies in simulated situations. Prerequisite: GSBA 502, LIM 500, LIM 501, LIM 502, LIM 503, LIM 504.
LIM 530 Library Resource Management (3) An overview and assessment of planning, design, allocation and implementation of library finance and resource distribution in a variety of settings. Prerequisite: GSBA 502, LIM 500, LIM 501, LIM 502, LIM 503, LIM 504.
LIM 531 Global Perspectives in Librarianship (3) An investigation of the theory and practice of librarianship in the context of international approaches to knowledge creation, research, learning, information discovery and presentation. Prerequisite: GSBA 502, LIM 500, LIM 501, LIM 502, LIM 503, LIM 504.
LIM 532 The Social Context of Information (3) An examination of information in the context of social networks, media, and other cultural structures that inform teaching, learning and research. Prerequisite: GSBA 502, LIM 500, LIM 501, LIM 502, LIM 503, LIM 504.
LIM 533 Operations Research in Libraries (3) Overview of theory and best practices in operations research and how it can be applied in a broad range of library and other information-focused settings. Prerequisite: GSBA 502, LIM 500, LIM 501, LIM 502, LIM 503, LIM 504.
LIM 534 Library Fundraising and Development (3) An overview of fundraising and development including the internal organization of the fundraising and development enterprise, the cultivation of donors and related issues. Prerequisite: GSBA 502, LIM 500, LIM 501, LIM 502, LIM 503, LIM 504.
LIM 550 Information Behaviors, Ethics and Policy (3) A study of information behaviors, policies and ethics including social networks, the interactive effects of information on users, users on information. Prerequisite: GSBA 502, LIM 500, LIM 501, LIM 502, LIM 503, LIM 504.
LIM 551 Advanced Research Methods in Library and Information Management (3) Building on LIM 504, this course provides advanced research methods and analytical techniques and the application of these skills to complex library issues. Prerequisite: GSBA 502, LIM 500, LIM 501, LIM 502, LIM 503, LIM 504.
LIM 553 Corporate and Business Librarianship (3) An examination and critical analysis of resources, research and literature in corporate librarianship, including collection development and management, access, reference and service patterns. Prerequisite: GSBA 502, LIM 500, LIM 501, LIM 502, LIM 503, LIM 504.
LIM 554 Science Librarianship (3) An examination and critical analysis of resources, research and literature in science librarianship, including collection development and management, access, reference and service patterns. Prerequisite: GSBA 502, LIM 500, LIM 501, LIM 502, LIM 503, LIM 504.
LIM 555 Social Science Librarianship (3) An examination and critical analysis of resources, research and literature in social science librarianship, including collection development and management, access, reference and service patterns. Prerequisite: GSBA 502, LIM 500, LIM 501, LIM 502, LIM 503, LIM 504.
LIM 556 Health Sciences Librarianship (3) An examination and critical analysis of resources, research and literature in health sciences librarianship, including collection development and management, access, reference and service patterns. Prerequisite: GSBA 502, LIM 500, LIM 501, LIM 502, LIM 503, LIM 504.
LIM 557 Cinematic Arts Librarianship (3) An examination and critical analysis of resources, research and literature in cinematic arts librarianship, including collection development and management, access, reference and service patterns. Prerequisite: GSBA 502, LIM 500, LIM 501, LIM 502, LIM 503, LIM 504.
LIM 558 Art and Museum Librarianship (3) An examination and critical analysis of resources, research and literature in art and museum librarianship including collection development and management, access, reference and service patterns. Prerequisite: GSBA 502, LIM 500, LIM 501, LIM 502, LIM 503, LIM 504.
LIM 559 Marketing and Communications Strategies for Libraries (3) An introduction to essential marketing concepts such as brand platform, value proposition and message development and their application in a library environment. Prerequisite: GSBA 502, LIM 500, LIM 501, LIM 502, LIM 503, LIM 504.
LIM 560 Rare Books and Manuscripts (3) An overview of the organization, management, public and technical service operations and outreach involved in the development and operation of rare and special collections. Prerequisite: GSBA 502, LIM 500, LIM 501, LIM 502, LIM 503, LIM 504.
LIM 561 Library Program Development and Evaluation (3) An overview of library program development and evaluation with an emphasis upon linking student learning outcomes to library programs. Qualitative and quantitative methods are covered. Prerequisite: GSBA 502, LIM 500, LIM 501, LIM 502, LIM 503, LIM 504.
LIM 562 Library and Information Technologies (3) An overview of information technologies, information design and architecture (IA), information retrieval and electronic resources, computer networks, cloud technologies, data storage, web design. Prerequisite: GSBA 502, LIM 500, LIM 501, LIM 502, LIM 503, LIM 504.
LIM 591 Research and Professional Applications (2, max 10, FaSpSm) Apply concepts learned during the MMLIS program and investigate research questions and professional problems of concern to employers, their institutions and the profession at large. Open only to Library and Information Science majors. Graded CR/NC.
LIM 598 Capstone in Library and Information Management (3) Student-driven research or project-based experience that integrates the knowledge from course work and applies it to current issues in the field. Graded CR/NC. Prerequisite: GSBA 502, LIM 500, LIM 501, LIM 502, LIM 503, LIM 504.
LIM 599 Special Topics in Library and Information Management (3) Selected topics reflecting current trends and recent developments in library and information management. Prerequisite: GSBA 502, LIM 500, LIM 501, LIM 502, LIM 503, LIM 504.