Ostrow School of Dentistry
Courses of Instruction
The terms indicated are expected but are not guaranteed. For the courses offered during any given term, consult the Schedule of Classes.
Orthodontics (ORTH)
ORTH 501ab Seminar: Orthodontics (0-1) Clinical use of cephalometrics and orthodontic prediction; removable orthodontic appliances and their design; case analysis; mixed dentition cases; adult tooth positioning; orthodontic banding; molar uprighting.
ORTH 521 Preclinical Orthodontics (2) Evaluation, prevention, and treatment of dento-facial malformations. Construction of basic appliances to treat orthodontic problems encountered by the general practitioner.
ORTH 561abcdef Clinic: Orthodontic Therapy (0-0-0-0-0-2) Diagnosis and limited treatment of orthodontic problems encountered in general practice. Diagnosis of complex orthodontic problems requiring treatment by a specialist. Prerequisite: ORTH 521 for a; a before b, etc.
ORTH 674 Clinical and Molecular Bone Biology (2, Sp) Explore the impact of the application of new molecular techniques to bone biology research on our understanding of osteoporosis, osteosarcoma, hypercalcemis, etc. Open to advanced program students in dentistry only.
ORTH 701ab Cephalometrics: Growth and Development (2-4; 2-4) Principles and mechanics; measurement techniques; developmental morphology; analysis and diagnosis; treatment rationales; gross radiological anatomy and osteology; facial growth. Hours vary.
ORTH 702 Seminar: Review of the Orthodontic Literature (5) Two trimester Course Review of current orthodontic literature.
ORTH 703abcdefhi Seminar: Advanced Orthodontics (2-8 each, FaSpSm) Advanced diagnosis and treatment of complex orthodontic cases. Asymmetrical treatment. Hours vary.
ORTH 704abc Seminar: Orthodontics in Theory and Practice (2-2-2) Review of various approaches to orthodontic treatment; includes presentation of cases.
ORTH 705abc Orthodontic Practice Management (2-2-2, FaSpSm) Office management and patient relations in orthodontic practice.
ORTH 706 Surgical Orthodontics (2) Diagnosis, treatment, prognosis, and management of orthognathic problems. Lecture and demonstration, 2 hours.
ORTH 707 Interdisciplinary Aesthetic Treatment (2, Sp) Commonly encountered interdisciplinary aesthetic problems. Communication and teamwork between orthodontists and general dentists, as well as other specialists will be emphasized.
ORTH 708 Information Technology in Orthodontic Practice (2, Fa) Practical applications of information technology in contemporary orthodontics. Topics include office management systems, videocaphalometrics, and video imaging in orthodontic practice.
ORTH 709 Advanced Information Technology in Orthodontic Practice (2, Sm) Follows ORTH 708 and is designed to provide background and up-to-date information on advanced technologies in orthodontic practice.
ORTH 721 Biomechanics and Orthodontic Technic (8) Primary orthodontic techniques and basic diagnostic procedures. Typodont treatment of malocclusion, record taking, retention appliances, and beginning biomechanics.
ORTH 751abcdefhi Clinic: Advanced Orthodontics (1-10 each, FaSpSm) Clinical orthodontics; clinical techniques, diagnostic procedures, and applied clinical therapy to selected cases of malocclusion with emphasis on therapy and supervised treatment.
ORTH 791 Library Research (1-6) Organized literature searching and compiling of published data for purposes of developing writing and investigative skills.