USC School of Pharmacy

Graduates of the USC School of Pharmacy — ranked tenth nationwide and first among private pharmacy programs by U.S. News & World Report — go on to careers in clinics, community pharmacies, hospitals, industry and government. Students begin clinical experiences early, receiving intensive, hands-on training in immunizations and health screening tests in the first three weeks of the program. The school offers a diverse and broad range of clinical experiences at over 300 sites.

Founded in 1905, the USC School of Pharmacy is the oldest and foremost pharmacy school in Southern California. The school is a national leader known for its progressive curriculum and research excellence. Approximately 50 percent of the practicing pharmacists in Southern California are graduates of USC. The school has an average student body of 739 full-time students in the Pharm.D. program, 220 students in Master of Science, Doctor of Philosophy and Doctor of Regulatory Science programs, a full-time faculty of 76 and more than 400 part-time and volunteer faculty.

The school occupies state-of-the-art facilities on the USC Health Sciences Campus in metropolitan Los Angeles, adjacent to the Los Angeles County+USC Medical Center (one of the largest teaching hospitals in the country), the USC Norris Cancer Hospital and the Keck Hospital of USC. USC pharmacy students receive clinical training at these facilities and many other affiliated hospitals, health care clinics, skilled nursing facilities, home health care agencies and pharmacies in the Southern California region. The school also owns and operates two campus pharmacies.

Recognized as one of the most innovative schools of pharmacy in the nation, the USC School of Pharmacy serves as a model for other progressive schools. In 1950, USC was the first to establish a Doctor of Pharmacy program. Additional national “firsts” that distinguish the school include: first clinical pharmacy program and first M.S. in radiopharmacy (both in 1968); first Pharm.D./MBA dual degree program (1988); first M.S. and Ph.D. programs in pharmaceutical economics and policy (1994) and first professional doctorate in regulatory science (2008). The Pharm.D. program is complemented by dual/joint degree options, including the Pharm.D./J.D., Pharm.D./Ph.D., Pharm.D./M.S. in regulatory science, Pharm.D./MPH and Pharm.D./M.S. in gerontology. The school also offers Ph.D. and M.S. degrees in pharmaceutical sciences, molecular pharmacology and toxicology, and pharmaceutical economics and policy. In regulatory science, the school offers an M.S. and a D.R.Sc.

Consistently the top-ranked private school of pharmacy, the school is second in the nation in funding from the National Institutes of Health. The School of Pharmacy is a member of the American Association of Colleges of Pharmacy, and the Pharm.D. program is accredited by the Accreditation Council for Pharmacy Education.

Health Sciences Campus
John Stauffer Pharmaceutical Sciences Center
1985 Zonal Avenue
Los Angeles, CA 90089-9121
(323) 442-1369
FAX: (323) 442-1681
Office of Admission and Student Affairs
(323) 442-1466


R. Pete Vanderveen, Ph.D., R.Ph., Dean

Sarah F. Hamm-Alvarez, Ph.D., Vice Dean, Research and Graduate Affairs; Interim Chair, Department of Pharmacology and Pharmaceutical Sciences

Kathleen A. Johnson, Pharm.D., MPH, Ph.D., Vice Dean, Clinical Affairs and Outcome Sciences; Chair, Titus Family Department of Clinical Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Economics & Policy

Ronald L. Alkana, Pharm.D., Ph.D., Associate Dean, Graduate Affairs and Interdisciplinary Graduate Programs

Fred G. Weissman, Pharm.D., J.D., Associate Dean, Student/Faculty Affairs and Admission

Cynthia C. White, B.A., Associate Dean, Administrative Affairs

Michael Z. Wincor, Pharm.D., Associate Dean, Global Initiatives and Technology

Kathleen H. Besinque, Pharm.D., M.S.Ed., Assistant Dean, Curriculum and Assessment


John Stauffer Dean’s Chair in Pharmaceutical Sciences: R. Pete Vanderveen, Ph.D., R.Ph.

University Professor and Boyd P. and Elsie D. Welin Professor in Pharmaceutical Sciences: Jean Chen Shih, Ph.D.

Distinguished Professor: Walter Wolf, Ph.D.

William A. Heeres and Josephine A. Heeres Endowed Chair in Community Pharmacy: Kathleen A. Johnson, Pharm.D., MPH, Ph.D.

Hygeia Centennial Chair in Clinical Pharmacy: Steven Chen, Pharm.D.

R. Pete Vanderveen Endowed Chair in Therapeutic Discovery and Development: Roberta Diaz Brinton, Ph.D.

John A. Biles Professor in Pharmaceutical Sciences: Wei-Chiang Shen, Ph.D.

Gavin S. Herbert Professor in Pharmaceutical Sciences: Sarah F. Hamm-Alvarez, Ph.D.

Charles Krown/Pharmacy Alumni Professor in Pharmaceutical Sciences: Enrique Cadenas, M.D., Ph.D.

Provost Professor of Cell and Neurobiology, Pharmacology and Pharmaceutical Sciences, and Psychology: Pat Levitt, Ph.D.

Provost Professor of Medicine and Pharmacy: Michael Kahn, Ph.D.

Professors: Ronald L. Alkana, Pharm.D., Ph.D.; Enrique Cadenas, M.D., Ph.D.; Roberta Diaz-Brinton, Ph.D.; Dana Goldman, Ph.D.; Sarah F. Hamm-Alvarez, Ph.D.; Nouri Neamati, Ph.D.; Michael B. Nichol, Ph.D.; Wei-Chiang Shen, Ph.D.; Jean C. Shih, Ph.D.; Rajindar Sohal, Ph.D.; R. Pete Vanderveen, Ph.D.; Walter W. Wolf, Ph.D.

Associate Professors: James D. Adams, Jr., Ph.D.; Julio A. Camarero, Ph.D.; Jason N. Doctor, Ph.D.; Roger F. Duncan, Ph.D.; Ian S. Haworth, Ph.D.; Geoffrey Joyce, Ph.D.; Jeffrey S. McCombs, Ph.D.; Curtis T. Okamoto, Ph.D.; Neeraj Sood, Ph.D.; Clay C.C. Wang, Ph.D.

Assistant Professors: J. Andrew MacKay, Ph.D.; Bogdan Z. Olenyuk, Ph.D.; Bangyan Stiles, Ph.D.

Lecturer: Rebecca Romero, Ph.D.

Research Professor: Ian Hutchinson, Ph.D., D.Sc.

Research Associate Professors: Kevin J.Y.H. Shin Chen, Ph.D.; Liquin Zhao, Ph.D.; Julie Zissimopoulos, Ph.D.

Research Assistant Professors: Marco Bortolato, Ph.D.; Julianna Hwang, Pharm.D., Ph.D.; Jennica Krankel, Ph.D.

Professors of Pharmacy: Kathleen A. Johnson, Pharm.D., MPH, Ph.D.; Frances Richmond, Ph.D.; Glen L. Stimmel, Pharm.D.; Bradley R. Williams, Pharm.D.

Associate Professors of Pharmacy: Melvin F. Baron, Pharm.D., MPA; Paul M. Beringer, Pharm.D.; Kathleen H. Besinque, Pharm.D., M.S.Ed.; Steven Chen, Pharm.D.; Alfred Chin, Pharm.D.; Daryl L. Davies, Ph.D.; Julie A. Dopheide, Pharm.D.; Kevin L. Forrester, Pharm.D.; Jeffery Goad, Pharm.D., MPH; William C. Gong, Pharm.D.; Jack W. Kern, Pharm.D.; Cynthia L.L. Lieu, Pharm.D.; Stanley G. Louie, Pharm.D.; Gladys H. Mitani, Pharm.D.; Tien Ng, Pharm.D.; Kathleen Rodgers, Ph.D.; Irving Steinberg, Pharm.D.; Gregory A. Thompson, Pharm.D.; Fred G. Weissman, Pharm.D., J.D.; Michael Z. Wincor, Pharm.D.; Annie Wong-Beringer, Pharm.D.; Frances S. Wong, Pharm.D.

Assistant Professors of Pharmacy: Betty Chan, Pharm.D.; Marc Cosep, Pharm.D.; Jennifer H. Cupo-Abbott, Pharm.D.; Shetal Desai, Pharm.D.; Melissa Durham, Pharm.D.; Emily Han, Pharm.D.; Kevin Kaneko, Pharm.D.; Jiwon Kim, Pharm.D.; Kum Ja K. Lee, Pharm.D.; May C. Mak, Pharm.D.; Edith Mirzaian, Pharm.D.; Susie Park, Pharm.D.; Paula Phongsamron, Pharm.D.; Florence H. Wong-Yu, Pharm.D.

Distinguished Emeritus Professor and Dean: John A. Biles, Ph.D.

Emeritus Professor and Dean: Timothy M. Chan, Ph.D.

Emeritus Professor: Eric J. Lien, Ph.D.

This new degree is available beginning fall 2012.


The School of Pharmacy offers curricula leading to the Doctor of Pharmacy (Pharm.D.) and Doctor of Regulatory Science (D.R.Sc.) degrees. Through the Graduate School, graduate degrees offered are: Master of Science (M.S.) and Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.) in pharmaceutical sciences, Master of Science (M.S.) and Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.) in molecular pharmacology and toxicology, Master of Science (M.S.) and Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.) in pharmaceutical economics and policy, Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.) in clinical and experimental therapeutics, Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.) in health economics and Master of Science (M.S.) in regulatory science. Five dual degree programs, one joint program and numerous certificate programs are also offered: Pharm.D./J.D., Pharm.D./MBA, Pharm.D./MPH, Pharm.D./M.S. in regulatory science, Pharm.D./M.S. in gerontology, Pharm.D./Ph.D., Pharm.D./graduate certificate in gerontology, certificate in clinical research design and management, certificate in food safety, certificate in preclinical drug development, and certificate in patient and product safety.

The USC School of Pharmacy Doctor of Pharmacy is accredited by the Accreditation Council for Pharmacy Education, 20 North Clark Street, Suite 2500, Chicago, IL 60602, Phone: (312) 664-3575, FAX (312) 664-4652.

Tuition and Fees (Estimated)

Tuition for School of Pharmacy degree programs (Pharm.D.; M.S. and Ph.D. in pharmaceutical sciences; M.S. and Ph.D. in molecular pharmacology and toxicology; M.S. and Ph.D. in pharmaceutical economics and policy) is charged at the following rate (which differs from standard USC tuition): per semester (15-18 units) $21,663; for less than 15 units and each unit above 18 units, $1,497 per unit. See Tuition and Fees for fee information. These fees are based upon current information available at the time of publication and are subject to possible later change.

Doctor of Pharmacy students must pay a $500 non-refundable acceptance deposit that is applicable toward tuition. For deposit information in other degree programs in the School of Pharmacy, please consult appropriate offices.

Honor Societies

Rho Chi

Theta chapter of Rho Chi, national honorary pharmaceutical society, was established at USC in 1925. Charters for chapters of this organization are granted only to student groups in those colleges that are members in good standing of the American Association of Colleges of Pharmacy. Eligibility for membership is based on high attainment in scholarship, character, personality and leadership. All candidates selected for membership must have completed two years of college work, and they must be approved by the Dean of the School of Pharmacy.

Phi Lambda Sigma

The Phi Lambda Sigma chapter was established at USC in 1988. This national pharmacy leadership society is devoted to identifying, supporting and recognizing the contribution of pharmacy students to their colleges, their classmates, their campuses, their communities and to their chosen profession.

Student Housing and Service Facility, Health Sciences Campus

There are limited university-managed accommodations on the Health Sciences Campus. Students may wish to live in student housing on the University Park Campus, located about eight miles from the Health Sciences Campus.

The Blanche and Frank R. Seaver Student Residence, adjacent to the John Stauffer Pharmaceutical Sciences Center, provides dining facilities and a book store. For residence information, phone (323) 442-1576; for bookstore information call (323) 442-2674.

Student Health Services, Health Sciences Campus

Services of the Student Health Center, covered by the mandatory student health fee, include the usual ambulatory care health services given by the faculty of the USC Department of Family Medicine and the Student Health Center nursing staff. Hours are from 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m., Monday through Friday, excluding USC holidays. The Student Health Center is located in the USC Health Care Consultation Center, 1500 San Pablo Street, Suite 104, adjacent to the USC University Hospital, one block northeast of the School of Pharmacy. The telephone number is (323) 442-5980. In addition to the student health fee, all Pharm.D. students must have major medical insurance coverage from the USC Health Plan. A student may request a waiver of the USC Health Plan if covered by a personal medical plan acceptable to the Health Insurance Office.