pharmacy (phrd)
PHRD 501 Pharmaceutics I (4, Fa) Introduction to physiochemical principles of dosage forms; properties of molecules in dosage forms, stability of pharmaceuticals and their interactions in body tissue, including computational approaches. Open to Doctor of Pharmacy students only. (Duplicates credit in former PHAR 303.)
PHRD 502 Pharmaceutics II (3, Sp) Principles involved in molecules movement across biological barriers. Properties, characteristics, application of homogeneous and heterogeneous dosage forms, liquid, semi-solid and solid. Open to Doctor of Pharmacy students only. (Duplicates credit in former PHAR 306L.)
PHRD 503 Biological Systems I (4, Fa) Integrated teaching of anatomy, histology, physiology and pathophysiology using an organ-based approach. Open to Doctor of Pharmacy students only. (Duplicates credit in former PHAR 309, PHAR 313, PHAR 314 and PHAR 419.)
PHRD 504 Biological Systems II (6, Sp) Continued integrated teaching of anatomy, histology, physiology and pathophysiology, using an organ-based approach. Open to Doctor of Pharmacy students only. (Duplicates credit in former PHAR 310 and PHAR 419.)
PHRD 505 Molecular Genetics and Therapy (3, Fa) Principles of gene expression, and recombinant DNA methods and applications. Focus on human genetics and influence of genetic background on the utilization and effectiveness of drugs. Open to Doctor of Pharmacy students only. (Duplicates credit in former PHAR 316.)
PHRD 506 Self Care and Non-Prescription Therapies (5, Fa) Facilitate patient selection of self-care health care products: OTC drugs, dosages, pharmacology, efficacy, cost, side effects, adverse reactions, contraindications, and interactions with other medications. Open to Doctor of Pharmacy students only. (Duplicates credit in former PHAR 331 and PHAR 332.)
PHRD 507 Health Care Delivery Systems (2, Fa) Introduction to understanding the structure of the health care system. Includes health care financing and the role of pharmacy and the pharmacist in health systems.
PHRD 508 Pharmacy Literature Analysis and Drug Information (3, FaSp) Literature evaluation and biostatistics of clinical and health services research, and drug information services. Emphasis on drug therapy, patient outcomes, and formulary development. Open to Doctor of Pharmacy students only. (Duplicates credit in former PHAR 319 and PHAR 366.)
PHRD 509 Pharmacy Practice and Experience I (4, Fa) Introduction of principles and the application of pharmaceutical care in community or hospital pharmacy setting. Includes communications, basic practice skills, career pathways and leadership. Open to Doctor of Pharmacy students only. (Duplicates credit in former PHAR 361, PHAR 363, PHAR 365 and PHAR 450.)
PHRD 510 Pharmacy Practice and Experience II (4, Sp) Introduction of principles and the application of pharmaceutical care in community or hospital pharmacy setting. Includes calculations, drug information, and basic practice skills. Open to Doctor of Pharmacy students only. (Duplicates credit in former PHAR 362, PHAR 368 and PHAR 450.)
PHRD 551 Immunology (3, Fa) Basic principles of immunology and their application to the understanding and treatment of immunologically-mediated diseases. Provides the scientific basis of immunotherapy and immunodiagnosis. Open to Doctor of Pharmacy students only. (Duplicates credit in former PHAR 441.)
PHRD 552 Pharmaceutics III (3, Sp) Principles and applications of controlled, targeted, and self-regulating drug delivery. Methods to deliver therapeutic peptides, proteins and genetic materials. Open to Doctor of Pharmacy students only. (Duplicates credit in former PHAR 406.)
PHRD 553 Management within Health Care Organizations (2, Fa) Management of the professional practice of pharmacy in organized health care systems. Introduction to formulary development and outcome analysis. Open to Doctor of Pharmacy students only. (Duplicates credit in former PHAR 431 and PHAR 432.)
PHRD 554 Public Health and Epidemiology (2, Sp) Introduction to epidemiology, environmental health, health education, health care organizations and financing. Orientation to social and governmental controls on the health care system. Open to Doctor of Pharmacy students only. (Duplicates credit in former PHAR 437.)
PHRD 555 Biochemical and Molecular Sites of Drug Action (4, Fa) Basic principles of drug action and receptor actions. Includes their application to the understanding and treatment of disease. Provides the scientific basis of pharmaceutical action.
PHRD 557 Therapeutics I (5, Fa) Introduction to principles of pharmacology, pharmacokinetics, medicinal chemistry and therapeutics. Open to Doctor of Pharmacy students only.
PHRD 557 Therapeutics I: Introductory Principles (4, Fa) Integrated teaching of the principles of pharmacology, biomedicinal chemistry, pharmacogenomics and clinical therapeutics. Open to Doctor of Pharmacy students only.
PHRD 559 Therapeutics II (2, Fa) Integrated teaching of pharmacogenomics and biotechnology with emphasis on general principles, diagnostics, and future technology.
PHRD 559 Therapeutics II: Pharmacokinetics (3) Integrated teaching of basic and clinical pharmacokinetic/pharmacodynamic concepts. Open to Doctor of Pharmacy students only.
PHRD 560 Therapeutics III (6, Sp) Integrated teaching of biomedicinal chemistry, pharmacology, clinical pharmacokinetics, and therapeutics of drugs, with emphasis on pharmaceuticals treating diseases associated with the central nervous system. Open to Doctor of Pharmacy students only.
PHRD 561 Parenteral Therapy Externship (3, FaSpSm) Drug weight/volume concentrations, dilutions and additive volumes are calculated in compounding of parenteral products in various patient-care settings using aseptic technique. Open to Doctor of Pharmacy students only. (Duplicates credit in former PHAR 414, PHAR 460 and PHAR 545.)
PHRD 562 Therapeutics IV (4, Sp) Integrated teaching of biomedicinal chemistry, pharmacology, clinical pharmacokinetics, and therapeutics of drugs with an emphasis on treating diseases of the renal, GI and pulmonary systems. Open to Doctor of Pharmacy students only. (Duplicates credit in former PHAR 548 and PHAR 549.)
PHRD 601 Therapeutics V (6, Fa) Integrated teaching of biomedicinal chemistry, pharmacology, clinical pharmacokinetics, and therapeutics of drugs, with emphasis on pharmaceuticals affecting cardiovascular and circulatory diseases. CPR certification. Open to Doctor of Pharmacy students only. (Duplicates credit in former PHAR 546.)
PHRD 603 Therapeutics VI (3, Fa) Integrated teaching of biomedicinal chemistry, pharmacology, clinical pharmacokinetics and therapeutics of drugs with an emphasis on pharmaceuticals affecting the endocrine diseases, systems and women’s health. Open to Doctor of Pharmacy students only. (Duplicates credit in former PHAR 548 and PHAR 549.)
PHRD 605 Therapeutics VII (4, Fa) Integrated teaching of the biomedicinal chemistry, pharmacology, clinical pharmacokinetics, and therapeutics of drugs; with emphasis on chemotherapy of infectious disease: bacterial, microbial, viral, parasitic, and fungal. (Duplicates credit in former PHAR 411L, PHAR 418.)
PHRD 606 Therapeutics VIII (2, Sp) Advanced topics and clinical therapeutics of drugs, with emphasis on the treatment of infectious disease: bacterial, microbial, viral, parasitic and fungal. (Duplicates credit in former PHAR 411L, PHAR 418.)
PHRD 607 Nutrition (2, Fa) Biomedical knowledge is correlated with assessments of clinical case-management problems to understand the interrelationship between nutrition and health in both hospitalized and healthy patients. Open to Doctor of Pharmacy students only. (Duplicates credit in former PHAR 422.)
PHRD 608 Therapeutics IX (2, Sp) Integrated teaching of biomedicinal chemistry, pharmacology, clinical pharmacokinetics and therapeutics of drugs, with emphasis on pharmaceuticals for managing oncological diseases. Open to Doctor of Pharmacy students only. (Duplicates credit in former PHAR 550 and PHAR 562.)
PHRD 610 Therapeutics X (3, Sp) Focuses on the pharmacology, pharmacokinetics, medicinal chemistry and clinical therapeutics that apply to pharmaceutical care of pediatric, geriatric and chronic pain patients.
PHRD 612 Therapeutics XI (2, Sp) Updates students on recent advances in clinical areas, prepares students for advanced practice experiences and assessment of clinical readiness via a final examination. Graded CR/NC.
PHRD 614 Pharmaceutical Economics and Outcome Studies (3, Sp) Economic analysis of the U.S. health care system, the pharmaceutical industry, and the profession; economic assessment of drug therapy costs and health care outcomes applying pharmacoeconomic research methodologies. Open to Doctor of Pharmacy students only. (Duplicates credit in PHAR 406 and PHAR 553.)
PHRD 616 Pharmacy, Law and Ethics (3, Sp) To provide students with an understanding of ethical issues that arise in pharmacy practice along with state and federal statutes, regulations, and pharmacy-related cases. Open to Doctor of Pharmacy students only. (Duplicates credit in former PHAR 552 and PHAR 554.)
PHRD 651 Community Pharmacy I (3, Fa) Development of specialized knowledge and skills in community pharmacy practice involving location analysis, pharmacy management principles, and introduction to business law concepts. Open to Doctor of Pharmacy students only. (Duplicates credit in former PHAR 541 and PHAR 555.)
PHRD 652 Community Pharmacy II (3, Sp) A continuation of pharmacy business law concepts encompassing contract principles and forms of ownership, including a review of pharmacy laws, compounding principles, and OTC agents. Open to Doctor of Pharmacy students only. (Duplicates credit in former PHAR 556.) Prerequisite: PHRD 651.
PHRD 653 Health Systems Pharmacy I (3, Fa) Understanding formal and informal organizations in institutions, managed care, disease management, health care policy and financing, patients’ chart organization, and clinical monitoring parameters. Open to Doctor of Pharmacy students only. (Duplicates credit in former PHAR 541 and PHAR 557.)
PHRD 654 Health Systems Pharmacy II (3, Sp) Recognizing resources available for drug information, familiarity with institutional formularies, medication counseling, writing chart notes, and clinical activities at an off-campus health care institution. Open to Doctor of Pharmacy students only. (Duplicates credit in former PHAR 558.) Prerequisite: PHRD 557.
PHRD 655 Geriatric Pharmacy I (3, Fa) Specialized knowledge and skills in geriatric pharmacy, pharmacology of aging, and unique functions of health care team providing care to the elderly patient. Open to Doctor of Pharmacy students only. (Duplicates credit in former PHAR 559.)
PHRD 656 Geriatric Pharmacy II (3, Sp) Specialized knowledge and skills in gerontology and geriatric pharmacy including the pathophysiology of selected cardiovascular, endocrine, genitourinary gastrointestinal disorders, osteoarthritis, and osteoporosis. Open to Doctor of Pharmacy students only. (Duplicates credit in former PHAR 560.) Prerequisite: PHRD 559.
PHRD 657L Basic Research Design (3, max 6, FaSp) Research experience to integrate research into Doctor of Pharmacy program. Research focuses on industrial, academic, or governmental issues. Open to Doctor of Pharmacy students only.
PHRD 658 Sleep and the Pharmacologic Management of Its Disorders (3, FaSp) Overview of normal sleep manifestations, and treatment of common sleep disorders, and the pharmacist’s role in assessment, treatment, and referral. Open to Level III Doctor of Pharmacy students only. (Duplicates credit in former PHAR 570.)
PHRD 659 Molecular Therapeutics: Signal Transduction (3, FaSp) Principles of molecular therapeutics against signaling pathways; emphasis on biological mechanisms underlying hormone, growth factor, and neurotransmitter-mediated gene regulation, proliferation, and cell death. Open to Level III Pharm.D. students only. (Duplicates credit in former PHAR 573.)
PHRD 660 Disease State Management I (3, FaSp) The processes required to develop disease state management protocols based on data drawn from the medical research literature. Open to Level III Doctor of Pharmacy students only. (Duplicates credit in former PHAR 571.)
PHRD 661 Pharmacy Practice in Women’s Health (3, FaSp) The pharmaceutical care of women patients is emphasized. Therapeutic, psychosocial factors and current research in women’s health. Open to Level III Pharm.D. students only. (Duplicates credit in former PHAR 577.)
PHRD 662 Psychiatric Pharmacy Practice (3, Sp) Specialized knowledge and skills in psychiatric pharmacy practice including child, adult, and geriatric psychopharmacology applied to inpatient and outpatient treatment. Open to Level III Pharm.D. students only. (Duplicates credit in former PHAR 578.)
PHRD 663 Pharmaceutical Development (3, FaSp) Examination of pharmaceutical product development process including discovery, preclinical/clinical studies, regulatory-legal issues, and marketing. Open to Doctor of Pharmacy students only. (Duplicates credit in former PHAR 566.)
PHRD 664 Clinical Problem Solving (3, Sp) Integration of physical assessment, laboratory tests, history-taking, and diagnosis to formulate decisions for optimal treatment plans in specific disease states. Open to graduate pharmacy students only.
PHRD 665 Complementary/Alternative Therapeutics (3, FaSp) Examines the therapeutic use of complementary/alternative medicines, such as herbal medicines, homeopathic drugs, vitamins and other nutritional supplements. Open to Level III Pharm.D. students only. (Duplicates credit in former PHAR 579.)
PHRD 666 Therapeutic Drug Monitoring (3, FaSp) Application of pharmacokinetic and pharmacodynamic principles to individualize patient drug regimens. Open to Level III Pharm.D. students only. (Duplicates credit in former PHAR 575.)
PHRD 667 Drugs of Abuse (3, FaSp) Specialized knowledge and skills in specific substance abuse-related areas. Each area will include addiction, wellness, and prevention components. Open to Doctor of Pharmacy students only. (Duplicates credit in former PHAR 568.)
PHRD 668 Computing Application (3, FaSp) Specialized knowledge and skills using computers in professional practice: telecommunication protocols, typical patient databases in hospital and community pharmacies, drug interactions, insurance billing, inventory control. Open to Doctor of Pharmacy students only. (Duplicates credit in former PHAR 568.)
PHRD 669 Health Care Needs of Special Populations (3, FaSp) Health care needs of the poor will be examined through participation in a multidisciplinary community clinic setting focusing on medication counseling and compliance. Open to Level III Pharm.D. students only. (Duplicates credit in former PHAR 576.)
PHRD 670 Marketing and Development in the Pharmaceutical Industry (3, FaSp) Basic and advanced strategies for marketing and development of new compounds or indication in the pharmaceutical industry. Recommended preparation: PHRD 663.
PHRD 671 Pharmacy Education Seminar (3, FaSp) A seminar course with a focus on educational methods and teaching skills providing career development for students interested in academia. Open to Doctor of Pharmacy students only.
PHRD 675 Travel Medicine (3, FaSp) An elective course for emphasizing the role of the pharmacist in preventing and treating travel related medical conditions. Open only to pharmacy majors.
PHRD 677 Risk Assessment and Management in Pharmacy Practice (3, FaSp) Specific risk management issues, legal and professional expectations of pharmacists, and assessing and avoiding risk. Open only to Doctor of Pharmacy students.
PHRD 701 Acute Care Clinical Practice Clerkship (6, FaSpSm) Application of pharmaceutical care principles to the adult patient population in an acute care environment. Pharmacology, pharmacokinetics, and disease state management will be emphasized. Open to Doctor of Pharmacy students only. (Duplicates credit in former PHAR 601.)
PHRD 702 Inpatient Psychiatric Pharmacy Clerkship (6, FaSpSm) Application of pharmaceutical care principles to the inpatient psychiatric patient. Understanding of the treatment of common psychiatric disorders, patient interviewing skills and health care teams. Open to Level IV Doctor of Pharmacy students only. (Duplicates credit in former PHAR 602.)
PHRD 703 Long Term Care Clerkship (6, FaSpSm) Application of pharmaceutical care to patients in long term care environments. Understanding of the therapeutic, legal and special needs of this patient population. Open to Level IV Doctor of Pharmacy students only. (Duplicates credit in former PHAR 603.)
PHRD 704 Primary Care Clerkship (6, FaSpSm) Disease state management and pharmaceutical care in ambulatory care. Modification and design of drug therapy regimens, participation in medical care team and direct patient care. Open to Doctor of Pharmacy students only. (Duplicates credit in former PHAR 604.)
PHRD 705 Community Pharmacy Clerkship (6, FaSpSm) Pharmaceutical care principles applied to the community pharmacy environment. Participating in the development, implementation and outcome evaluation of patient care services in the community. Open to Level IV Doctor of Pharmacy students only. (Duplicates credit in former PHAR 605.)
PHRD 706 Geriatrics Clerkship (6, FaSpSm) Drug therapy and management of geriatric patients with a focus on unique medical, economic, and psycho-social problems of this population. Open to Level IV Doctor of Pharmacy students only. (Duplicates credit in former PHAR 606.)
PHRD 707 Outpatient Psychiatric Pharmacy Clerkship (6, FaSpSm) Disease state management and pharmaceutical care in ambulatory mental health care. Modification and design of psychiatric therapy regimens, participation in multidisciplinary teams and patient care. Open to Level IV Doctor of Pharmacy students only. (Duplicates credit in former PHAR 604 and PHAR 607.)
PHRD 708 Inpatient Clinical Practice Clerkship (6, FaSpSm) Drug therapy in a variety of inpatient clinical settings. Emphasis: patient monitoring, evaluation of therapeutic response, and provision of drug information. (Duplicates credit in former PHAR 610.)
PHRD 709 Pediatric Drug Therapy Clerkship (4-6, FaSpSm) Clinical therapeutic and pharmacokinetic concepts applied to the pediatric patient. Unique aspects of pediatric clinical pharmacology emphasized in treating a variety of organ system diseases. (Duplicates credit in former PHAR 611.)
PHRD 710 Surgery Clerkship (6, FaSpSm) Drug therapy in clinical situations common to surgical patients. The use of drugs and monitoring for response to treatment in surgical settings. Open to Level IV Doctor of Pharmacy students only. (Duplicates credit in former PHAR 612.)
PHRD 711 Cardiovascular Drug Therapy Clerkship (6, FaSpSm) Pharmaceutical care applied to cardiac patients. The use of cardiac drugs with an emphasis on physiologic response, pharmacokinetic principles and desired treatment outcomes. Open to Level IV Doctor of Pharmacy students only. (Duplicates credit in former PHAR 613.)
PHRD 712 Applied Clinical Pharmacokinetics Clerkship (6, FaSpSm) Practical experience in applying pharmacokinetic principles to patients in the health care system. A variety of disease states and therapeutic agents will be reviewed. Open to Level IV Doctor of Pharmacy students only. (Duplicates credit in former PHAR 614.)
PHRD 713 Drug Information Clerkship (6, FaSpSm) Practical experience and training in the use of information resources and technology to improve patient care. Experience in information retrieval, literature evaluation, problem solving skills and communication skills emphasized. Open to Level IV Doctor of Pharmacy students only. (Duplicates credit in former PHAR 615.)
PHRD 714 Radiopharmacy Clerkship (6, FaSpSm) Provides practical and theoretical aspects of radiopharmacy services delivery. (Duplicates credit in former PHAR 616.)
PHRD 715 Oncology Clerkship (6, FaSpSm) Directed experiences in the use and monitoring of oncological drugs. (Duplicates credit in former PHAR 617.)
PHRD 716 Ob-Gyn Clerkship (6, FaSpSm) Provides experiences in disease states common to this area and the drug therapy management employed. (Duplicates credit in former PHAR 618.)
PHRD 717 Dermatology Clerkship (6, FaSpSm) Provides experiences in disease states common to this area and the drug therapy management employed. (Duplicates credit in former PHAR 619.)
PHRD 718 Hospital Pharmacy Practice Clerkship (6, FaSpSm) Practical experience and training in the practice of hospital pharmacy. Administrative, practice-based and therapeutic competencies emphasized. Open to Level IV Doctor of Pharmacy students only. (Duplicates credit in former PHAR 620.)
PHRD 719 Pain Management Clerkship (6, FaSpSm) Pharmaceutical care principles applied to patients requiring treatment in pain management. Pharmacology, patient counseling and management emphasized. Open to Level IV Doctor of Pharmacy students only. (Duplicates credit in former PHAR 623.)
PHRD 720 Critical Care Clerkship (6, FaSpSm) Drug therapy in a critical care setting. Emphasizes therapeutic management in critically ill patients, often with multisystem failure. (Duplicates credit in former PHAR 624.)
PHRD 721 Drug Utilization and Evaluation Clerkship (6, FaSpSm) Practical experience and training in the design, implementation and evaluation instruments (DUE/MUE) to measure the appropriate use of therapeutic agents and the evaluation of desired therapeutic outcomes. Open to Level IV Doctor of Pharmacy students only. (Duplicates credit in former PHAR 625.)
PHRD 722 Home Health Care Clerkship (6, FaSpSm) Practical experience in the provision of comprehensive home intravenous and nutritional support services, including fluid and electrolyte therapy, chemotherapy, antibiotics, pain control and nutrition support. Open to Level IV Doctor of Pharmacy students only. (Duplicates credit in former PHAR 626.)
PHRD 723 Nutritional Support Clerkship (6, FaSpSm) Experiential training in the pharmacy specialty of nutritional support. Activities include: patient evaluation, developing treatment plans, formula composition and design, integration with nutritional support team and consult services. Open to Level IV Doctor of Pharmacy students only. (Duplicates credit in former PHAR 627.)
PHRD 724 Advanced Community Pharmacy Clerkship (6, FaSpSm) Directed project in community pharmacy. (Duplicates credit in former PHAR 628.)
PHRD 725 International Pharmacy Clerkship (6, FaSpSm) Practical experience and training in the practice of pharmacy in the international setting. Students will visit an international pharmacy practice setting and complete a project. Open to Level IV Doctor of Pharmacy students only. (Duplicates credit in former PHAR 629.)
PHRD 726 Directed Clinical Clerkship Project I (6, FaSpSm) Directed educational opportunities not presently offered as electives, e.g., research projects or new and evolving clerkships. (Duplicates credit in former PHAR 630a.)
PHRD 727 Directed Clinical Clerkship Project II (6, FaSpSm) Directed educational opportunities not presently offered as electives, e.g., research projects or new and evolving clerkships. (Duplicates credit in former PHAR 630b.)
PHRD 728 Directed Clinical Clerkship Project III (6, FaSpSm) Directed educational opportunities not presently offered as electives, e.g., research projects or new and evolving clerkships. (Duplicates credit in former PHAR 630c.)
PHRD 729 Directed Clinical Clerkship Project IV (6, FaSpSm) Directed educational opportunities not presently offered as electives, e.g., research projects or new and evolving clerkships. (Duplicates credit in former PHAR 630d.)
PHRD 730 Acute Care Geriatrics Clerkship (6, FaSpSm) Pharmaceutical care principles applied to the acutely ill geriatric patient population. Emphasis on drug therapy problem solving, physiology, pharmacokinetics and compliance problems. Open to Level IV Doctor of Pharmacy students only. (Duplicates credit in former PHAR 631.)
PHRD 731 Advanced Geriatrics Clerkship (6, FaSpSm) Directed projects and experiences in geriatric drug therapy. (Duplicates credit in former PHAR 632.)
PHRD 732 Pharmacy Administration Clerkship (6, FaSpSm) Principles and practices of hospital pharmacy administration, management and departmental relationships. Practical experiences and projects emphasized. Open to Level IV Doctor of Pharmacy students only. (Duplicates credit in former PHAR 633.)
PHRD 733 Anticoagulation Therapy Clerkship (6, FaSpSm) Management of patients requiring anticoagulation. Applied knowledge of disease pathophysiology, anticoagulant pharmacology, and laboratory methods toward safe and effective patient outcomes. Open to Level IV Doctor of Pharmacy students only. (Duplicates credit in former PHAR 634.)
PHRD 734 Antimicrobial Therapy Clerkship (6, FaSpSm) Antimicrobial therapy, including antibiotic selection, dosage adjustment, and outcomes assessment of patients in the health care setting. Open to Level IV Doctor of Pharmacy students only. (Duplicates credit in former PHAR 635.)
PHRD 735 Clinical Pharmacy Research Clerkship (6, FaSpSm) Drug research administration: research design; ethics; record-keeping; and institutional review. Practical experience and projects are emphasized. Open to Level IV Doctor of Pharmacy students only. (Duplicates credit in former PHAR 636.)
PHRD 736 Chemical Dependency Clerkship (6, FaSpSm) The psychiatric, social, and pharmacological management of chemical dependency. Emphasizes the inpatient, day treatment, and outpatient components of detoxification and recovery. (Duplicates credit in former PHAR 637.)
PHRD 737 Clinical Transplantation Clerkship (6, FaSpSm) Drug therapy to organ transplantation. Emphasizes pre- and post-transplantation therapy designed to minimize organ rejection, prevent infection, and improve survival. (Duplicates credit in former PHAR 638.)
PHRD 738 Pharmaceutical Industry Clerkship (6, FaSpSm) Train within a pharmaceutical company to develop an understanding of the drug development, research, marketing process. (Duplicates credit in former PHAR 639.)
PHRD 739 AIDS/Immune Disorders Clerkship (6, FaSpSm) A multidisciplinary approach to the management of AIDS and other immuno-compromised patients. Pharmacologic management is directed toward opportunistic infections, disease modifiers, and adjuvant therapy. (Duplicates credit in former PHAR 640.)
PHRD 740 Health Care Systems Administration Clerkship (6, FaSpSm) Practical experience and training in managed care settings and health care systems. Emphasis on administrative principles, management and health outcomes. Students will complete a project. Open to Doctor of Pharmacy students only. (Duplicates credit in former PHAR 642.)
PHRD 741 Advanced Primary Care Clerkship (6, FaSpSm) Advanced experience in disease state management in the primary care setting. Design drug therapy regimens using a team-based approach at an advanced level of practice. Open to Doctor of Pharmacy students only. Prerequisite: PHRD 704.
PHRD 790 Directed Research (1-12, max 12) Research leading to doctorate in Clinical and Experimental Therapeutics. Graded CR/NC.
PHRD 794abcdz Doctoral Dissertation (2-2-2-2-0) Dissertation research required for completion of Doctor of Philosophy in Clinical and Experimental Therapeutics.