Dual Degrees
Doctor of Philosophy in Psychology (Clinical)/Master of Public Health (Health Promotion)
The Ph.D./M.P.H. dual degree combines knowledge of clinical psychology research and practice with an understanding of health from a population perspective. The student enrolls primarily in the clinical psychology doctoral program and may apply to the M.P.H. program during the first year. During the second and subsequent years, course work is taken in both programs. The dissertation is undertaken through the Department of Psychology.Pharm.D./Master of Public Health
The School of Pharmacy and the Master of Public Health program, in recognition of the rapidly changing health care environment and in response to the growing demand for pharmacists who are knowledgeable in both pharmacy and population-based health care issues, have developed a dual degree program. The joint Pharm.D./M.P.H. degree will enable graduates to be more responsive to today’s health care needs and will provide training for pharmacists who seek to be agents of change within the profession and to assume leadership roles in the pharmacy field and in public health at the local, state and national levels.The Pharm.D./M.P.H. program spans five years (four years of pharmacy school courses and one year of public health courses). Students begin the core M.P.H. courses following the successful completion of the first year of pharmacy school. The last three years of the program are devoted to the clinical rotations of the School of Pharmacy and to the completion of the elective courses and practicum (field experience) of the M.P.H. program.
All students in the Pharm.D./M.P.H. program must meet course requirements, grade point average requirements and program residency requirements of both programs. Students must have a cumulative GPA of 3.0 in the Pharm.D. curriculum and a 3.0 in the M.P.H. curriculum to meet graduation requirements.
The Pharm.D. and the M.P.H. degrees are awarded simultaneously upon completion of the School of Pharmacy and the Master of Public Health requirements.
Application and Admissions Requirements
Students may apply to the dual Pharm.D./M.P.H. degree program in two ways. First, they may apply at the time they submit their Pharm.D. application by concurrently submitting applications to both programs. Students who elect this approach must identify themselves on both applications as potential dual degree students. Students admitted to both programs will be offered admission to the Pharm.D. and will be offered admission to the dual degree program contingent on passing all courses in their first year of the Pharm.D. with a minimum 3.0 G.P.A. Students who are accepted only by one program may choose to attend that program but will not be eligible for the dual degree. Second, students can apply to the dual degree by submitting an application to the M.P.H. program during their first year of enrollment in the Pharm.D. prior to the M.P.H. published application deadline.Students who elect this approach must apply through the School of Pharmacy. Students admitted to the M.P.H. program using this approach will be offered admission to the dual degree contingent on passing all courses in their first year of the Pharm.D. with a minimum 3.0 G.P.A. Students accepted to the dual degree program must maintain a minimum 3.0 G.P.A. in Public Health and Pharm.D. courses.
Master of Planning/Master of Public Health
The Master of Planning/ Master of Public Health (M.Pl./M.P.H.) dual degree is designed for individuals who envision a career that combines urban planning and public health disciplines. This dual degree combines the knowledge of urban planning with an understanding of health from a population perspective. It will provide training for planning, evaluating and guiding healthy community and urban development, and will enable graduates who seek to be agents of change within the profession to assume leadership roles in planning and in public health at the local, state and national levels. A total of 79 units are required for the dual degree. For further information about dual degree requirements, see the School of Policy, Planning, and Development.Master of Social Work/Master of Public Health
The Master of Social Work/Master of Public Health (M.S.W./M.P.H.) dual degree offers the student interdisciplinary preparation in the fields of public health and social work leading to the Master of Social Work (M.S.W.) and Master of Public Health (M.P.H.) degrees. The dual degree program is a collaborative effort between the School of Social Work and the Department of Preventive Medicine in the Keck School of Medicine. The objectives of the program are to provide students with the knowledge and skills necessary to promote health, prevent disease, and enhance the delivery of health and social services in the community. Students will build interdisciplinary skills and an interdisciplinary professional identity by developing an understanding of the breadth of each field and their interface, while permitting concentration in particular specialization areas. The program prepares graduates for work in a variety of interdisciplinary settings; and for some, it will provide the basis for doctoral study.Students must complete a minimum of 81 units: 45 units in social work and 36 units in preventive medicine; 16 of these units fulfill requirements for both degrees. Depending on specific social work concentration and public health track requirements, there may be additional courses and an increase in the total number of units. Most students complete both program requirements over three years for full-time students; however, the program can be completed in two years if the student takes a full course load during the two summer sessions. Dual degree students in this program complete the standard foundation year courses during the first year in the School of Social Work with the exception of SOWK 562 Social Work Research. Students may select any one of the social work concentrations: community organization, planning and administration (COPA); families and children; health; mental health; and work and life and any one of the public health tracks: health education and promotion; biostatistics/epidemiology; health communication; child and family health; global health leadership; and public health policy.