Courses of Instruction
The terms indicated are expected but are not guaranteed. For the courses offered during any given term, consult the Schedule of Classes.Cell and Neurobiology (CNB)
CNB 501ab Gross Human Anatomy (3-4, FaSp) A complete dissection of the adult human body. Supplementary lectures and demonstrations. Emphasis on correlating development, structure and function.
CNB 511abL Microscopic Anatomy (3-3, FaSp) Lectures and laboratory in microscopic anatomy emphasizing embryonic origin of the basic body plan, cells, tissues, and organs; ultrastructural and functional correlations.
CNB 512L Pharmacology I (5, Fa) Actions, chemical properties, bodily distribution, and toxicology of drugs. Laboratory. (Duplicates credit in former PHNU 510L.)
CNB 513 Pharmacology II (3, Sp) Continuation of 512L. (Duplicates credit in former PHNU 511.) Prerequisite: CNB 512L.
CNB 521 Neuroanatomy (3, Sp) Structure and function of the human nervous system with emphasis on central conduction pathways, especially those of clinical significance.
CNB 525 Neural Development (3, Fa) Cellular, molecular, and physiological features of development and plasticity in the nervous system. Lecture and student presentations and discussion of classic and current research literature. Prerequisite: BISC 524; recommended preparation: background in neurosciences.
CNB 530 Anatomy for the Artist (1-2, Irregular) This course includes lectures and demonstrations of human anatomy specifically for the artist, and art instruction on drawing the human figure.
CNB 531 Cell Biology (4, Fa) (Enroll in INTD 531)
CNB 534 Molecular Aspects of Neuropharmacology (2, FaSp) Current advances in selected areas of molecular neuropharmacology, e.g., mechanisms by which drugs affect neurotransmitter systems, neural plasticity, treatment of neurological and psychiatric diseases.
CNB 550 Cell and Neurobiology Seminar (1, max 6, FaSp) Reports and discussion on recent advances in anatomy. Graded CR/NC. (Duplicates credit in former ANCB 550.)
CNB 561 Molecular Genetics (4, Sp) (Enroll in INTD 561)
CNB 571 Biochemistry (4, Fa) (Enroll in INTD 571)
CNB 572 Systems Physiology and Disease I (4, Fa) (Enroll in INTD 572)
CNB 573 Systems Physiology and Disease II (4, Sp) (Enroll in INTD 573)
CNB 590 Directed Research (1-12, FaSpSm) Research leading to the master’s degree. Maximum units which may be applied to the degree to be determined by the department. Graded CR/NC.
CNB 594abz Master’s Thesis (2-2-0, FaSpSm) Credit on acceptance of thesis. Graded IP/CR/NC.
CNB 598 Introductory Laboratory Rotations (1-3, FaSp) Introductory laboratory rotations wherein students are directed in individualized research, reading and discussion to provide perspective and supplemental background in areas of faculty research interests.
CNB 599 Special Topics (2-4, max 8, FaSp) Special topics provides background for instruction and research in the Department of Cell and Neurobiology through lectures, discussions, assigned readings, and student presentations. (Duplicates credit in former ANCB 599 and PHNU 599.)
CNB 600 Literature Tutorial (1, max 3, FaSp) Individualized readings and discussions culminating in a literature-review paper; to promote the acquisition of critical thinking skills in the evaluation of scientific problems. Recommended preparation: background in biological sciences.
CNB 603 Current Topics in Vision Research (2, Sp) Basic science (e.g., anatomy, cell biology, electrophysiology) and clinical aspects of the eye: cornea, lens, retina, and optic nerve. USC faculty and authorities from other institutions will lecture.
CNB 604 Current Topics in Animal Development (2, 2 years, Sp) Current research in selected aspects of mammalian and nonmammalian developmental biology, including the molecular genetics and molecular biology of organogenesis, morphogenesis, lineage specification, and differentiation. Prerequisite: INTD 561 and CNB 542.
CNB 631 Morphogenesis and Regeneration (2, 2 years, Sp) Analysis of developing and regenerating systems: historical and recent interpretations of morphogenetic movements, tissue interactions, fields, gradients, differentiation, and determination.
CNB 641 Brain-Endocrine Interactions in Reproduction (2, 2 years, Fa) Past and current experimental approaches to morphology and endocrinology at hypothalamic, pituitary, and gonadal levels in both males and females. Prerequisite: CNB 511abL or a general endocrinology course.
CNB 790 Research (1-12, FaSpSm) Research leading to the doctorate. Maximum units which may be applied to the degree to be determined by the department. Graded CR/NC.
CNB 794abcdz Doctoral Dissertation (2-2-2-2-0, FaSpSm) Credit on acceptance of dissertation. Graded IP/CR/NC.